Originally posted by Rhothaerill
After settling the cities I wanted in the New World I realized that no one had headed to Africa yet. Not only does Africa have multiple ivory resources but it also has gold and a few diamonds, most of which are close to Europe for quick treasure transport back to Lisbon. Africa has a lot of potential, but everyone was focused on the New World so it was ripe to settle. I’ll bet if conmcb25 had been in the game from the start then that wouldn’t have been as nice an option for me though.
After settling the cities I wanted in the New World I realized that no one had headed to Africa yet. Not only does Africa have multiple ivory resources but it also has gold and a few diamonds, most of which are close to Europe for quick treasure transport back to Lisbon. Africa has a lot of potential, but everyone was focused on the New World so it was ripe to settle. I’ll bet if conmcb25 had been in the game from the start then that wouldn’t have been as nice an option for me though.

I did this specifically because I knew all the big boys would be fighting for position in the New World, which would give me time as the little guy to get my necessary treasure producers down and build up a treasure supply while they were wasting time posturing and trying to protect the new world.
We will see how that pans out

There is a little more to the strategy than that but if I told you guys, I would of course have to kill you all
