What terrains do people think are critically missing from the game, and how would you differeniate them from existing terrains?
everest height mountains - not settleable
frozen oceans - very minimal food, greatly reduced naval speed
swamps - disease, no tracked vehicles off road, not settleable, can be terraformed (drained) into grassland
plateaus - flatlands between mountains that have no movement penalty
manmade lakes - this would require a major change because these would only exist behind dammed rivers
woods - limited extra production and defensive value
glaciers - units degrade (freeze) for every turn spent outside of a city or fortress
I am a firm believer that it was good to remove terraforming from the game. Altho there are some limited examples of real life terraforming, none have been on the scale of a single game tile, with the possible exception of the Dutch lowlands. Also, many terrains are based on the weather, and therefore realistically cant be changed.
These are all that seem essential to me. Any additional ones?
everest height mountains - not settleable
frozen oceans - very minimal food, greatly reduced naval speed
swamps - disease, no tracked vehicles off road, not settleable, can be terraformed (drained) into grassland
plateaus - flatlands between mountains that have no movement penalty
manmade lakes - this would require a major change because these would only exist behind dammed rivers
woods - limited extra production and defensive value
glaciers - units degrade (freeze) for every turn spent outside of a city or fortress
I am a firm believer that it was good to remove terraforming from the game. Altho there are some limited examples of real life terraforming, none have been on the scale of a single game tile, with the possible exception of the Dutch lowlands. Also, many terrains are based on the weather, and therefore realistically cant be changed.
These are all that seem essential to me. Any additional ones?