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Civs included. Just the facts madam.

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  • quote:

    From the translated Swedish preview:

    These warlords have a real history will names like Patton or Stonewall Jackson and they will affect their armies in one way or another by giving them some sort of advantage.

    Stonwall Jackson?! I think this is evidence for the inclusion of a new tribe...

    ...the CONFEDERATES!

    I hope so.


    • quote:

      Originally posted by me_irate on 05-19-2001 02:52 PM
      I just thought of something. the mongols, one leader empire fell apart after his death. i think this civ might be the barb civ. so that would give us the right amount. the mogols i would hardly call them a civ, but the category of barb they fit much better. so this would get rid of one civ that is "confirmed".

      other civs that shouldn't be in the game.

      the germans. historys losers. they were the most powerful for a short period of time. lost a war, became powerful again, than lost again. i put carthagains ahead of this civ. and the panzer (unique unit) might just be a early or light versian of the tank. also i believe the game is two europe oriented even more so after the spanish will most likely be in. maybe the spanish could be the moors. both spain and arab in one.

      the indians. of the 4 river civs this is the easiest to dismiss. the babylonians and summerians have a better claim to civ than these people.

      zulus. why are they in again? they were fairly advanced, but had no contact with other civs to my knowledge. they should be in but not at the expense of arab and some other improtant civs.

      i had written alot but it never showed up.. rrr... anyways i dont want to write it again so ill sum it up

      Your wrong Germans and Zulus were both very important historically.

      Germans Caused the fall of Rome, and invaded france 3 time in a time span of less than 100 years.

      Zulus were the most advanced african tribes and you cant disclude an entire continent.

      France are historically the biggest losers "Can France ever win a war?"

      [This message has been edited by ancient (edited May 19, 2001).]


      • actually, as pitiful as france is, they did win the hundred years war


        • quote:

          Originally posted by Arator on 05-19-2001 08:08 PM
          Stonwall Jackson?! I think this is evidence for the inclusion of a new tribe...

          ...the CONFEDERATES!

          I hope so.

          Not too sure about Confederates. Wasn't Stonewall Jackson also in the US-Mexican War? Granted he didn't get his nickname till the civil war. Which brings up another idea, would major unrest possibly result in an empire split and an extra civ (major or minor)on the map?
          Visit My Crappy Site!!!!

          -The Artist Within-


          • quote:

            Originally posted by LoD on 05-19-2001 03:36 PM
            Also, the Firaxians are tailoring the set for customers - no offense for the Americans, but what is the significance of USA, relative to the entire history of humanity?

            [This message has been edited by LoD (edited May 19, 2001).]

            Uh, largest single market for PC games?

            Why they put Koreans in AOK:TC and not say Russians or Incas, IIUC. Big market for AOE/AOK in Korea, lesser market in Russia, none in Inca empire


            "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


            • quote:

              Originally posted by ancient on 05-19-2001 08:52 PM
              [QUOTE]Originally posted by me_irate on 05-19-2001 02:52 PM

              France are historically the biggest losers "Can France ever win a war?"

              [This message has been edited by ancient (edited May 19, 2001).]

              Joan of Arc? Napoleon? Louis XIV? 30 years war? American revolution (arguably a French naval victory as much as an American victory)?

              "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


              • I hope the dutch aren't in, we're already too nationalistic.


                • Minor civs: Activision announced to implement minor civs in CtP2 as well, even put them in the design documents (I know, I read them, or one of them anyway). But for some reason they at some point just decided to drop them and never mentioned them again. Never gave any kind of explanation for dropping it. Maybe both Firaxis and Activision ran into trouble implementing them? Maybe minor civs have so much problems attached to them, it's just not worth the effort? Takes too much resources, too tough to program, inherently unbalancing, who knows? Noone likes to admit something is beyond their capabilities, so neither company felt much like mentioning it any further in public. It's just a wild guess, but it would explain the radio silence in this area...

                  Not only did Dan misspell "Israelis", his claim that they were never before included in a civ-game is incorrect too, both CtP1 and CtP2 had them. Yes, I know many people are trying very hard to deny that those games are Civ games, but they are. It's nice to see our work made it in a news item again though, it's been too long for me

                  Now now, paiktis, don't be modest. You started and moderated this thread from the start, the credit should indeed go to you.

                  me_irate, no offense, but if you think the Mongol Empire ceased to exist after Genghis Kahn, that the Germans aren't in fact one of the oldest and most important civs in European history, the Persian Empire was meaningless, etc, you definitely need to brush up on your history. But I'm not going into this in detail (though I could do so for hours and hours... ) as I support paiktis' call to stay on topic.

                  Blueinept, yeah I would have love to see some Canadians too, I have lots of Canadian friends. But he, at least you & Trudeau made it into CtP & CtP2, at least that's something, more than the Belgians got

                  Geography Dan, read up! As mentioned several dozen times already, here and elsewhere, 16 civs is 16 civs total. Though not in any way official (nor is the 16 btw), the number of civs per game is still 7 for now.

                  Maxxes, what? The Dutch patriotic? I may be Dutch myself but I've traveled a lot and know a lot of foreingers and if there's any nation in the world that isn't patriotic then it's the Dutch. 'We' (I usually refer to the Dutch as 'they', that in itself pretty says it all) have little to no historic notion, very little knowledge of our own history and carry little proud in the achievements of the Dutch nation (not much to be proud of quite frankly, other than a brief period of economic world domination in the 16th century and getting to the World Cup final in '74/'78 ). The only time we get a little patriotic is when our football team plays an important match (preferably against Germany or Belgium ). One of my teachers at Uni is American and when she once said something like "if you are looking for a reason to be proud of your own nation...", we didn't even hear the rest of the sentence as the whole class started laughing! In my experience most Dutch people think of patriotism as plain silly and sometimes even dangerous (and rightly so IMHO).
                  [This message has been edited by Locutus (edited May 19, 2001).]
                  Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                  • sorry i just got back from a few months away from apolyton, so i guess i'm a little out of touch with what's going on.

                    just 16? that's a step backwards from civ2!


                    • So, so far, and based on our evidence, we know:

                      100% CONFIRMED. These civs ARE in CIV 3.

                      AMERICANS - Leader (100% confirmed), city names, unique unit (F15)
                      GERMANS - Unique unit (Panzer). Multiple text references
                      CHINESE - Leader (100% confirmed)
                      ROMANS - Leader, city name (capital), unique unit (Legion)
                      FRENCH - Leader (100% confirmed), dialogue window of the french
                      RUSSIANS - Unique Unit (Mig)
                      ZULUS - Unique Unit (Impi)
                      ENGLISH - Leader (100% confirmed)
                      EGYPTIANS - Leader (100% pharaoh ), definite text reference
                      INDIANS - Leader (100% confirmed)
                      MONGOLS - Leader (100% confirmed)
                      IROQUOIS - Leader (100% indian), city names, text references

                      HIGH PROPABILITY. This civ is almost certaintly in

                      GREEKS - City name (capital), possible unique unit (Hoplites*).

                      *In the screenshot Athens is building Hoplites. In greek «OPLITES» means "men-at-arms". This word is still in use today in Greece and it still means the same thing as it did in Ancient Greece.

                      EVIDENCE ABOUT OTHER CIVS

                      PERSIANS - City names (capitol)
                      SPANISH - City name: Salamanca (which historically was once a Roman city)
                      BABYLONIANS - City name
                      AZTECS - City names

                      SUGGESTIONS BASED ON CLUES

                      JAPANESE (open for debate plz see the samurai(?) unit at

                      VIKINGS (?) Very weak clues. See above mention URL for the boat: Viking Longboat?

                      ISRAELIS. Apolytoner Eli has pointed out that according to a israeli site, Israel is in.


                      • quote:

                        Originally posted by paiktis22 on 05-19-2001 09:32 AM

                        _there will be 16 civs in the game period
                        _and that the Israelis are in 100%?

                        It says that you will be able to choose between 16 civs, and that one of them is Israel.

                        Maybe Israel is one of the minor civs (do they have them in civ3 at all?) and the guy who wrote it made a small mistake.


                        Eli, if the article includes any new screenshots can you give us the URL?

                        "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                        • quote:

                          Originally posted by JMarks on 05-19-2001 09:59 PM
                          Not too sure about Confederates. Wasn't Stonewall Jackson also in the US-Mexican War? Granted he didn't get his nickname till the civil war.

                          Not only did he not get his nickname until the Civil War, but he was not exactly what you would call a "Great Leader" until the Civil War and he was a "Great Leader" only for the Confederacy!

                          So, I think his mention as one of the "Great Leaders" in the game is clear evidence for the inclusion of...

                          ...the CONFEDERATES!

                          [This message has been edited by Arator (edited May 20, 2001).]


                          • I too know next to nothing about minor civs. This matter was brought up a lot of times in this thread. Can someone clarify what we already know about minor civs?


                            • well now if it's true that they're including the confederates... i find it incredibly doubtful that the confederates would be one of the civs if there were only 16 total to choose from... so hopefully that's evidence that there are more than 16


                              • quote:

                                Originally posted by Geography Dan on 05-20-2001 01:16 AM
                                well now if it's true that they're including the confederates... i find it incredibly doubtful that the confederates would be one of the civs if there were only 16 total to choose from... so hopefully that's evidence that there are more than 16

                                I think someone already said that there is not necessarily just 16. And I agree, the inclusion of CONFEDERATES indicates that there is probably more than even the 21 of Civ II. I'm hoping for the following 32:




                                Americans (with a "Yankee only" option)*

                                *My personal top 16
                                [This message has been edited by Arator (edited May 20, 2001).]

