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Civ the BoardGame

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  • Civ the BoardGame

    Has anybody here ever played the original version of Civ? The boardgame? There are many many elements of that game that I miss when playing Civ on the PC. Trade sessions and smacking people with calamities particularly. The game was so finely balanced that war was often a really bad idea unless you knew for a fact you could afford to lose the units from the map and not have city revolts at the start of the next turn. Very few people managed to survive starting a war. Border conflicts were another matter, and often settled with a good territory trade or just viewed as a way to kill off excess population. My play style for the PC version is highly influenced by those games, and I still prefer diplomacy to war, and it looks to me like CivIII will still allow that option, even tho they've adjusted the combat AI and units. Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone else played and was influenced by the boardgame. I also often wonder if the PC version developers have played the boardgame.

  • #2
    I came across the board game last summer, after I had played the computer game a lot. I was only able to play against myself (friends weren't interested ) so I never quite had the full experience of trading and all that. It seems to me that CivIII will actually be more similar to the board game than previous Civ computer games, at least in some ways. As you mentioned, Lirath, in the board game all-out war is a really bad idea, and I think CivIII will impose new restrictions that have this effect. The new systems of resources, culture, and advanced diplomacy will make you think twice about going to war. I also think that CivIII will have more of that "everything-I-do-affects-everything-else-a-lot" feeling that the board game had. So overall I think the board game influenced my tendancy to be careful and take everything into consideration; but although CivII didn't really require this, I hope that CivIII will.
    " is possible, however unlikely, that they might find a weakness and exploit it." Commander Togge, SW:ANH


    • #3

      Originally posted by Lirath on 05-13-2001 12:38 AM
      Has anybody here ever played the original version of Civ? The boardgame?

      Not me, but a friends of mine, more used to play boardgames, spoke about Civilization the boardgame around ten years ago.

      The most relevant info I still remembered was: "slow, take a life to play a turn, not mentioning ending it".
      Of course it could be fault of her style of play!

      Trading was way more relevant than fighting battles, and the game was (if I remember right) more focused on original nest of historical original Civ: middle est, asia, europe.

      May be Lirath you can help building a MOD for Civ III mirroring as exactly as possible the original boardgame
      "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
      - Admiral Naismith


      • #4

        I actually have played the boardgame, and its add-on, Advanced Civilization. I think it's a lot of fun, too. I think it's really different from the computer games, I almost don't associate them in my mind. Avalon Hill Interactive (or whatever the name is) made a computer game that was just the board game, but on a PC. I found it on the bargain rack at an ElBo once, and got it for like 8 bucks. Ran way too slow on my Celeron 466 at the time, so I never really played it.



        • #5

          There is a big thread on the board game in the Other Games forum which might be of interest to some of you.

          I think an old computer version of the board game version already exists and is available as abandonware. Some posters were thinking of starting a multiplayer game and were searching for players.


          • #6
            We have an annual game aroung new years in my neighborhood. We bring lots of chip, beer and wine.

            The game was Sid's first inspriration for Civilization, I have read.

            The Board game is finely tuned because it is a closed system, fixed map, max population counters, fixed conflict resolution, etc. Even though, it is extremely fun.

            Civilization the computer game is more opened ended.

            I am hoping that the 'culture value' will open the game up so that it will reflect more of the original of the given name game. And I believe it would.

            Suppose that it would take six settlers to build a city. Now that would end ICS.

            I have Cloth and 9 with four cards. Want to trade?

