I just started playing as the Scandinavians and have discovered the awesome offensive capability of the Berserker unit.
The Berserk unit is COOL!!!!!! 
They can't defend anything worth spit, but man can they attack!!! They have a 6 attack--same as Guerilla, only 2 defense--same as Spearman. They can take out Knights, but can be killed by Archers (the old, flint-type ones. not just the new-fangled Longbowmen w/ metal arrowheads--the very unit that the Berserk replaces). I've been having some fun determining the best strategies for them.
But what's REALLY COOL is the amphibious assault action!!
There used to be a time when a ruler didn't worry about those Galleys or Caravels just off his coast. They would have to land somewhere and if you had the units to block your coastline they would have to sail far away to land their 2 or 3 units. Not so w/ the Vikings!! Those 2 Berserkir in that Galley can attack your Pikemen or Spearmen right from the boat! If you've used your defending units to block the coast, you will now have to use them to try and retake your city (which unless those Vikings brought some defenders might actually be easy.)
Berserkers can take cities, but you have to have something else to hold them. Follow your Berserkir with good defensive units.
Make lots of them (after their initial attack, they will usually die if counter attacked) as well as Galleys/Caravels. A stack of about 6 Berserkir (3 Galleys or 2 Caravels worth) can usually take cities defended by Pikemen or lower. It takes about double that amount to take a city defended by Musketmen if the city has additional defensive bonuses (large population, walls, or on a hill). Musketmen have 4 defense vs. Berserk 6 attack. Out in the open the Berserker will usually win vs. Muskets (if he attacks first, he might lose if attacked by the Musketman).
Other than the fact that Berserkers generally suck rocks defending stuff, they totally RULE as an offensive power. Believe me, they are offensive!
Happy Berserking:
Build lots of them.
Build lots of boats to haul them.
Attack Hard. Attack Fast.
Attack from the sea if you want.
Follow with defenders.

They can't defend anything worth spit, but man can they attack!!! They have a 6 attack--same as Guerilla, only 2 defense--same as Spearman. They can take out Knights, but can be killed by Archers (the old, flint-type ones. not just the new-fangled Longbowmen w/ metal arrowheads--the very unit that the Berserk replaces). I've been having some fun determining the best strategies for them.
But what's REALLY COOL is the amphibious assault action!!
There used to be a time when a ruler didn't worry about those Galleys or Caravels just off his coast. They would have to land somewhere and if you had the units to block your coastline they would have to sail far away to land their 2 or 3 units. Not so w/ the Vikings!! Those 2 Berserkir in that Galley can attack your Pikemen or Spearmen right from the boat! If you've used your defending units to block the coast, you will now have to use them to try and retake your city (which unless those Vikings brought some defenders might actually be easy.)
Berserkers can take cities, but you have to have something else to hold them. Follow your Berserkir with good defensive units.
Make lots of them (after their initial attack, they will usually die if counter attacked) as well as Galleys/Caravels. A stack of about 6 Berserkir (3 Galleys or 2 Caravels worth) can usually take cities defended by Pikemen or lower. It takes about double that amount to take a city defended by Musketmen if the city has additional defensive bonuses (large population, walls, or on a hill). Musketmen have 4 defense vs. Berserk 6 attack. Out in the open the Berserker will usually win vs. Muskets (if he attacks first, he might lose if attacked by the Musketman).
Other than the fact that Berserkers generally suck rocks defending stuff, they totally RULE as an offensive power. Believe me, they are offensive!
Happy Berserking:
Build lots of them.
Build lots of boats to haul them.
Attack Hard. Attack Fast.
Attack from the sea if you want.
Follow with defenders.
