Yes we do have to be patient! Maybe they will post that information in their next update!!!
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Only 7 civilizations per game
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The whole "more than 7 civs" thing never really interested me, actually. Play a game with 7 civs on a normal sized map in civ 2. In general, you can usually make about 10-15 cities (not using ICS). I just think that a bunch of civs in a game, while it may be interesting, would really limit how much fun you could have. You would have 3 cities and be boxed in by opponents.
I would say that the option should be available to include more, but a standard 7 is a good way to go.----
"I never let my schooling get in the way of my education" -Mark Twain
Originally posted by Mahdimael on 05-12-2001 03:45 AM
The whole "more than 7 civs" thing never really interested me, actually. Play a game with 7 civs on a normal sized map in civ 2. In general, you can usually make about 10-15 cities (not using ICS). I just think that a bunch of civs in a game, while it may be interesting, would really limit how much fun you could have. You would have 3 cities and be boxed in by opponents.
I would say that the option should be available to include more, but a standard 7 is a good way to go.
Well, I think you are missing the point.More than 7 civs is not so important for a standard single player game - it is important for scenario making.
Rome rules
Originally posted by Roman on 05-12-2001 04:09 PM
Thanks for your continuing support, java4me!Together we make a good anti-7-civ-limit team.
Lets just hope that Firaxis listens to us!!!
"What is the Matrix?" -Neo
"The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth." -Morpheus [The Matrix]
If two things are encouraging about this issue, it's that this thread is so phenomenally long, and that Firaxis has now anounced that there will be a decorative city view despite originally stating that they wouldn't. At least the game facets can still be changed.
I just wanted to add my name to the list of civers who are royally pissed off at the prospect of a 7 civ limit. In the name of Realism, I cast thy 7 civ limit into the abyss of Ideas that Piss Me Off! Would 10 be too much to ask? Only Firaxis knows - and we'll find out sooner or later.
One more thing: will this thread stay on until the release of Civ3? I think Roman needs this thread for some sort of therapy or anger management.
Let your mind preach for your heart to follow, and let your soul gaze upon the heavens without fear. You exist, but you do not yet live. Give birth to your god, and give birth to your Self.
Originally posted by Roman on 05-12-2001 07:29 AM
Well, I think you are missing the point.More than 7 civs is not so important for a standard single player game - it is important for scenario making.
Roman is correct that more than 7 civs are more important for scenario making instead of standard gameplay!!!
"What is the Matrix?" -Neo
"The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth." -Morpheus [The Matrix]
Maybe I'm totally off base, but my suspicion is that there's a limit of seven Civs at once because seven is the traditional number from Civ,CivII, and SMAC. Not because of any intense gameplay issue or computer slowdown.
Actually, 7 is the traditional limit on the boardgame, even tho you have 9 sets of player tokens.
I think all of my main worries, including the civ-specific features (which Firaxis have confirmed can be toggled off) have been put to rest.
However, I would like to see at least the option of increasing the max. number of civs past the customary 7. What does it take? A swift juggle of the code?
Congrats for your behemoth thread, RomanA fact, spinning alone through infospace. Without help, it could be lost forever, because only THIS can turn it into a News.
The 150 post count for closing threads is typically reserved for the OT, where threads need to be closed...
Just adding my 2 cents @@ to my disapproval of a 7 civ limit. I don't need 30, but 10-15 would be nice.I'm consitently stupid- Japher
I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned
The very fact that Jeff still didn't answer this HOT question (with an easy answer - YES otr NO) might mean:
1.They have decided to keep 7 civs hardcoded and don't want to dissappoint us before E3 show.
2. They haven't decided yet?!?
(if they already decided to support more than 7 civ's I would think they would have showed some mercy and told us already)
Out the first two I hope it is the second!Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"
I bet that we will find out at the E3 this year. So keep your fingers crossed that they decided to allow more than 7 civs!!!"What is the Matrix?" -Neo
"The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth." -Morpheus [The Matrix]
Originally posted by JosefGiven on 05-13-2001 01:48 PM
However, I would like to see at least the option of increasing the max. number of civs past the customary 7. What does it take? A swift juggle of the code?
The problem isnt so much about implementing such an option.
Its about the blatant discrepancy between what civ-players imagine the AI can handle effectively, and what what AI-programmers realize the AI can handle effectively.
If anything; the CTP-2 flopp should learn Firaxis how all-important and crucial the question of a good enough AI-response is, and how quickly even the most loyal civ-enthusiast turns 180 degrees and rants furiously about "that crappy AI". Then this happens, then the fact that "we at least have 16+ simultaneously playing civs to play around with" suddenly feels like a very, very weak and unimportant compensation for most civers. Now, admittedly a limited number of AI-civs didnt help in Activisions case - but allowing 16, or even 32+ AI-civs on the same map would definitely NOT be a good thing, thats for sure.
By the way, click on THIS LINK. Perhaps you guys can learn something from it.
Anyway; im all in for the max 7 (or 8) civ-limit. I have nothing against unofficial backdoors though. If Civ-3 comes with some undocumented text-file tweaking methods what enables 16 simultaneous civs - then so be it.