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I got the Magazine! Preview, First Impressions, Screenshots forthcoming!

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  • #16
    O-kay, while I'm waiting...

    More info on... Nukes and Interface

    Nukes: "There are two types of nuclear weapons. We have ICBMs that can hit anything on the map (yin26, Infinate missile range, eh - transcribers comment) and tactical nukes that can be put on submarines and launched as cruise missiles. If you think you can have a war and launch tactical nukes you can try it, but it's a challenge in the game just to survive the whole erea.
    "The nuclear war part of the game should be (and this is something we're working on) something that you come to and pass through. In Civ2, it's sort of the end point. When you get nukes, everybody gets nukes and the game is pretty much over. In this game, if you're the first person to get them you will have an opportunity to benefit, but once everybody else gets them it's unlkiely that you can use them and have a successful game."

    Interface: "The city screen is now on the map. We've put infromation at the bottom of the screen to make the player get more connected with the map and the cities. We're trying to keep the player on one screen as much as possible.
    "One thing we really paid attention to is that is Civ2, there were a lot of pop-ups which would stop the game and you'd have to click through. Now we've put a lot of these pop-ups on the map so that you just read information and get on with the game.
    "We're working hard to make it a seemless contious experience on the map instead of having to click a lot of buttons to proceed."


    • #17

      i'm talking about the idea that units can be grouped and move together.
      the rules of the battle is another thing


      • #18

        Originally posted by jglidewell on 04-27-2001 11:16 AM
        Okay Coffee break is over now back to work. Damn no wonder they call them ur a peeings they drink too much damn coffee!

        Actually, 30 minutes was waiting for the scanner, with this damn woman who scanned in 20 full pages of course literature and trying to make space for it on her hard drive. I gave up, going back later. One guy still ahead of me, should be ~5 mins... *fingers crossed*


        • #19
          New info on... The Screenshots

          While waiting for the scanner, I can at least tell you what they show. One more normal, in-game screenshot, showing a few more resources and a horseback unit with a big red circle around it, which I guess is its ZOC.

          One Tower of Babel render.

          A different city view screen, containing a courthouse, some sort of factory or power plant, The Pentagon, a huge temple in the forest, and more excitingly: "new" and "old" versions of both the Granary and the Colloseum.

          Finally, the Domestic Advisor sceen, which contains detailed income reports, detailed city production data set out very clearly, and the tax rate sceen, except that it isn't anymore! It only has sliders for science and luxuries, and is called "Gold Allocation". Also, Sid is in the corner saying "Your sparkling civilization is home to Mr. Clean. Perhaps we should start a line of household cleaners?". Currently researching: "Fluff".


          • #20

            Originally posted by Ceci n'est pas Snapcase on 04-27-2001 11:25 AM
            Interface: "The city screen is now on the map. We've put infromation at the bottom of the screen to make the player get more connected with the map and the cities. We're trying to keep the player on one screen as much as possible.
            "One thing we really paid attention to is that is Civ2, there were a lot of pop-ups which would stop the game and you'd have to click through. Now we've put a lot of these pop-ups on the map so that you just read information and get on with the game.
            "We're working hard to make it a seemless contious experience on the map instead of having to click a lot of buttons to proceed."

            The article says that the city screen in now on the map. How will that work? How does it look?

            Overall, I completely agree with Firaxis to have as few pop-ups as possible. It sounds like the interface will be very smooth.

            No permanent enemies, no permanent friends.
            'There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.'"
            G'Kar - from Babylon 5 episode "Z'ha'dum"


            • #21
              So far, this game just looks too good to be true.
              Rome rules


              • #22
                The scanner is almost free now, but one more quickie:

                New info on... The Tech Tree

                JB: "The tech tree is split into four sections: Ancient Times, Renaissance, Industrial and Modern. The new rules are that, in order to advance to the next section of the tech tree, you pretty much have to complete everything in the section before it, except what we call the arts or the intellectual pursuits.

                "For example, you don't have to develop horseback riding in order to advance to the next era, nor anarchy, republic or literature. But literature gives you the Great Library, so they're useful to have. The whole new concept with the arts is that they're things you don't need to progress, but if you have them your civilisation is much stronger, more developed."


                • #23
                  Wait a moment!!!


                  Originally posted by Ceci n'est pas Snapcase on 04-27-2001 10:12 AM
                  Number of Civilizations in one game: Still seven.

                  Noooooo!!! Noooooo!!! Noooooo!!!
                  Rome rules


                  • #24
                    I am guesing the "arts" also give you cultural points. That would be a good idea, IMO.
                    Rome rules


                    • #25

                      Originally posted by Ceci n'est pas Snapcase on 04-27-2001 11:27 AM
                      Actually, 30 minutes was waiting for the scanner, with this damn woman who scanned in 20 full pages of course literature and trying to make space for it on her hard drive. I gave up, going back later. One guy still ahead of me, should be ~5 mins... *fingers crossed*

                      I very much appreciate what you doing. I've looked around my area (suburbs of DC)and so far have not found an outlet for the mag.

                      I'm drooling on every word.


                      • #26
                        I'll come to Culture in a minute, since it's very much linked with Trade and Diplomacy. You'll have to wait for those three, though, because the scanner will be free in less than five minutes...

                        Yup, only seven civs per game and 16 overall. Sonce the germans, russians, chinese, english, zulus, americans and romans have all appeared in various artworks and previews, there are only nine more slots...


                        • #27

                          Originally posted by The diplomat on 04-27-2001 11:39 AM
                          The article says that the city screen in now on the map. How will that work? How does it look?

                          You've seen the Baltimore screenshot, haven't you? I guess the map window just gets smaller and darker and a menu pops up from below.

                          Scanner any minute now....


                          • #28

                            Originally posted by Ceci n'est pas Snapcase on 04-27-2001 11:47 AM
                            only seven civs per game

                            This is the worst piece of news I have heard about the game so far. Luckily, the other news is so good that it compensates for this severe deficiency.
                            Rome rules


                            • #29
                              I really appreciate what you are doing, Snapcase.
                              Rome rules


                              • #30

                                Originally posted by vgriph on 04-27-2001 12:57 PM
                                What is that pentagon up to the right (where the Lighthouse was in CGW)?

                                A wonder?


                                Is ther some sort of Stadium in the City?

                                I think that's a collosseum upgrade. Look at the two granaries next to each other, obviously outdated buildings stay behind. Collosseums are named, by the way, on the Baltimore screenshot (appeared in previous preview as well as here, not scanned in), the Collosseum is called "Collosseum Bigname".

