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Does the Hoover Dam Work in Cities without a Water Source?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by aaglo
    Comments of Steven8r's good summary post.

    I thought that nuclear plant gives 100% increase in production, but I'm not sure of this.
    Hey, thanks for the compliment.

    You are correct, Nuclear Plants give 100% bonus to production, not 150% as I had originally stated.

    I must've been having a Bad Brain Day.
    Last edited by steven8r; February 11, 2003, 11:51.
    "...Every Right implies a certain Responsibility; Every Opportunity, an Obligation; Every Possession, a Duty." --J.D. Rockerfeller, Jr.


    • #17
      Originally posted by pedrojedi
      Is there any way workers can terraform terrain, using the editor? That is also something very very missed.

      The only 'teraforming' that you can do even with the editor is just the basic stuff. mine, irrigate, road, plant forrest.

      It would be cool to have the ability to terrace a mountain or something so as to get some food production. That could be cool.

      The only jobs that you can assign with the editor are just the common ones. You can, however, assign various Worker jobs to military units. For example, you could edit the ability for Riflemen to build fortresses.
      "...Every Right implies a certain Responsibility; Every Opportunity, an Obligation; Every Possession, a Duty." --J.D. Rockerfeller, Jr.


      • #18
        Are Nuclear Plants worth building or shouldn't I build them because they can meltdown?
        "Cogito Ergo Sum" - Rene Descartes, French Mathematician


        • #19
          Originally posted by badman
          Are Nuclear Plants worth building or shouldn't I build them because they can meltdown?
          If I have a productive city without any hills, mountains or forests adjacent, AND I need the production (and there is a required river within the radius), then I will strongly consider it.

          If you don't have any other power plant in the city, by all means do it.

          If you do not take good care of your cits and cities are occasionally upset, I would strongly consider NOT doing it.


          • #20
            If you already have a hydroplant, the hoover will give you an extra hydroplant effect?
            to get away from the world, I use my computer.
            to reach out to the world, I use the Internet.
            To play the world, I use Civ III


            • #21
              If you already have a hydroplant, the hoover will give you an extra hydroplant effect?

              It would be cool to have the ability to terrace a mountain or something so as to get some food production. That could be cool.
              Civ2 says "hi"! I miss terraforming desert to plains, plains to grassland, grassland to hills...

              The only jobs that you can assign with the editor are just the common ones. You can, however, assign various Worker jobs to military units. For example, you could edit the ability for Riflemen to build fortresses.
              I think I would make a modern tank that could plant a forest. Does the "wipe out the enemy" function AND preserves nature!


              • #22
                Originally posted by pedrojedi
                I think I would make a modern tank that could plant a forest. Does the "wipe out the enemy" function AND preserves nature!
                That's a good one!

                I can be convienient for say Swordsmen to be able to Clear Jungle--they already have the blades. It's also nice for some units to be able to build Fortresses. How many times in Real Life does the military have to wait on civilian workers to build stuff? It makes more sense for the military to be able to build their own structures.

                Now that I think about it, this is starting to get off-topic. Perhaps we should contine in another thread.
                "...Every Right implies a certain Responsibility; Every Opportunity, an Obligation; Every Possession, a Duty." --J.D. Rockerfeller, Jr.

