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Does the Hoover Dam Work in Cities without a Water Source?

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  • Does the Hoover Dam Work in Cities without a Water Source?

    If I build the Hoover Dam, do I get the effect of a hydor plant in ALL my cities or just in the ones that could have built it ?


  • #2
    All of them in the same continent.


    • #3
      Yes, it works.
      No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


      • #4
        Just to be sure, Monk:

        So even in cities without a water source, if I build the HD, those cities get the effects of a hydro power plant. That seems pretty extreme to me, because you then basically get a power plan then in ALL cities. Power plants are a major and expensive city upgrade, so that would be a huge advantage for whoever builds it.

        Are you positive ?


        • #5
          Yes. It is an important wonder, so do your best to get it!

          Get your science News at Konquest Online!


          • #6
            Yes, it gives a hidro plant even to cities that have no rivers in their vicinity and were founded in the middle of the desert. If you go to the City View screen, you'll see a magically given river by the Hoover Dam(n!).

            Remember, all cities IN THE SAME CONTINENT. Cities that are spread out in Archipelagos won't have the advantage if they are not in the same island of the Wonder.

            And yeah, it's pretty sweet and damn good!


            • #7
              Ya see, it is producing all the power needs at the dam. It then distributes the power via power lines to all the other cities.

              Yes, it is a gross exageration of real life (unless you happen to be on a small continent), but the principle applies.

              (I live about 20 miles from the dam)


              • #8
                Does it improve the production of cities that don't have factories, or do you need that in order for the HD bonus to kick in ?


                • #9
                  As power-plants only increase the production from factories you do need a factory to benefit from Hoover.


                  • #10
                    Does the Hoover Dam work as well as a plant, say the Solar Plant, in a city?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SorvinoBackhand
                      Does it improve the production of cities that don't have factories, or do you need that in order for the HD bonus to kick in ?
                      You have two threads started on basically this same question - "How does the Hoover Dam work?"
                      I'd suggest that you play the game to the point where you can build the HD and then take a look at the effect it has on your cities. Then try building other types of power plants in some of those cities and see what happens.
                      "Illegitimi non carborundum"


                      • #12
                        "Practice is the best teacher"

                        I SURELY agree.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by tibbits
                          Does the Hoover Dam work as well as a plant, say the Solar Plant, in a city?

                          Basically there are 3 types of power plants that all have the same benefit: Coal, Hydro, Solar. Each of these increase production 50% (have to have a factory to build).

                          There are some pros and cons to each:
                          Coal Plant: can build earliest, polutes
                          Hydro Plant: No Polution, need river
                          Solar Plant: No terrain requirements, available w/ Ecology--takes a long time to get.

                          The Nuclear Plant gives 150% bonus. It requires a source of water w/in the city radius, Requires Uranium, and can melt-down if your citizens are unhappy.

                          Each type of power plant that you build replaces the one already in the city. They do not stack.

                          Now that you know something about the powerplants, if you Build the Hoover Dam it puts a Hydro Plant in each city on the continent--even land-locked tundra or desert cities. This improvement has the potential to really rock if you get it.
                          "...Every Right implies a certain Responsibility; Every Opportunity, an Obligation; Every Possession, a Duty." --J.D. Rockerfeller, Jr.


                          • #14
                            Comments of Steven8r's good summary post.

                            I thought that nuclear plant gives 100% increase in production, but I'm not sure of this. Also, it does not cause conventional pollution at all (same as hydro and solar plants).

                            And about the solar plant - it is very expensive to build.
                            I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


                            • #15
                              I really miss the other features of the Solar Plant that were left in Civ2. Specially the fact that it reduced global warming!

                              Is there any way workers can terraform terrain, using the editor? That is also something very very missed.

