Originally posted by Mad Bomber
You seem to be targeting the wrong cities. target the smallish cities, and cities without many culture improvements, if the cost is above 250g for the mision it will iusually fail. Cities that are isolated are also good targets. Never target a civ in Communism as the chance of succeding is very small due to their expert spies. If you happen to use communism, propoganda is considerably more effective.
You seem to be targeting the wrong cities. target the smallish cities, and cities without many culture improvements, if the cost is above 250g for the mision it will iusually fail. Cities that are isolated are also good targets. Never target a civ in Communism as the chance of succeding is very small due to their expert spies. If you happen to use communism, propoganda is considerably more effective.
by the time you can do propaganda, there aren't hardly any size 1 cities without any culture. specially the big civs won't have many of those.
but you can get these small villages of weak civs in a cheaper way: renegotiate peace and demand one of those puny villages. you won't be popular, but you've got a nice entry point on that continent/island to move in all your troops after rush-building an airport.