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A way to implement "cold war" into Civ3

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  • #16
    I like the idea Manofthehour makes about a pact of no nuclear war. That is a very good idea. If somebody did break the pact maybe the other civs might see them as a threat and cut them off from all the resources by not trading with them. Some countires might go as far as declaring war on them. Even if there wasn't a no nuclear war pact, the other countires would determine if the nuclear attack was rightfully done. About a way the AI might attack with nuclear weapons is if they had got brutally attacked for no apparent reason (kind of like Pearl Harbor). They would feel that if they didn't attack with an even bigger vegance they would look weak and cowardly.
    However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


    • #17
      Ok nuclear weapons are the most important ingrediant in any type of cold war situation and i think that we all agree with that point

      for civ3 to be capable of providing a true cold war experiance it needs to first thing increase the destructive capability of nuclear weapons...using nuclear weapons should either destroy the city or severly damage it...i'm talking at least 75% population loss if not 80 or 90 percent...massive infrastructure loss (both buildings and tile improvements)...then some sort of lingering radiactive debris that is much harder to clean than pollution

      secondly make ICBMs capable of hitting anywhere on the map

      thirdly introduce mad into the game...if one nuke gets launched on a turn they all firststrike ability

      finally program the AI to understand that nuclear wars are horrible! singularity planetbusters in SMAC were quite deadly but the AI once activated to commit atrocities still didn't understand this

      once this exist then conditions exist for a cold war to begin...

      in real life the cold war started because you had superpowers that towered over all of the other powers, and one side had atomic bombs which i'm sure made stalin think twice before starting a war...if the USA hadn't of developed the atomic bomb, then WW2 wouldn't have ended in 1945 it would have lasted until the conventional war between the US and the USSR was over

      a cold war is all about blockades, and trade embargos, and covert actions, and most of all cool, calculated is not about striking cuba first during the missle crisis, it's about not striking cuba at all because MAD doctrines basically boils down to matter how a war starts, or who starts it, there will be no winners only losers

      i really hope that civ3 has these elements implemented in it



      • #18
        A recent preview (don't remember which one) said that there will be two different kinds of nukes. Cruise missile size, limited range, and ICBMs that can hit a target anywhere on the map. In addition a Firaxis member was quoted as saying that the nuclear age is a period that in which the goal is just to survive without destroying yourself. Things look good for more realistic nukes


        • #19

          But kevin should still get some credit for his hard work - i doubt the civ3 thing will be so complex
          And God said "let there be light." And there was dark. And God said "Damn, I hate it when that happens." - Admiral


          • #20
            Neutron Bomb

            I honestly don't know a lot about these, but from what I know, they are capable of destroying all lifeforms in the area, but leave structures unscathed.

            Is this true? And what about their area of effect? Is is smaller or larger than regular nuclear weapons?

            These may make an interesting extra type nuke you could put on tactical or ICBM warheads.

            Also, today's nuclear weapons have a much larger blast radius than the first ones. I believe they have a different name, but I can't really recall what it is. Maybe these should be a second or third type of nuke that you research. When you get these much larger nukes, then the deterent would get increasing greater to not use them (I suspect).

            If anyone recalls what their name is, well, speak up.... Is it fusion bomb?

            Also about how the AI should treat "Cold War," korn469 brought up a good point in the Nukes thread.
            there is not any known device that can stop a nuclear missle once launched from hitting it's target, not SDI, not a nanite defuser, nothing at all

            the only thing that has prevented a nuclear war so far has been careful calculation of the outcome of a nuclear war, which would mean both sides would suffer tremendously and gain nothing!

            the reason they signed the ABM treaty to begin with is not because it would be a true deterrant to nuclear destruction but because it be like an imaginary secruity blanket...this false sence of safety would finally lead to a miscalculation that could result in the deaths of millions of people

            if SDI is even in the game it should be very expsensive and should work only somewhere between 25% to 40% of the time...meaning nuclear deterrance would be the primary method of staying alive

            the reason Iraq, Iran, North Korea, and other states want nuclear tipped ICBMs is not because they think they could actually completely destroy the USA in an overwhelming nuclear strike, but because they can deter the US from using force inside their sphere of influence...really who in their right mind would risk the millions of people (and billions of dollars) in New York city on defending breakaway kurdish rebels in Iraq just because the the pentagon promises that the US national missle defense system is 90% effective in stopping simulated ballistic missles

            the answer is NOBODY!

            Iraq would have a free hand to do whatever they wanted because the US couldn't intervene

            the AI needs to understand this in Civ3 and diplomatic options need to reflect some of these realities
            Last edited by Kevin Ar18; May 29, 2001, 12:17.


            • #21
              Nuclear Nomenclature - IRL

              OK, let's see if I can recall what I learned in my Cold War studies, and this should answer you question, possibly ad nauseam.

              Nuclear Weapons is the general term for any device that uses the power of nuclear energy to destroy something.
              The first Nuclear devices were Trinity, Little Boy & Fat Man. They were Atomic weapons. The explosions SPLIT atoms in order to release energy, this is call fission.
              I believe in the early '60s, the US developed a much higher-yield nuclear device. That is to fuse two atoms together (making a different element...), this is called fusion. These weapons are the nukes of the present; Themro-Nuclear weapons. They are alson known as Fusion weapons, but not commonly - even though that's exactly what they use for their power.
              A Neutron weapon is designed to destroy every living creature by use of radiation alone. Damage to structures is minimal (in nuclear terms, that's a good 10-30 blocks leveled). Also, the radioactive isotopes released in a neutron bomb have very short half-lives (the amount of time it takes a known amount of a radioactive substance to half it's original mass). Something like 4 days to 3 months. That means that within a maximum of 1 year, it will be safe for the attacker to occupy a 90% operational city!

              As a side, and departing note, the attacker would have little to no problem getting food and plants to grow. Radiation that doesn't kill a plant directly will make the sucker grow like mad. This is the same principle that makes garden seeds sprout sooner if you microwave them for a bit before planting them.

              Hope I gave you plenty of info! (Guarsh, hope it's all reasonably correct too!)
              There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."


              • #22
                Re: Nuclear Nomenclature - IRL

                Originally posted by Tabun
                As a side, and departing note, the attacker would have little to no problem getting food and plants to grow. Radiation that doesn't kill a plant directly will make the sucker grow like mad. This is the same principle that makes garden seeds sprout sooner if you microwave them for a bit before planting them.
                Quick OT, really? Ever tried it or is it urban legend? Why?


                • #23
                  Re: A way to implement

                  I like the general concept of M.A.D; Pre-assigned targets; Pop-up warnings messages with Yes/No/Contact embassy options...

                  but dont try to make it into a game within a game ( read Korn469 ). Firaxis should limit themselves by extracting the quintessential idea of MAD - not try to cram buckloads of details into it. Too much and too little destroys everything. Different types of nuclear-bombs definitly feels unnecessary. No neutron-bombs for example (overtaking undamaged & fully equipped cities/ city-areas unbalances the game too much).

                  Finally, the "No" option in the ICBM-dialog doesnt make any sense. Replace it with three buttons (yes, you can only choose one):
                  • Yes, launch total retaliation
                  • No, but initiate SDI-defences
                  • First call hot-line, then choose

                  What!! Why cant I both launch total retaliation and initiate SDI-defences at the same time?
                  Sorry - even if you have both - that would let you of the hook far to easy.
                  There is no such thing as a free meal. Now, YOU are the president. Make your apocalyptic choice.
                  Last edited by Ralf; May 29, 2001, 16:09.


                  • #24
                    Your idea is ok about the 3 choice but why not just ude dilomacy, find out they are nuking you, turn on SDI (how would this work, I thought they were always on) than next turn bombs away?


                    • #25
                      Though it is a good idea, I believe neutron bombs would unbalance the game; if you spend all your time building neutron bombs until you have one for every city not owned by you on the planet, you could win the game in a couple turns by quickly occupying cities and destroying any small opposition that comes up. For that reason, I think that:

                      a) some units should NOT be destroyed: non-human units, like missles, which could be launched automatically, and maybe futuristic units which are radiation-resistant

                      b) there should be VAULTS where a certain number of people in a city could seek refuge in the case of a nuclear strike (like in Fallout and Fallout 2, great games, by the way)

                      c) you should be able to know approximately how many nuclear or other missles an enemy has, and if a country chooses not to disclose this information, they could be pressured, even sent an ultimatimum from the UN. You could ask an enemy to reduce their arsenal (like in CTP 2)


                      • #26
                        I think that an emienies nuclear arsonal should be pretty much common knowagle. And if there is an auto aim feature you should know how many they have pointed at you. Also how many are in range, like nukes on bomber that could hit your civ in 1 turn.


                        • #27
                          About Kevins idea about the AI saying when enough is enough is a good one. Some other things I might add are

                          1. Nukeing someone because they are deafeating your ally seems unlikely. It seem logical that you would first declare war and see what you can do without Nukes. Than if they start deafeating you than would use you Nukes.

                          2. Well there should be some trigger happy Civs.

                          3. If the AI feels that war is invitable and they only way they can defeat you is by completely wipping out your military while they are unprepaired.

                          Also depending upon why a Nuclear strike happens should effect the punishment on the country.

                          1. Nuking after being Nuked should have realitily no punishment.

                          2. After fighting a long and loosing many men a nuclear attack is made than this would premote anger but not as much drastic action.

                          3. Declearing war and then immeditaly using Nukes should have very harsh reaction. Trade santions places on what goods Nukes requier, (not sure what this is yet) by all civs, except mabey your closest ally and fully trade sanstions placed by some civs.

                          4. A Nuclear attack while not at war should cause outrage. Full trade sanstions by all civs except allies who would refuse to help you and mabey even break off alliences. Mabey even war declealred on you by some civs who have been mad at you for a while.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by manofthehour
                            Your idea is ok about the 3 choice but why not just ude dilomacy, find out they are nuking you, turn on SDI (how would this work, I thought they were always on) than next turn bombs away?
                            You absolutely right! Design-mistake from my part.

                            OK, then - the big idea was that you shouldnt be able to launch full-scale attacks with the knowledge that each and every of your own cities are totally secure behind their SDI-defences. Lets put it like this:

                            A city cannot be expected to produce; store or launch ICBM's and be protected by SDI-defence at the same time. You really must choose. Once an SDI-defence is built in a city, then you cannot produce; store or launch your missiles from that city anymore. If you choose to demolish that SDI-defence - well, then that city is back in ICBM-business again.

                            Perhaps above must be tweaked and fine-tuned, but I think you get the general idea.


                            • #29
                              This would put some hard choices on you. Because you cities that can make the ICBM the fastest are the one you really want to make.


                              • #30
                                A city cannot be expected to produce; store or launch ICBM's and be protected by SDI-defence at the same time
                                Why? Is this a game-balance thing, or a realism thing?

                                Either way, I don't get it...

