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Am I the only one who feel I'm to old?

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  • #16
    So smart people play this game too?

    huh :confoosed:

    Long time member @ Apolyton
    Civilization player since the dawn of time


    • #17
      Heck, I'm 33 and still find the Civ games to be as fun as I did almost 10 years ago when I started playing them. As far as female players, when my wife (fiance at the time) moved in with me, she became as addicted to Civ games as I am. Actually, I think she may be worse about it! At first, she was somewhat averse to going on conquering sprees, but she warmed up to the Alexander the Great role eventually, and now she's pretty bloodthirsty!

      The only drawback to getting older and still being a Civ fan is that the responsibilities of life leave less time to play Civ. I've had to learn to play in smaller time increments, since staying up all night can definitely affect one's job performance. Playing Civ2 rather than CTP helps, since Civ2 moves along much faster (as well as having a decent AI). Hopefully Civ3 will move along as briskly as Civ2.


      • #18
        I'm in the same boat as axemann. I'm 32 and love the game but just don't find the time to play it as much as I would like. Of course, the things that take up my time are things I value more than my hobbies: namely, my family (my wife and I have two young daughters) and my job (which I actually enjoy doing ). So I guess my only complaint is that there aren't more hours in the day.
        What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?


        • #19

          And I'am gonna play it forever.


          • #20
            I'm 20 years old. Have been addicted to Civilication since the orginale civ. Don't play mutch games. Only civ games and a crappy internet called subspace. I get bored of all other games after playing them 10.min......... civ rules

            aCa (a Civilization addict)


            • #21
              Well, I must say that I'm surprised that there are so many "older" guys out there, that still find time to enjoy the greatest game ever! As some of you have pointed out, it seems as though most of you are well educated, or at least intelligent! I remember when I was only 12-13 years old and played Civilization 1 for the first time, -it wasn't easy, but I liked it, so I've continued playing it for almost a decade now! I don't know if comparing it to chess, or other board-games with great debth is a good comparison? My greetings go to all you faithful civers out there! It looks as though Civilization WILL STAND THE TEST OF TIME!!!
              We shall go on till the end,
              We shall fight in France,
              We shall fight on the seas and oceans,
              We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air,
              We shall defend our island,
              Whatever the cost may be,
              We shall fight on the beaches,
              We shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
              We shall fight in the hills,
              We shall NEVER surrender.

              (Winston Churchill)


              • #22
                Actually, if you look at it one way, civilization IS the test of time .
                I don't have much to say 'cause I won't be here long.


                • #23
                  41. I played Civ1 when it first came out, as well as Civ2 and SMAC/X. These games are so addictive. I found CTP tedious; it does have some good points. I do look forward to Civ3. It is sometimes difficult to find the time to play anything; we have 2 young kids. I'm a programmer.
                  Service means Citizenship. I'm doing my part!


                  • #24
                    Well, now I'm starting to feel too young!!!
                    We shall go on till the end,
                    We shall fight in France,
                    We shall fight on the seas and oceans,
                    We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air,
                    We shall defend our island,
                    Whatever the cost may be,
                    We shall fight on the beaches,
                    We shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
                    We shall fight in the hills,
                    We shall NEVER surrender.

                    (Winston Churchill)


                    • #25
                      Hey Ilkuul welcome to the 50th club, we had another gentleman who was a year younger than me; I guess he is sitting this one out. Wow a 56K machine, were there many games for it? A lot of games that were made for C-64 are still around today (Gunship, Railroad Tycoon, Airborne Ranger is still around in the first person shooter games, SimCity) for some. Guess who made a lot of those games for the 64? Sid and Micro Prose did.
                      Some of you are talking about raising a family, for me it was easy, there was no personal computer back then. My oldest 36 and youngest 30 this year. I was President of both the Girls Softball and Boy Baseball league at the same time but in 84 when I bough my first computer the 2 oldest where in High School. So guy and ladies give it time and you will be where I’m at now, time to play and play and play. Of course you will be playing Civ 7 or so if they make a new one every 4 years. I just hope I'm around to play Civ 7.



                      • #26
                        C-64 , now those were computer games... Raid over moscow, beachhead I & II, that sweet karate game from EA.. I was like 8 yrs old when my dad brought that home. I was hooked that very day. Now I am 23 still love to play computer games in my spare time (which is almost nonexistant these days). Civ 2 still resides on my Harddrive after all the others have come and gone.


                        • #27
                          C-64, Bubble bobble, archon and wonderboy.
                          Well, I`m 19 and played Civ I at Amiga when I was 9 or 10. It took some time to figure it out, but when I after a coupple of years found out that revolution from despotism to another government actually was a good thing, I realized that Sid was God.
                          Been playing civ, civII and CTP ever since. But after a coupple of years with CTP I look forward to play another of Sids glorious civ games.
                          Right now I`m in the navy, so there is little time for playing, but it looks like I have at least 30 years left with Civ.
                          The samurai has spoken


                          • #28
                            I am thirty years old and never got tired from playing Civilization. I played it from the beginning on. The only thing I have to admit is that I don't like all the Civ games though. I founf the CtP series extremely boring and never succeeded to end one single game. But with the original series I still play through the nights right into the next morning. My girlfriend accepts that, perhaps "older" women are more understandable than the young, hyperactive ones. Oh, by the way, us older Civers could have a "Cridge Message Icon".


                            • #29
                              28 and still uses extra time to games.
                              To old? Me, never...
                              Not enough time? Well, frankly has there ever been enough time for Civ?

                              And if you missed the thread about first Civ-game last summer, here is a link to the thread or to my memories .


                              • #30
                                I'm 30 with a two-year old. My wife used to get on my case about this all the time, especially as I was hard-core into my Age of Kings phase. I was in a clan, etc. etc. I eventually had to give that up when I saw my 2-year old putting grape juice in the VCR when I was supposed to be watching her. I now only play single-player stuff that I can pause. Sure, Baldure's Gate 2 is taking me a year to finish, but it's really enjoyable AND pausable.

                                So I've had to adjust my gaming style a bit. I also only play much later at night after I've seen to my wife and child.

                                But the fact of the matter is I could be a T.V. junky, or out with prostitutes, or out gambling until 4 a.m. The important thing to realize is that free-time is just that: FREE-time. The problem comes when gamers begin to cut into family time / relationship time. And for all my wife cared, the computer was just as a bad as a gambling habit as long as it was keeping me from being a father.

                                So I adjusted. Everybody is happy. And I'll still be playing Baldur's Gate 2 when Civ3 comes out.
                                I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                                "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.

