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  • Immigrations

    There is a game out there, the name of which I forget exactly -- something like Lords of the Realm, where is you have cities and you micromanage your population in to either farming, herding cows or "flocking" sheep. Anyway, your population grows based on how much excess food you produce. It also grows (and shrinks) based on your happiness through immigration.

    Why not in Civ as well? I'm not talking about the micromanagement of your population. There is no need to add more micromanagement, but it would be pretty cool to deplete another civlization through immigration based on the happiness of your civilization. It could even happen between your own cities.

  • #2
    Now would immigrants be in the form of moving units that leave their civ as refugees and join one of your cities? Or more of a spontaneous city growth/loss with a text notice depending on where they were going/coming from?
    [This message has been edited by SerapisIV (edited April 12, 2001).]


    • #3
      One way they could augment it is that the number of workers in a city are based on the population rather than vise-versa. Pop growth would be dependant on a number of factors including food production, immigration and the units produced. Of course it might be too late to implement this idea (or not...) But that would definetally take into account things like immigration, units using pop, and give more realistic population figures rather than pop=citysize*< some modefier >.
      I don't have much to say 'cause I won't be here long.


      • #4
        Excellent idea! Immigration could occur between cities of your own and between civs. Let's say that you add the phenomenon of unemployment as well. Then, there would be more reasons to immigrate. Discovery of new lands could result in rapid growth in small cities (Like USA), refugees from neighboring countries could flee to someone else and people could move from cities close to the enemy. If one of your own cities is taken by the enemy, people could abandon the city back to your border. It would also be interesting if the countryside outside your cities had villages and small settlements, so that these people could move into your cities, when cultivation gets so advanced that there isn't enough jobs in agriculture and hunting/fishing/mining. In other words: That the people that works the land sorrounding your cities, doesn't live in your cities.
        We shall go on till the end,
        We shall fight in France,
        We shall fight on the seas and oceans,
        We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air,
        We shall defend our island,
        Whatever the cost may be,
        We shall fight on the beaches,
        We shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
        We shall fight in the hills,
        We shall NEVER surrender.

        (Winston Churchill)


        • #5
          I like it, but you should be able to close your borders (at a cost of happiness and relations with other civs).
          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


          • #6
            Good point! You could always attempt to close your borders, but as far as I know; nobody has succeeded with this 100%. But if you close your borders you would need numerous military units to do so. This will, needless to say effect trade and diplomacy (perhaps even tourism?)
            We shall go on till the end,
            We shall fight in France,
            We shall fight on the seas and oceans,
            We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air,
            We shall defend our island,
            Whatever the cost may be,
            We shall fight on the beaches,
            We shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
            We shall fight in the hills,
            We shall NEVER surrender.

            (Winston Churchill)


            • #7
              I wish immigration would pay a bigger role than it is as well but I have no idea how it would work.

              Where would they come from? Why do they come? Do you have to assimilate the new population?

              I saw a movie where they said that excess food production is not the main cause of population expnasion. The main cause they stated was the age at which women and males started a family. The younger the age they started the higher the pop expansion. This I agree with as well.

              Heck, I get no more pregnat eating celery vs cake.


              • #8
                Realistically, I agree that food is not the greatest predicter of population growth, but as for this game, it needs to go off something. Age might be a bit hard to track.

                Anyway, as for the details, ummm, I don't quite know. Perhaps if you have a high culture rating, you would naturally get an increase in population from surrounding cities. If culture is not tracked on a city level, then your civilization will get immigrants from other, nearby civilizations.

                It would be interesting if you could track that as well. For instance, if your neighbor were the English (and you are the Romans) then a portion of your population would become more discontent (the immigrants) if you decided to start a war with the English.

                Ahh, it might be too complex, but realistic.


                • #9
                  I think that valuable Resources (as gold) close to small cities should cause immigration to that city.
                  Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                  • #10
                    I foun an old topic about this:
                    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool

