1)As we all know, in Civilization 3, the more cities you have the more income you gain and thus you are more powerfull, more advanced, more productive and so on...
But if you look onto real world it doesm't realy work like that.
We have many small countries whitch are very advanced ane organized. And also we have many big countries whitch are realy pure organized, are behind in since, and are very poor. The key to power and wealth in real world is infrastructure and administration. Why isn't it inculded in Civ3??!!
In some way it was soluted in CtP with it's Point Of Society Works (I don't remember what was it called but it replaces Worker - i.e. Roads, Irrigation, Mines).
In Civ3 it should be included some expences on cities and citizens, on maintenance of roads, mines etc.
2)Another thing - our luxuries we should sell in our country and that would give us income and happy faces, and the rest we could sell to other countries. But selling would be not the way it is now. The exploitation of luxuries (and strategic resources) should go like that: we find a luxurie, we build there some kind of extracting point and than take it to our capitol. But it wolud be different way of resources: we don't have one, two or three etc. sources of oil (or enything alse) but we have tons (litres) of that resource. And we could sell i.e. 2000 litres of oil per turn to America: they could sell it to citizens (who would be unhappy if they wouldn't have that resource) or give it to military units (units should have consumption of petrol per turn).
Sorry for the grammar
But if you look onto real world it doesm't realy work like that.
We have many small countries whitch are very advanced ane organized. And also we have many big countries whitch are realy pure organized, are behind in since, and are very poor. The key to power and wealth in real world is infrastructure and administration. Why isn't it inculded in Civ3??!!
In some way it was soluted in CtP with it's Point Of Society Works (I don't remember what was it called but it replaces Worker - i.e. Roads, Irrigation, Mines).
In Civ3 it should be included some expences on cities and citizens, on maintenance of roads, mines etc.
2)Another thing - our luxuries we should sell in our country and that would give us income and happy faces, and the rest we could sell to other countries. But selling would be not the way it is now. The exploitation of luxuries (and strategic resources) should go like that: we find a luxurie, we build there some kind of extracting point and than take it to our capitol. But it wolud be different way of resources: we don't have one, two or three etc. sources of oil (or enything alse) but we have tons (litres) of that resource. And we could sell i.e. 2000 litres of oil per turn to America: they could sell it to citizens (who would be unhappy if they wouldn't have that resource) or give it to military units (units should have consumption of petrol per turn).
Sorry for the grammar
