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Terrain ideas

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  • Terrain ideas

    Well, it seems that the terrain model will develop from Civ2.

    Some of my wishes:
    [*]A better map-building algorithm than in Civ2.
    [*]More oceans! 71% of Earth's surface is ocean - on an average Civ2 map it is only about half!
    [*]Not so much grasslands! Most of the grassland on the premade maps in Civ2 were dedicious forests in ancient times. There could be more distinctions between forests, like in Colonization.
    [*]Irrigation should mostly be used in dry, warm climate zones. There is not much irrigation in northern Eurasia.

    So, there could be more terrain properties, like altitude, temperature, humidity, fertility and vegetation, where the former ones affect the latter ones according to this schedule.
    _T H F V
    A - + - -
    T - 0 0
    H + +
    F +

    90% of the casualties in a 21st century war are civilians. Join the army!
    [This message has been edited by Optimizer (edited March 01, 2001).]
    The difference between industrial society and information society:
    In an industrial society you take a shower when you have come home from work.
    In an information society you take a shower before leaving for work.

  • #2
    I assume you are talking about the Earth map. In which case you are correct. But not as much forest as in CTPII, please. Otherwise, I would just leave it to a random map function to decide.
    "Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
    --P.J. O'Rourke


    • #3
      I got an email from Firaxis today about the maps for Civ III, and the world map is about to be completed. I tried to pry for a little more info but alas I was denied. All I know is that the terrain data is done and the maps are rolling.... let's play test soon Please???


      • #4
        Omni, could you post the e-mail in this thread?

        BTW: Does that mean they are using your map, or have nearly completed their own?
        Rome rules


        • #5
          It means they are completing their own world map.. not mine.. sadly I can't post the email since I deleted it not thinking much about the response... I was hoping for a little more info. Sorry
          [This message has been edited by OmniGod (edited March 03, 2001).]


          • #6
            Didn't I read some where that Firaxis was going to include height/depth on the CIV3 maps - similiar to Alpha Centauri? ... or did I just dream that?

            If they do adopt the Alpha Centauri terrain system, PLEASE don't keep the bland/dark/redish overall color of the world. IMHO, it was rather depressing to say the least!


            • #7
              Yup 3D maps in civ3 woohoo! They also said they looked nice and *Bright*.
              Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.


              • #8
                "Bright", eh? So the sun won't "have the wattage of the itty bitty booklight"? Good. Can't wait to see the 3d maps - I like what I hear.


                • #9
                  I'm imagining the terrain will be something along the lines of the 3-d terrain in Railroad Tycoon would be really cool if it looked like that.
                  If the voices in my head paid rent, I'd be a very rich man


                  • #10
                    I too am under the impression the terrain will be similiar to Railroad Tycoon at least that shows height and depth.


                    • #11
                      It would be extremly nice if they would at least give us a peak and give us a screen shot!


                      • #12
                        Screenshots!! Ha, don't count on it!! They're going to keep teasing us for many months to come!!
                        If the voices in my head paid rent, I'd be a very rich man


                        • #13
                          A 3-D version would be nice
                          I guess the question that pops to mind is: Will my system be able to handle that? or Am I going to have to upgrade it?

                          Edit: Oops! that's TWO questions!
                          [This message has been edited by jpww (edited March 25, 2001).]
                          "I'm an engineer. I make slides that people can't read. Sometimes I eat donuts." - Alice


                          • #14
                            No worries. Even if maps are in 3D, all today's decent systems should be able to handle 'em. Decent system means atleast 333 MHz naturally. After all, the 3D system in Railroad Tycoon 2 looks great and it works in P166 quite nice. Surely Civ3 won't take so much more.

