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The most urgent question for Firaxis

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  • The most urgent question for Firaxis

    What do you people think is the most urgent question that needs to be answered by Firaxis on their website?
    Lets make this a vote.
    Rome rules

  • #2
    I vote for the economics system to be clarified. Especially whether specific resources such as iron are needed to construct certain items.
    Rome rules


    • #3
      I appologize for the double topic post. I posted the first topic and realized there is a list icon insted of the question mark, so I stopped it and reposted it with the question mark icon, but it appears to have registered the original post too.
      Once again, I am sorry. Anyway this is the valid thread.
      Rome rules


      • #4
        My vote is for unique civs, and how they'll be implemented.
        'We note that your primitive civil-^
        ization has not even discovered^
        $RPLC1. Do you care^
        to exchange knowledge with us?'^
        _'No, we do not need $RPLC1.'^
        _'OK, let's exchange knowledge.'


        • #5
          I too think the most important question is on the implementation of the unique civs.


          • #6
            Most important question?

            Hmmm... What in the world does unique civ really mean?

            Coming a close second, how is the tech tree going to be set up/how is research going to work?
            About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


            • #7
              Ok, vote so far:-

              Implementation of unique Civs: 3
              Are special resources required for production: 1
              Is military support handled nationwide: 1
              Rome rules


              • #8
                I would like to know if they will be using a recruitment system, and if so, how will they implement it?


                • #9
                  Can the AI be tweaked to be more or less aggressive!?!
                  (Or am I missing the tenor of this thread?)
                  Many are cold, but few are frozen.No more durrian, please. On On!


                  • #10
                    I would like to know how the different units that we see in on the CIV3 page, will be implemented.

                    But the most urgent question is of course the unique civ one.
                    "Why won't those stupid idiots let me their crappy club for jerks?"


                    • #11
                      Here is a question that I feel is very important - will military maintenance cost be allocated to the whole empire rather than individual cities?

                      It's important because with the whole empire accountable for the costs, then we can maintain a more realistic mass military force. It's ridiculous that it took longer to produce each successive unit in Civilization II.
                      A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                      • #12
                        Implementation of unique Civs: 4
                        Are special resources required for production: 1
                        Is military support handled nationwide: 1
                        Do military units cost population: 1
                        Is the AI customizable: 1
                        Rome rules


                        • #13
                          If I misunderstood your questions, or you aren't satisfied with their wording, please inform me of that and I will change it.
                          Rome rules


                          • #14
                            I'll throw a vote in for Unique Civs as well.

                            It sounds, from the webpage, and I'm just guessing here, as if all civilizations start the same, but then change on how you play the game.

                            >>We have systems for reflecting cultural value of cities and civilizations that depend upon the players use of his resources. <<

                            So, presumably, if you build lots of military units, your culture will get warlike values. Hopefully these will affect more then just combat (other cultures view you as more aggressive, peacefull technologies and improvements become more expensive etc etc). Or if you build lots of librarys and temples, your people will be more peaceful and wise, again with a spread of game effects outside of just research and happiness, (but less ready to fight outside their borders or support lots of troops).

                            Obviously tweaking would have to be done to make sure that you don't get a runaway effect where building your army up makes you better at fighting which lets you conquer more folks so you can build your army up more... making it better... etc etc. Cultural values hopefully have a downside as well as an upside.

                            Folks interested in this sort of thing should pop on over to and look at the religion/ethos model being designed for that game. It looks -quite- cool.



                            • #15

                              Originally posted by Roman on 02-03-2001 07:45 AM
                              I vote for the economics system to be clarified. Especially whether specific resources such as iron are needed to construct certain items.

                              You got to defend yourself before economics become
                              a primary factor. If you have a military minded AI
                              neighbor, and if you want to get to non-military
                              victory, you have to always be strong militarily.

                              You want the military AI to be formidable opponent.

                              So my vote goes for Military AI as number Uno. For
                              example, it needs to know about some of the dominate
                              types of military Strategies and Tactics. In the
                              modern era air power dominates and air superiority
                              is essential. Also the strategy and tactics should
                              change with the era. You use howitzers and tanks
                              differently then you use warriors and cataputs.

                              I will not buy another Strategy game with a poor
                              military AI like CTP2.

                              CIV III INTRODUCTION HEADLINES

                              The AI in the new Civ 3 kicks human butt from here to
                              Alpha Centauri.


