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Great Idea for us scenario builders!

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  • Great Idea for us scenario builders!

    Here is a great idea(i think anyway):

    for built in scenarios, only make 4 AT MOST. the rest we can make on our own. the first one would be a easy, step by step instructions scenario, that gives us an idea of how, and all that to make our own scenario, it would show us how to change units clothes' color, up to changing city tile looks, etc etc.

    the next 3 would be the 3 most major things (i think) in this world:
    1. World War II
    2. Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire.
    3. THe American Revolution.

    note to number 3, I realize that many (maybe even most) on this page are not american, or do not live in america, so you would highly disagree with me on this one as being one of the major things in this worlds history, but think about it, if the american revolution would not have happened, then america would not be, and just imagine our world without america, Hitler would have undoubtadly won World War II, Sadame Husane would be enjoying himself in Kuwait, not to mention Korea, or Vietnam. DOnt jump on me for saying these things, I am not trying to put America in front of everyone else, I am just stating the facts, but just think about a world without the constitution, without a 'free' peoples republic. actually, America WAS meant to be a republic, but it is now a demacracy, and quickly turning into a socialism.

    p.s. if you disagree with me that america is turning into a socialism, I highly recoment the book: THe Freedom Factor. it will give you a birds eye on what america would be like without the constitution. This book is about a man, who is an aide to a senater, that wishes to amend more of the bill of rights. THe main character (the aide to the senater) is given a chance to see what this new amemdment will do, he is transfered to an America that has no constitution...where he learns at first hand experience, what america has become, and would have been without the constitution. it is a very good book, and I learned alot through it.

  • #2
    The first two are essential. But I don't think that the American revolution would make a good scenario. Not for civ3 at least, where the focus is on building cities and engaging in diplomacy, not just on fighting battles.

    Instead, there should be a colonisation scenario, in which you control one of the colonising European nations trying to establish itself in Africa. If the aspects of the game such as colonies are introduced, then you could declare independence and stuff...

    ICQ: 17719980


    • #3
      The American revolution a major world event on a par with WW2. Don't make me laugh.
      If we're including that, why not the Conquest of England? Or the Chinese Civil war? Or the Russian? Or the Turkish war of independence. All of these could be seen as more important at the time.
      "The free market is ugly and stupid, like going to the mall; the unfree market is just as ugly and just as stupid, except there is nothing in the mall and if you don't go there they shoot you." - P.J. O'Rourke


      • #4

        Originally posted by Evil Capitalist on 01-14-2001 05:34 AM
        The American revolution a major world event on a par with WW2. Don't make me laugh.
        If we're including that, why not the Conquest of England? Or the Chinese Civil war? Or the Russian? Or the Turkish war of independence. All of these could be seen as more important at the time.

        I've never even knew the turks had a civil war. Sure, the conquest of britain was major, but if it didn't happen, there would still be British. the chinese civil war? it effected no one except themselves, UNLIKE the american war of independence.

        if you dont think America has had an important effect on the world, go back to your history books. and if you do agree that America HAS had a great effect on the world, then answer this, what is the basis of america, simple answer, its freedoms and rights, the constitution to be specific. and the constitution would not have been ratified had the american revolution NOT taken place.


        • #5
          I've never even knew the turks had a civil war.

          Yes, your education system is screwed up.

          Sure, the conquest of britain was major, but if it didn't happen, there would still be British.

          If the American Civil War had not happenned, there would still be Americans.

          the chinese civil war? it effected no one except themselves, UNLIKE the american war of independence.

          Ignoring your deplorable spelling and the implications derived from the Chaos Theory, we can safely say that an Imperial or Democratic China would have resulted in a very different century.

          what is the basis of america, simple answer, its freedoms and rights, the constitution to be specific. and the constitution would not have been ratified had the american revolution NOT taken place.

          Your Declaration of Independence and to a lesser degree Constitution were hardly groundbreaking in its content. They borrowed from Emmanuel Kant and a dozen other philosophers most of their content. A much more important thing to remember about your Revolution is that it probably inspired the French one.

          St. Leo

          Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


          • #6
            I think I can post here again my humble suggestion I already wrote on the CTP II forum about the same subject:


            I see almost every proposed scenario focused on war. While I agree that fighting (in games) can be very fun, I think that limiting CTPII (or any CIV like) game as a wargame is not making great use of its engine.

            I support ideas as Cold War, Napoleon, or after Nuclear exchange Fallout-like, still I would like to see some scenario where war is not the main backbone.

            Just to suggest some themes:

            1) run to the moon (discover the needed tech on appropriate tech tree, with or without other countries help, and having enough production points for enough time).
            It could be a variant of the Build the starship to Alpha Centauri, but starting right in modern era (after WWII).

            2) italian renaissance (some little states deeply involved in trade, diplomatic move and limited fights, while arts and sciences grow to industrialization)

            3) age of explorations (some limited and dedicated exporer units must survey - and survive to native encounter - every square of the globe)

            4) save the earth (quickly solve a scenario where production is growth so high that pollution is almost out of control. Tune down production, improve eco-enhancement, clean up polluted area and save the world from global warming, trading and treating with less developed country to join your efforts)

            5) world peacekeeping (stop every war using diplomacy, money or - as a last resource - your U.N. peacekeeping forces - in a defined turn limit, with the limit to free back every city you conquer in a few turns - you can't conquer the world just to force the peace)

            May be my suggestion are a bit crazy and have some limits to be implemented in an interesting way, but I would like to suggest a different point of view about common scenario approach.

            Admiral Naismith AKA mcostant
            "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
            - Admiral Naismith


            • #7
              OH please, no American reolution, it's no more improtant than the Russian or any other. The world war's yes, rome yes. But lets try an pick ones that had a lot of countries involved, E.G. Napoloan, Axlenander the great or others.

              I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow
              I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.


              • #8
                On a historical note.
                I must totally disagree on the fact that USA were essential in bringing Hitler and nazi germany to it's knees. After the winter of 1943 Germany no longer had any (read no) chance of beating the sovjet of union. I don't know what the teach you americans in history classes, but they are totally warping WWII and who played the larger part of the victory against germany (did anyone wisper commy fear?)
                You know the question, just as I did.
                What is the matrix?


                • #9
                  [quote]Originally posted by Deathwalker on 01-15-2001 03:36 AM
                  OH please, no American reolution, it's no more improtant than the Russian or any other. The world war's yes, rome yes. But lets try an pick ones that had a lot of countries involved, E.G. Napoloan, Axlenander the great or others.

                  i agree, even though i am an american, but the American
                  Revolution is just as important as any other major revolutions, russian, french, etc.

                  the Napoleonic Wars are far too important to be left out & if you think about it, the Napoleonic Wars was the first world war & if that is true, then world war three had took place

                  New Yorkers are true americans cuz they come from all corners of the globe


                  • #10
                    There are not many American Revolutionary War games that have been developed. The Revolution scenario that came with FW(?) was one of the best scenarios I've ever played and had wished that someone would've done a more advanced version of it.

                    Even though my interest and bias think the ideals that were fought over in the American Revolutionary War (liberty and freedom) were the best of all such wars, it shouldn't be a priority for a Civ3 scenario. The scenarios should consist of the following basic goals:
                    winning a war against an enemy
                    conquering all enemies militarily
                    conquering all enemies economically (or other factors)
                    first to reach a place/AC
                    maintain the peace or just survive

                    That way, scenario developers can get an idea of the methods and mechanics of developing custom scenarios.


                    • #11
                      There are not many American Revolutionary War games that have been developed. The Revolution scenario that came with FW(?) was one of the best scenarios I've ever played and had wished that someone would've done a more advanced version of it.

                      I played it once (as Brits) and couldn't get a Major Victory because one of the objective cities got destroyed.

                      St. Leo
                      Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                      • #12
                        Not that I want to get TOO involved because its an OT topic, not a Civ 3 topic, but no matter what the farther back in history you go, the more important individual event tend to become. For example, a turning point in the Middle East or the Mediterranean in the early BCs had world wide consequences that we can feel to this day.
                        Dom Pedro II - 2nd and last Emperor of the Empire of Brazil (1831 - 1889).

                        I truly believe that America is the world's second chance. I only hope we get a third...


                        • #13
                          The ultimate scenario to show off all the intricate new diplomatic and gameplay options would be Middle East, 1948-Present.


                          • #14
                            I know that the Germans (NOT nazis, nazis are NOT a nationality, they are a political party) had no chance against the Russians. But it was there own mistakes that brought them defeat. The main cause for the Germany losing the war was Stalingrad. there they lost more then 200,000 troops in less then a month. But if americans weren't around, who would have stopped the Japs from winning the war. We were the ONLY country besides Australia, New Zealand, and CHina (australia and new zealand did almost nothing, so technically they werent part of the war) that fought the Japs.

                            ps. I forgot to mention that the Americans were also the ones that stopped Sadam Husane.

                            pps. why make scenarios just because they involved 3 or more different countries even though they had nothing major. sure, I know the nepoleolic wars were major. But the american revolution is most likely the number one reason why the americans and british are not best friends any more. and it was the most major thing happening at the time.

                            ppps. By the way, our constitution and declaration of independence were taken from other historical stuff...I know that!, you think I'm stupid? You think I dont know my own countries history. But, it is because of those two documents that america is what it is today. since when has any government in the history of the world been as long lasting, and successful as the american government. sure, there are lots of governments around the world that have lasted much longer then americans', but since when were they 'good' governments, giving the people what they freely deserve.


                            • #15
                              what's wrong with playing against only one computer opponent?

