If Firaxis were implimenting a SE system like in SMAC, where you can mix and match govt types and econ. types, then both of these setups should be allowed.
A democratically elected government administrating over a communistic/planned econmy sounds feasible (sounds like the strata council in my building! ). The other combination is much more interesting. Imagine how a communistic (aka ruled by a party of commoners) government would mesh with a freemarket capitalist economy. I can't think of a realworld example, but that shouldn't mean that it shouldn't be an option.
Ironically, if the definition of a communist GOVT (not economy) is rule by a party of the common people, then Communist GOVT + Communist ECON = what we commonly regard as "communism". HOWEVER, with a communist GOVT and freemarket ECON, won't it be the will of the people to run their market economy into the biggest powerhouse possible, without the restrictions and political seesaw of the republic or democratic gov'ts?
I'm going to run with this, almost as much for my own entertainment as for any real benifit to my arguement, so feel free to level critisisms. What do you think about this;
When people talk about a future where coorporations rule instead of governments, I see that as a sort of Communist GOVT/freemarket ECON setup. Just like shareholders, the people of this 'civ' are a part of the company and all work toward the good of the company, while the union is administered by the CEO/COO/CFO etc. Yet a freemarket economy exists in that you, as a common person, can still market your idea/invention into a profitable venture and improve your status of living, however your 'government' exists only to help administrate this economy and help nuture the freemarket system. In turn, the civ enjoys material profitability without the overhead that comes with a government concerned with micromanaging social programs. It would not decide law or policy through a house of commons or senate, nor would it have the dynamic of a two- or multi-partied system of elections.
As far as applying gameplay advantages and disadvantages, you would assume that this combination would require advanced tech to make it available in the late-game, and you would assume that they get economic benifits and maybe research benifits from the freemarket economy, but don't enjoy happiness or the sae human right benifits & free speech that you get from a democracy. The non-elected party government might have high efficiency (due to a coorporate-like chain of command, and lower beaurocracy) but would be more succeptable to espionage or revolt. (it becomes easy to go to the poor and the 'have-nots' who *aren't* at the top of the foodchain, and bribe them to sell secrets or promise them a better life under a more humanitarian gov't.)
...Just a random thought of course. As is probably obvious, I'm a big fan of the possibilities of an advanced form of the SMAC Social Engineering table.
A democratically elected government administrating over a communistic/planned econmy sounds feasible (sounds like the strata council in my building! ). The other combination is much more interesting. Imagine how a communistic (aka ruled by a party of commoners) government would mesh with a freemarket capitalist economy. I can't think of a realworld example, but that shouldn't mean that it shouldn't be an option.
Ironically, if the definition of a communist GOVT (not economy) is rule by a party of the common people, then Communist GOVT + Communist ECON = what we commonly regard as "communism". HOWEVER, with a communist GOVT and freemarket ECON, won't it be the will of the people to run their market economy into the biggest powerhouse possible, without the restrictions and political seesaw of the republic or democratic gov'ts?
I'm going to run with this, almost as much for my own entertainment as for any real benifit to my arguement, so feel free to level critisisms. What do you think about this;
When people talk about a future where coorporations rule instead of governments, I see that as a sort of Communist GOVT/freemarket ECON setup. Just like shareholders, the people of this 'civ' are a part of the company and all work toward the good of the company, while the union is administered by the CEO/COO/CFO etc. Yet a freemarket economy exists in that you, as a common person, can still market your idea/invention into a profitable venture and improve your status of living, however your 'government' exists only to help administrate this economy and help nuture the freemarket system. In turn, the civ enjoys material profitability without the overhead that comes with a government concerned with micromanaging social programs. It would not decide law or policy through a house of commons or senate, nor would it have the dynamic of a two- or multi-partied system of elections.
As far as applying gameplay advantages and disadvantages, you would assume that this combination would require advanced tech to make it available in the late-game, and you would assume that they get economic benifits and maybe research benifits from the freemarket economy, but don't enjoy happiness or the sae human right benifits & free speech that you get from a democracy. The non-elected party government might have high efficiency (due to a coorporate-like chain of command, and lower beaurocracy) but would be more succeptable to espionage or revolt. (it becomes easy to go to the poor and the 'have-nots' who *aren't* at the top of the foodchain, and bribe them to sell secrets or promise them a better life under a more humanitarian gov't.)
...Just a random thought of course. As is probably obvious, I'm a big fan of the possibilities of an advanced form of the SMAC Social Engineering table.