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which is the most game breaking unit?

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  • #16
    MA rock (my vote), but I wouldn't call it a game breaker.


    • #17
      Cavalry : These come with attack 6, defense 3 and a scary movement of 3. Bliztkrieg with guys is easy. The best defenders you're initally likely to come against , are musketmen with 4 def, if not pikemen/spearmen, who Cav will cut to bits. 3 movement means they can retreat from Any opponent, and Leader Generation is quite possible. This one is my chosen choice. And 'Stop the cavalry' has just stated playing... what a coincidence
      A minor quibble: Cavalry's 3 moves do NOT allow them to retreat from other mobile units. This is a myth. Riders, Cavalry, Cossacks and Modern Armor (the only 3 move land units in the game) will not retreat from 2 move units. The game code simply says that one mobile unit prevents another from retreating.

      One of the most vicious wars I ever fought (a long time ago) was as Babylon vs. Japan. The game was on Regent, and my civ was small but strong. Japan was sprawling and had recently squashed China like a bug. Anyway, they had a lot of Samurai and I was building Cav as fast as I could. They attacked me, and what ensued was a bloodbath. I won, totally, but it hurt. If the AI had any concept of how to use the unit properly, it could probably have held me off, at least on one front. There was a mountain range which my Cav crossed virtually unopposed, emerging at the gates of Kyoto. Imagine if they had simply lined it with Samurai. *shudder*

      Otherwise I agree with you that Cavalry are the closest thing to a "gamebreaking" unit - provided you unleash a decent number of them pre-nationalism. You can fight Cav vs. Riflemen just fine, but they aren't nearly as devastating as when they are pitted against musketmen or weaker units.

      For real amusement, try Sipahi. I cut loose with 50 of them and destroyed a 21-city Egypt (musketmen equipped, most cities above size 6, some on hills) in 7 turns, losing roughly 5-10 Sipahi. 8 attack, 3 move is truly devastating.

      grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

      The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


      • #18
        Doh! I forgot about musketmen - that's a defense of 4. Still, 6:4 is a pretty good attack ratio for the cavalry, and they can retreat which makes it better than Swordsmen/Spearmen (3:2).
        "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
        "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
        "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


        • #19
          Like you I have a story with the Cav in my current game. When Germany invaded, i was completely unprepared, and for about the first time in my Civ III time, got absolutly sloughtered by thier cruisade of Knights. I almost quit the game infact. Luckily tho, i had just struck a trade agreement (found another cont first!) with the other continent civs for over 500gpt!!(Middle ages still), So, my core cities flat out produced (and rushed ) Knights while beelining stright for Military Tradition. As soon as i got Cav and upgraded, i completly wiped the floor with them, removing thier presence from my cities, and burning half thier own . Was as simple as that.
          Up The Millers


          • #20
            If you beeline for MT, you might be able to get to it before the AI gets to gunpowder or builds a significant musketman force. With proper upgrade (ideally horsemen -> Cavs with Leo's and lots of gold) you can crush almost anybody. And the 3 move is great because it allows to avoid most the of counterattacks.

            Get your science News at Konquest Online!


            • #21
              I would say Cavalry.

              one of the above. The only "game breaking" unit that I have ever come across, and I say this because they have kicked my butt on more than one occasion, are the Japanese Samurai 4-4-2.
              The Japanese are a great civ:

              UU of Samurai

              They are deadly.
              For your photo needs:

              Sell your photos


              • #22
                Definately modern armor...I took over the Greeks and Egyptians in a single turn...they never had a chance!
                Lord of the World ... You just don't know it yet!!!


                • #23
                  jaguar warrior


                  • #25
                    It is all relitive. Any unit, as long it is not too old (ie Not Warrior V Rifleman) too far way (Going from India to South Africa by land) or too outnumbered (not 1:20), can really put up a fight if used well by a shrewd commander. Luckily, the AI rarely do. But I do long for a well planned invasion....
                    How can you defeat an enemy which will never accept defeat?


                    • #26
                      I'm going to have to say knights. I recall a game where I wiped out a 15 city civ in twenty turns using 25 knights and a catapult. I'll build a ton of them in every game.


                      • #27
                        Originally posted by King_Henry
                        I'm going to have to say knights. I recall a game where I wiped out a 15 city civ in twenty turns using 25 knights and a catapult. I'll build a ton of them in every game.
                        do you think the catapult made a big difference?
                        Do not be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed...


                        • #28

                          The catapult is a unit which is really a waste of building them. If I capture them I save them so I can upgrade them later on. But using them really is no use.....
                          It is I Le Clerk! ;-) Quote from Allo allo.


                          • #29
                            I'd go for the knight, because their defenders are normaly spearman or the occasional pikeman, The AI does not upgrade immeditaly so you have got a while before the build up a nice defence after you,ve rushed in your knight-build-forces. The Knigkt is the first fast upgrade which can make that differene, I conquer the other civs (7 on a standard map like this)

                            Nr1 & nr 2 : horsemen (unless playing rome)
                            Nr 3: knights
                            nr 4: knights
                            nr 5 caverly
                            nr 6 caverly
                            nr 7 around caverly/ tanks
                            ICH BIN EIN WARMONGER!!!


                            • #30
                              Originally posted by Kampus majore

                              The catapult is a unit which is really a waste of building them. If I capture them I save them so I can upgrade them later on. But using them really is no use.....
                              i like them in defense. a free shot often reduces the attacker by 1 HP. and the AI likes using regulars --> 50% higher chance of successful defence

                              but i still don't often build them...
                              - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
                              - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.

