Game breaking means that, when one player get's access to a unit first (either by tech lead or by having numbers of predeccessing troops to upgrade easily)
Horseman : First unit with the ability to retreat with a good attack value. A ancient era Horseman rush can be very powerful indeed.
Swordsman : These guys, while not upgradable , have an attack of 3, which is quite powerful, and a good defence. No other Unit (available to all civ's) can live up to a combined attack/defense value of 5
Knights : An attack of 4, with a defense of 3 says it all. If you get these first, you'll probably be still be fighting spearmen, and the odd pikemen. Like Horsemen, a good rush of these is very powerful.
Cavalry : These come with attack 6, defense 3 and a scary movement of 3. Bliztkrieg with guys is easy. The best defenders you're initally likely to come against , are musketmen with 4 def, if not pikemen/spearmen, who Cav will cut to bits. 3 movement means they can retreat from Any opponent, and Leader Generation is quite possible. This one is my chosen choice. And 'Stop the cavalry' has just stated playing... what a coincidence
Infantry : An defence of 10, coupled with the same attack as Cav means quite a unit. Struggling in a war? Draft a few dozen of these guys and you'll be unbreakable. No-one will be able to even touch you until Tanks. Thier attacking potential, with a movement of one is questionable though, but as they say, Attack starts with the Defense!.
Tanks : The Ability to blizt, coupled with a monsterous attack value of 16 will allow you to streamroll your opponents into submission. A movement of 2 is not great but the ability to attack twice a turn really is big.
Modern Armor : These are the absolute daddy. Coming a great price you have the unit of all units. Blitzcreig can be done by even the poorest strategist using MA. Indeed, a poorly defended AI city can be taken by just one of these guys. Perhaps the scariest thing about these monsters is the price, meaning they can really be produced on mass.
Tactical Nuke's : The Nuke is deadly powerful, and with just one nuke you can take out the Enemy's capital putting absolute chaos into your opponents empire. For several turns they will not have widespread access to Luxuries or Strategic resources. If the campaign is planned carefully, you can cripple thier resource network Forever. A big weakness however is the distance/range may not be enough to reach your target.,they are not very usually useful in standard warfare, as pollution and terrain damage make your would-be cities useless.
ICBM's : The Same advantages as above but combine infanite range. Any target anyway is reachable instantly. With these boyz you can indefinatly isolate the AI Capital. They dont come cheap though.
Horseman : First unit with the ability to retreat with a good attack value. A ancient era Horseman rush can be very powerful indeed.
Swordsman : These guys, while not upgradable , have an attack of 3, which is quite powerful, and a good defence. No other Unit (available to all civ's) can live up to a combined attack/defense value of 5

Knights : An attack of 4, with a defense of 3 says it all. If you get these first, you'll probably be still be fighting spearmen, and the odd pikemen. Like Horsemen, a good rush of these is very powerful.
Cavalry : These come with attack 6, defense 3 and a scary movement of 3. Bliztkrieg with guys is easy. The best defenders you're initally likely to come against , are musketmen with 4 def, if not pikemen/spearmen, who Cav will cut to bits. 3 movement means they can retreat from Any opponent, and Leader Generation is quite possible. This one is my chosen choice. And 'Stop the cavalry' has just stated playing... what a coincidence

Infantry : An defence of 10, coupled with the same attack as Cav means quite a unit. Struggling in a war? Draft a few dozen of these guys and you'll be unbreakable. No-one will be able to even touch you until Tanks. Thier attacking potential, with a movement of one is questionable though, but as they say, Attack starts with the Defense!.
Tanks : The Ability to blizt, coupled with a monsterous attack value of 16 will allow you to streamroll your opponents into submission. A movement of 2 is not great but the ability to attack twice a turn really is big.
Modern Armor : These are the absolute daddy. Coming a great price you have the unit of all units. Blitzcreig can be done by even the poorest strategist using MA. Indeed, a poorly defended AI city can be taken by just one of these guys. Perhaps the scariest thing about these monsters is the price, meaning they can really be produced on mass.
Tactical Nuke's : The Nuke is deadly powerful, and with just one nuke you can take out the Enemy's capital putting absolute chaos into your opponents empire. For several turns they will not have widespread access to Luxuries or Strategic resources. If the campaign is planned carefully, you can cripple thier resource network Forever. A big weakness however is the distance/range may not be enough to reach your target.,they are not very usually useful in standard warfare, as pollution and terrain damage make your would-be cities useless.
ICBM's : The Same advantages as above but combine infanite range. Any target anyway is reachable instantly. With these boyz you can indefinatly isolate the AI Capital. They dont come cheap though.