I've only been playing for a month, and I'm only playing my first game at Regent, but I've never seen anything like this (and it's certainly a big change from Civ2):
I share a continent with the French; I'm the #1 Civ, they're number 3 or 4. We've been friendly the whole game, and allies a couple of times. Out of the blue they attack, very cleverly; three of my cities are razed in quick succession before the turn is over. But I do have a decent military (badly positioned, apparently
), and an MPP with the English, who have the largest army going. It takes a while, but eventually the French empire is reduced from 20 cities to 3, and those 3 all have my tanks stacked on their doorstep.
Here's the thing: Not once in the 20 or so turns that this took did the French come asking for a peace treaty. Is the AI programmed for suicide? It seems to me very bizarre, from both a gameplay and realism point of view, that they would fight on and on in a war where they're getting creamed. What's the deal with that?
I share a continent with the French; I'm the #1 Civ, they're number 3 or 4. We've been friendly the whole game, and allies a couple of times. Out of the blue they attack, very cleverly; three of my cities are razed in quick succession before the turn is over. But I do have a decent military (badly positioned, apparently

Here's the thing: Not once in the 20 or so turns that this took did the French come asking for a peace treaty. Is the AI programmed for suicide? It seems to me very bizarre, from both a gameplay and realism point of view, that they would fight on and on in a war where they're getting creamed. What's the deal with that?
