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Ages to Close

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  • Ages to Close

    A question?

    Can anyone explain why it takes so long for Civ III (all version and pacthes) to Close down?

    There have been times when the fool system is 'hung' for about 3-4 minutes after I do the esc "end game immediately" rountine... obviously, 'immediately' doesn't mean what I think it does...

    Any clues??? Why doesn't it just close/abort/end/stop... what *IS* it doing in the close down routine... and why? I haven't asked it to 'save' anything... it should just stop using my system and vanish... or is it 'releasing' resources in some weird manner???

    It's also not a 'clean shutdown' by any means. Applications I have running in the background can get totally 'fouled' up during the shutdown process.

  • #2
    Just a guess, but do you have auto saves on? If so, that may require the game to save it before it closes.


    • #3
      What kind of system you got?
      I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


      • #4
        Hmmm... my system closes down (via the Esc-button) in approximately 4 seconds. So no problem there

        My system is 1600 MHz, 512 MB RAM...
        I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


        • #5
          yup i experience this also, boojumhunter. i noticed it only happens if my civ session was very long. if i play 10 minutes and exit, this doesnt happen, but if i was pulling a multi-hour all nighter and exit, then the system becomes unresponsive for a little bit. my sys. specs. are 1.8ghz p4 512 ddr ram running xp home edition.

          no autosaves btw.

          edit: i only notice this in PtW however. not original civ3.
          Last edited by Minmaster; November 29, 2002, 07:58.


          • #6
            Could it be, that your HD is almost full? So the huge swap-file is stored in several places, and thus the deletion of the swap-file takes a long time..?
            I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


            • #7
              Minmaster is right. If you quit after a few minuter (let's say less than 30 minutes) the game closes quite nicely. However, play a long game and it takes ages - with or without autosave on. I'm talking between 3-5 minutes here. It only takes 20 secs to save the hugest of games.

              AND CivIII totally messes up my WinXP system for another 3 minutes or so. Graphics get screwed up for about 30 secs to 1 min and then my system won't respond for another 1-2 min.

              I don't have a wimpy machine either (P4-1500, 512MB, 20+GB free space). CivIII is the only software I have ever seen/used that does this...To bad!

