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Re: Speeding up the game with 100+ Civs

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  • Re: Speeding up the game with 100+ Civs

    Ok, listen up folks! The reason why I think Civ3 should support more than 100 Civs for a single game is not for casual gameplay, but for scenario creation. I mean think about it, realistically, in today's world there are well over 100 nations! And don't you think it would be wise to have the ability to simulate the existence of these nations--to simulate the part that they took in a modern-day, or industrial revolution, historical scenario? It WILL make such scenarios quite historically accurate! Even in the times of renaissance here on earth there were lots of civs around. And in this way, just as in Civ2, you can tweak each civ so that nothing happens in the scenario that you don't want to happen. Period.

    And secondly, there should be probably several hundred if not thousands of civs to choose from so that there will be ancient, renaissance, industrial, modern civs, as well as civs that have been around since the dawn of human civilization until today. Also, the variables can be programmed to cause older civs to more likely be destroyed early in the game and be replaced by more modern civs.

    [This message has been edited by jrhughes98 (edited October 27, 2000).]

  • #2
    I like this idea. It makes sense and I would welcome it if were developed.

    I think the problem is with system resources and playability of the game. I'm not a programmer, but other posts I have read have pointed out the challenges of an undertaking of this size.
    Haven't been here for ages....


    • #3
      System resources shouldn't be a problem. My computer is only a 500Mhz Celeron, with 384MB of RAM, and a 13.8GB 7200 RPM hard disk drive, and it can handle almost anything using barely the resources available. Similiarly, a high-end Pentium III with 128MB of RAM and at least a 7200 RPM hard disk drive (for faster virtual memory) should be able to handle things just as well, if not better.

      Having 100+ civs would not be hard to implement on a computer as long the total number of civs is divisible by 8. Take 128 for example. 128 bits divided by 8=16 bytes.



      • #4
        That's not the system resources I was talking about.

        When programming, there are memory register and routines. Routines are the programming that run the logic and memory register record the results. The more complexity you add does not advance the resources required in linear fashion. It is an exponential factoring.

        Think of it this way. With eight civs, your civ must relate to 7 other civs. You will feel differently about each civ. This is true for all eight players. That can be expressed as 2 to the 7 power. The "2" is the civ a as it relates to civ b. The "7" relates to how many civs in play other than yourself. (You will relate to yourself just fine ) When you want 100 civs that is 2 to the 100 power. That's a big difference!

        Also, and this is especially true of Microsoft products, there are limitations within the OS code itself for certain operations. I think most CIV players are familiar with the graphical problems near the end of a game (2010..2020 AD) when you play the largest map. Your system can crash or misbehave. That is not because Civ was programmed poorly or your system is inadequate. Sometimes this is a function of the preset memory "set asides" that Microsoft programs in their OS for GDI (for graphics) and other memory registers for other system operations.

        When these guys program games, they have to take all of that into consideration. Great concepts are lousy concepts if too many people have trouble with the feature. It can ruin a good game.

        Reading through these posts, you can see the same request over and over again: playability, playability, playability. People are willing to sacrifice "reality" or really cool features to have an easy to play, balanced game.

        The unbalanced AI feature with only eight civs is a constant source of irritants for CIVers. I can only imagine how much more of a problem that would be with 100 civs.

        Don't get me wrong. I wish they could develop a game with 100 civs. It would be more realistic and more of a challenge. It's just not a function of the end user's RAM and processor.
        Haven't been here for ages....


        • #5
          Yes, I think resources would be a problem. Why do you think they've only supported 8 civs so far? 100 is huge. Would be great, but quite unlikely to happen.

          A bigger concern would be how the AI handled it though. AI is hard enough to make smart without having 99 opponents.

          - MKL
          "And of course Henry The Horse dances the waltz!"
          Shameless Plug: celebrates it's First Birthday today!!! All welcome.
          - mkl


          • #6
            The turns. The horrible horrible turns. The horrible horrible 3 hour turns.
            "Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." - Dennis Kucinich, candidate for the U. S. presidency
            "That’s the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women." - Adam Yoshida, Canada's gift to the world


            • #7

              Originally posted by Shogun Gunner on 10-27-2000 11:38 PM
              Also, and this is especially true of Microsoft products, there are limitations within the OS code itself for certain operations. I think most CIV players are familiar with the graphical problems near the end of a game (2010..2020 AD) when you play the largest map. Your system can crash or misbehave. That is not because Civ was programmed poorly or your system is inadequate. Sometimes this is a function of the preset memory "set asides" that Microsoft programs in their OS for GDI (for graphics) and other memory registers for other system operations.

              This is why I also suggested the following in the "Speeding up the game with 100+ Civs" thread. . .


              Originally posted by jrhughes98 on 10-27-2000 11:50 PMNow of course we all know that human players are slower than the computer. Humans have to think; computers just "get up and go!" But some people have very slow computers, so to compromise an extra utility should come with the game that takes into account such things as the speed of your processor, the amount of system RAM you have, how much video memory you have, the speed/size of your hard disk, etc., and calculates the maximum number of tribes that your computer is capable of handling without having any problems.

              [This message has been edited by jrhughes98 (edited October 28, 2000).]


              • #8
                Once again, a great idea, just not workable.

                I'm telling you it's not a function of RAM, disk space, disk speed, processor of YOUR computer. It's a programming issue. Take my word for it, it would be incredibly difficult and I'm absolutely sure it would outstrip anything you could put together from computer equipment on the open market.

                Unless you purchase 20+ risc workstation and network them together in your home. Of course the game would need to programmed to take advantage of this configuration. You think people complained about system requirements before!!!
                Haven't been here for ages....


                • #9

                  Originally posted by Shogun Gunner on 10-28-2000 11:33 AM
                  Once again, a great idea, just not workable.

                  I'm telling you it's not a function of RAM, disk space, disk speed, processor of YOUR computer. It's a programming issue. Take my word for it, it would be incredibly difficult and I'm absolutely sure it would outstrip anything you could put together from computer equipment on the open market.

                  Unless you purchase 20+ risc workstation and network them together in your home. Of course the game would need to programmed to take advantage of this configuration. You think people complained about system requirements before!!!

                  Well then, have you asked Firaxis about this to see what they have to say?



                  • #10
                    Well, I guess what jrhughes98 is saying is the possibility to have up to 100 or so civs, most of whom who don't do much?

                    I guess, in the wonderful land of theory that could be possible, if they were stripped down a lot..maybe in scenario's, you could have up to 32 'active' civs, who move units and plans strategies and stuff, and the rest 'inactive', only doing basic city management. After all, the thing that takes up the majority of AI time is moving units, as appose to basic city management and maybe even some diplomacy.

                    Maybe, in scenario's, we could even set a date for a civ to become 'active' and another to become 'inactive'. Just a thought of a bored chrispie.

                    But, just think if 128 civs were in play, just to hold who had discovered which tiles on a 200*100 map would need (200*100)*16 or 320k, imagine each of the 127 AI players reading through that each turn
                    "Wise Men Talk because they have something to say, fools talk because they have to say something" - Plato


                    • #11
                      I have sent an e-mail to Firaxis myself to see what they have to say about this. This will certainly settle the debate.



                      • #12
                        Good idea!

                        Any information would be interesting to discuss!
                        Haven't been here for ages....


                        • #13

                          Originally posted by jrhughes98 on 10-28-2000 02:17 PM
                          I have sent an e-mail to Firaxis myself to see what they have to say about this. This will certainly settle the debate.

                          Somehow I doubt it.

                          I like the idea of "active" and "inactive" civs. But shouldn't the "active" ones stay that way thruout the game? That way they'll be more of a challenge to the player.

                          "To lead the people, walk behind them. With a big stick. Or a gun."
                          I'm consitently stupid- Japher
                          I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


                          • #14

                            I mean think about it, realistically, in today's world there are well over 100 nations! And don't you think it would be wise to have the ability to simulate the existence of these nations--to simulate the part that they took in a modern-day, or industrial revolution, historical scenario? It WILL make such scenarios quite historically accurate! Even in the times of renaissance here on earth there were lots of civs around.

                            i mean really do you really need to simulate Mauritania or Liechtenstein to create a good scenario? do they really have that much influence on world affairs?

                            just wondering



                            • #15
                              I have not asked about this, but there a lot of older posts in the archives where guys that have been on these forums for years have put questions like this to Firaxis. Check out the archives.

                              Once again, I'm not busting your chops. I think it's a great idea and hope something like this is done. I have a lot of co-workers and friends who are programmers and I have asked them questions like this myself.

                              I am basically relaying information from previous posts/archives from this site and information I have gatherred from other programmer sources.
                              Haven't been here for ages....

