Ok, listen up folks! The reason why I think Civ3 should support more than 100 Civs for a single game is not for casual gameplay, but for scenario creation. I mean think about it, realistically, in today's world there are well over 100 nations! And don't you think it would be wise to have the ability to simulate the existence of these nations--to simulate the part that they took in a modern-day, or industrial revolution, historical scenario? It WILL make such scenarios quite historically accurate! Even in the times of renaissance here on earth there were lots of civs around. And in this way, just as in Civ2, you can tweak each civ so that nothing happens in the scenario that you don't want to happen. Period.
And secondly, there should be probably several hundred if not thousands of civs to choose from so that there will be ancient, renaissance, industrial, modern civs, as well as civs that have been around since the dawn of human civilization until today. Also, the variables can be programmed to cause older civs to more likely be destroyed early in the game and be replaced by more modern civs.

[This message has been edited by jrhughes98 (edited October 27, 2000).]
And secondly, there should be probably several hundred if not thousands of civs to choose from so that there will be ancient, renaissance, industrial, modern civs, as well as civs that have been around since the dawn of human civilization until today. Also, the variables can be programmed to cause older civs to more likely be destroyed early in the game and be replaced by more modern civs.

[This message has been edited by jrhughes98 (edited October 27, 2000).]