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Starting position

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  • Starting position

    I was wondering if it is worth those one or two turns to find a better city spot with a settler or not.
    This is assuming that you don't say to hell with it and start another game.
    YES! don't care where, those precious turns are valuable!
    NO! I allow myself only ONE space to move if I see the square next too me is too good to loose.
    NO! A couple of turns I won't miss.
    NO WAY! I wander and wander until I find the perfect spot and to hell with the turns!
    I only build cities with bananas.

  • #2
    You forgot the most important choice - "It depends." Generally I will build from the starting spot; however, if the position would leave me at a severe disadvantage, I will move on, but the position really has to suck.


    • #3
      I chose the second option. I will typically build where I start, but will sometimes move 1 tile over. I will not wander, as turns are precious.

      grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

      The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


      • #4
        If moving my settler by one tile moves it into a better place, I will move it. I have to start in a really ugly place to move the settler by more than one tile though...


        • #5
          I used to be a strict "plop down" person, but I saw to many poor locations (by a tile or two). I think a few moves is more important in Civ 3 that in 1 or 2. cus'
          1. there seems to be more starts on "just plain bad places"
          2. with the pop cost of settlers increased to two, a bonus food resource spot is a big benefit.


          • #6
            I think it is safe to say that a move of one tile to be next to a river would be justified.


            • #7
              ... and one to get off a cow, and in between a patch of 3 cows is justified too...



              • #8
                ummm... nothing like starting next to cows


                • #9
                  If you can see you are exacly one square from two or threee ocean squares, you could be better off moving to or away from the ocean.


                  • #10
                    I dedicated some discussion to this issue in the

                    Improving Your Opening Play Sequences Article

                    and you can find the topic from the menu under "when to relocate". Read the article and your perspective will be greatly expanded.

                    In general, most start positions may be less than 100% perfect, but you set yourself back by more than you gain if you fail to recognize that only the top 5 or 6 terrain squares in the start position will really impact you game.

                    Wandering around with the first settler is almost always a bad idea.

                    If you are in doubt about the start position you should consider moving your worker (and/or your scout if you have one) before you move or plant the settler.

                    If you play on warlord or cheiftain levels, a little wandering will not kill you but on Monarch level and above this can be a self inflicted head wound.

                    Good luck,


                    • #11
                      I wander for no more than 1-2 turns...and only to get off/get close enough to resource, esp. cow or wheat, or the get on a river or on the coast.
                      Citizen of the Apolyton team in the ISDG
                      Currently known as Senor Rubris in the PTW DG team


                      • #12
                        Understand that there is a big difference between 1 move and 2 moves. Two moves is very dangerous at all but the lowest levels.


                        • #13
                          I always plop down straight away, build a warrior, build a settler, then have that one build a city where I choose.


                          • #14
                            Hmmm... i move the worker one square so to see if i find something nice. If i don't i build straight away with settler and next turn worker mines the square it moved to. This IS the optimal solution.


                            • #15
                              Cows are cool. It's a big shame that the smileys don't include cows.

                              Don't eat the yellow snow.

