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  • i got 11385gold yet they still won't sell me Super Conductors!
    Would you if you were them?


    • for that much money? Hell yeah, but i'd use my spys to check on them, make sure they arn't to far in space race?

      Does the AI do stuff like that? Try to stop you getting the techs to win?
      Help negate the vegiterian movement!
      For every animal you don't eat! I'm gunna eat three!!


      • At that stage, yes. Also they are most likely the only ones possessing that tech - greedy bastards.


        • nope, they all have it! Heres my update!


          Amazing, who could of imagened that it would take so long! Ephesus (Doesn't that sound like the scientific word for 'a poo'. Well, i got 1216gold!

          Gunna rename is Marina cuz its full of Marines now!


          Britain begins its production of ICBMs, these revolutionary missiles mean that we no longer need to have our subs going around the American coastline for us to turn the whole place into one big fallout zone! I mite manage to win this game by spaceship victory since the AI seems so slow and doesn't pick the best citys!

          Even when i win, i'm confident that i'm going to have a big nuclear war!
          If I nuke all of their citys, will it kill all of their nukes? Just want to make sure!

          Managed to do a deal with the Italians

          They want:
          World Map

          I get:
          Super conductors, seems go enough for me, and since America is invading them i'm happy to help them by doing this!

          The Italians have managed to push the Americans back to the city, they're all hiding there waiting for their death, but a transporter got through, i have no idea weather it had re-enforcements, or was there to help them retreat! Its the only American city here, i feel peace will be coming soon! Then it'll be one hell of a cold war, if the Americans try anything, it rains Atomic, Hydrogen, Plutonic, anything radioactive and nuclear!
          Help negate the vegiterian movement!
          For every animal you don't eat! I'm gunna eat three!!


          • If I nuke all of their citys, will it kill all of their nukes? Just want to make sure!
            If all of the nukes are in or within one square of the cities you will affect them. You may have to hit some of the cities more than once to destroy all of the units. Remember Joan's Glowing Personality? I had to use 42 nukes against 9 cities to eliminate all resistance - the nukes will be some of the last to go.


            • still 1924ad

              Italian take back hispalis and destroy the only known American carrier, loads of bombers, fighters, lots of Battleships and 1 or 2 destroyers and a transporter!


              Need some more advice, i need to get my tacticle nukes to the American coastline, i'm expecting to run into American vessels, you people think spreading my units out will mean one unit will find the enemy and as meny as possible can avoid that unit! Some of my nuke subs are holding 2 nukes and are very valuable!

              note: HEHE, one of my citys can build ICBMs in 4 turns! or was it 7, still, thats pritty fast!

              Another strat that i have been using is sneaking them to the south pole, sneaking them along till they are south of America, then i'll send them north when i want them to strike!

              2 more turns and, hehe, i win!


              Nuclear sub detected 20miles north of Liverpool (one square). Missile defence system activated. Salvo ready to launch....
              ....model 12 'patriot my ass' missile. FIRE!
              ....Direct hit...
     sevearly damaged...
              calling in royal artillary to finish the job.
              ...Hit, its dead!

              our airforce north of the Italian seas has just sank an elite battleship and a transporter! Sadley the transporter had already unloaded it self onto the beaches of italy!

              About to turn it over to the AI, and the winner is..........

              1932ad (I think!)

              ....oh yeah, and that weapon of mass destruction with a man in it! The Space rocket!
              sorry, its a dandy lion!

              I got David the Conqueror! I've had better!
              Help negate the vegiterian movement!
              For every animal you don't eat! I'm gunna eat three!!


              • ok, going to bed now, i'm still gunna play on longer so don't expect me to disapear, but i've got GCSE tests soon and i need to be revising, also got geography coursework!
                Help negate the vegiterian movement!
                For every animal you don't eat! I'm gunna eat three!!


                • For when i come back tomorrow, could you people decide weather i should have peace with America, they've managed to in Hispalis again! and i reall want to help them!

                  The Americans have no more navy air! I'M SO DAMN PROUD OF THAT, i know i only have 2 carriers, but the Americans don't have any! They have to rely on taking a city to get aircover, which means landing zones are shear hell for their troops!!!!!
                  Help negate the vegiterian movement!
                  For every animal you don't eat! I'm gunna eat three!!


                  • i'd say it depends on the possibility of the war with france...
                    I use Posturepedic mattresses for a lifetime of temporary relief.


                    • They seem pritty sensible, i'll have war with them later, but not now! As long as Americas in the picture i can have war with anybody else without America thinking "Aha, heres a chance to get'em!"
                      Help negate the vegiterian movement!
                      For every animal you don't eat! I'm gunna eat three!!


                      • Ok, i've been scared to let my carriers out of port because they'll end up getting sunk by nuclear subs, but i've decided to send a carrier task force with battleship, scouting destroyer escort and nuclear sub escort so that i can find them subs quickly.

                        I'll send it to the south falkland islands where i can do some 1 turn bombing before America gets fighters there to provide aircover!
                        Help negate the vegiterian movement!
                        For every animal you don't eat! I'm gunna eat three!!


                        • 1932ad

                          The Italians have pushed the Americans back to Hispalis, the Battle for the Italian sea and Italian Reef (Bit of coastal squares in the middle of the sea!) still rages on, 2 American battleships spotted off the north coast of Britain and some are still bombarding the northern pass.

                          The Italians also managed to kill an American leader before they managed to use him!


                          We sink 1 of the battleships to the north and sevearly dammage the other!

                          Nothing much else, I decided to mimic my British Homeland missile defense system and to make one much like it in Northern pass, the area is coming under fire from American warship and at the moment all the defenses can do is cripple one ship at a time.

                          First missile starts construction.


                          Carrier battlegroup sets sail consisting of:

                          1 Carrier with 6 bombers and 2 fighters.
                          4 Battleships as escort
                          1 scouting destroyer
                          1 nuclear sub armed with tacticle nuclear missile!

                          My bombers are constently doing recon to check for enemy ships, i gave them recon ability cuz in WW2 we had small bombers scanning the channel and they often had radar too!

                          Ok you guys, i've decided to do an airstrike on that south falklands island!
                          The Americans took the City of Hyberabad with propoganda a long time ago, and they got rid of the City of South Falklands and built their own called Kansas city. Hyberadad is the biggest city, so it will be the main target because its older and will have more improvements! If you people see a fault in this just say somthing please!


                          Been reveiwing mine and Americas militery, i now have a bigger nuclear missile program, but mines more tacticle nukes than ICBMs, the Americans have 4 tacticle nukes and 3 ICBMs. I have 8 Tacticle nukes and 1 ICBM, but some more are nearly finished!

                          AI turn, the Italians take back Hispalis. The americans mite have a better chance of invading if they attack the west side of the island, fast re-enforcements you see! The War is at stailmate, on italy its just going backwards and forwards with meny losses on both sides, in the South sea we rarely let our ships leave the safety of our aircover and our nuclear subs are either hiding waiting for the order to sprint towards the American coastline and launch a nuclear attack!


                          My Carrier battlegroup is moving into the south Falklands, and today it launches the first attack! more on that when it happens!
                          Help negate the vegiterian movement!
                          For every animal you don't eat! I'm gunna eat three!!


                          • hmmm... my stories suck...

                            Panzer kills pikeman
                            Panzer kills spearman
                            Knight kills Panzer?? bullsh*t! BULLSH*T I SAY!!
                            ***5 minute pouting intermission***
                            Battleship kills caravel with 2 hitpoints lost
                            ...Same turn, couple kills later, take two cities, peace treaty....
                            I use Posturepedic mattresses for a lifetime of temporary relief.


                            • in the advent of nuclear war, you should expect casulty reports! Oh god this is going to be a blood bath!

                              I'm realy gunna try and turn this into a mad max style scenario, i'm going to hold off from nuclear war and untill i have a nuke for every city, oh, and SDI!
                              Help negate the vegiterian movement!
                              For every animal you don't eat! I'm gunna eat three!!


                              • Hazie:

                                You have to capture Washington within the next 20 turns, If you do not you will lose. Get a few marines together put em on a transport and wait until the marines are within 1 move of Washington ( I am assuming Washington is on the coast) Then nuke washington and invade with the marines.

                                Build more fighters

                                invade the rest of america as soon as possible, see if you can get France in the war before you start the Nuking. (if you are lucky America will decide to nuke France instead of yourself)
                                * A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
                                * If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
                                * The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
                                * There are Lies, Damned Lies, and The Republican Party.

