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CIV3 Limericks

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  • CIV3 Limericks

    Think of one and post it Im sure some of you sickos out there can improve on this my first effort!

    I once played a game of civ3,
    And had to nip out for a pee,
    upon my return,
    It made guts churn,
    To see the whole world had declared war on me.

    Hope this is not to lame for you.
    A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.

  • #2
    It was worth a laugh.


    • #3
      there once was an empire called "persia"
      i discovered them on an excur-sia
      they pissed me off bad
      now it's really quite sad
      as the world sings their funeral dirge-a
      drones to the left of me, spartans to the right - here i am, stuck in the middle with yang


      • #4
        Following your AABBA rhyming format, here's my sad little contribution:

        Playing CIV 3:

        My empire was once vast and strong.
        I could hardly do anything wrong.
        But then my tech got out of hand
        and I lost lots of land,
        alas, my 'turns to discover' were just too long.

        So I decided to play my hand at some trade.
        I knew not a shovel from a spade.
        But I managed to steal
        a little 'gold per turn' deal
        and soon many discoveries I made.

        I am now planning on being the winner.
        But I fear lack of food has made me thinner.
        And the housework's not done,
        'cause I'm having too much fun,
        And I ponder - How long can I postpone dinner?

        It is now the year 2000 A.D.
        Nearly the end now, I'm sure you'll agree
        But now I've been playing for weeks
        and my whole house simply reeks,
        I guess that's the price of playing Civ 3!

        - Skeeve

        Sorry, couldn't do much better - I was hoping to make it funnier, but the dang rhymes wouldn't fit!
        My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


        • #5
          Originally posted by Bella Hella
          there once was an empire called "persia"
          i discovered them on an excur-sia
          they pissed me off bad
          now it's really quite sad
          as the world sings their funeral dirge-a
          The limerick was good, but I vote it to be the best use yet of the (band) Smilies!!
          My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


          • #6
            xerxes, a sucker of c---s
            may be dumb, but he's dumb like a fox
            i had one turn to go
            till i got "radio"
            when i heard the freak blast a boom box!

            non-persia-hatin' limericks coming soon
            drones to the left of me, spartans to the right - here i am, stuck in the middle with yang


            • #7
              There were some Samurai from Edo
              Composed entirely of elan
              They would charge pikes, knights and swords
              And slaughter them to a man
              It was all a part of bushido

              Dedicated to some mean mofos some games back who eventually gave me a GL.


              • #8
                There onth wuth a Leader, Hiawatha
                Whothe brave Mounted Horthemen did crothe
                The Americanth land
                Till it got out of hand
                Now Ronald Reagan ith Thupreme Bothe
                I've increased my medication and I am now able to experience pleasure... especially when my Legions march on Berlin and capture the Great Wall! >:-)

