What parts of the game do you like best, and which parts do you think were badly implemented/bad ideas?
(BTW this is for constructive criticism, not Coracle-style rants. Coracle can post here, but we are going to discuss both the worst and best, not just worst.)
IMO, the best parts of the game are the AIs, the unit graphics, and the unique civs. I like how the AIs can be competent fighters and actually take cities, as well as their quick expansion. (The sending settler stacks across miles of other people's territory to get to some worthless tundra is stupid, though.)
The unit graphics are also really good. I love having the guys actually fire guns and fidget and all that when you move them.
I also like unique civs. Everybody bashed this idea before the game was released, but they all seem to like it now. UUs are great fun, and add another element of strategy. Traits also add strategy to the game.
I have mixed feelings about the resource trade system. It is good, but the civII style caravans and freight should have stayed, complimenting the resource trade system. I also think you should be able to build expensive versions of units that require resources if you don't have the resource.
The worst parts are obvious to me:
Culture flipping. Need I say more? If two civs have equal culture, then it takes 2 units to balance out one resister in the culture flip formula. All right, so if there are 22 MAs in a city with 12 people, all resisters, there is a chance of a flip, apparently because they can overpower the MAs. Now suppose they were drafted instead. They would become 12 conscript mech infantry. 22 MAs (probably vet) can beat 12 conscript mech infantry easily. So are we saying that a resisting civilian is stronger than a drafted mech infantry?
Pollution: It is incredibly annoying, and the orange goo graphic really bugs me. Everyone has enough workers to clean it by the time they're polluting, but you have to move around the workers anyway. It is a waste of time. I would prefer some way of just spending gold to not produce it in the first place (we maintain city improvements, why not pollution cleaning projects?.)
Corruption: Sorry, but it is completely overboard. If the US owned Tokyo, Tokyo would still be more productive than Des Moines, Iowa. Corruption should be about 60-75% of what it is now. Also I don't know what's with this "optimal number of cities." I don't know where they got this idea. Fortunately we can mod this, but the original game should be this way too.
(BTW this is for constructive criticism, not Coracle-style rants. Coracle can post here, but we are going to discuss both the worst and best, not just worst.)
IMO, the best parts of the game are the AIs, the unit graphics, and the unique civs. I like how the AIs can be competent fighters and actually take cities, as well as their quick expansion. (The sending settler stacks across miles of other people's territory to get to some worthless tundra is stupid, though.)
The unit graphics are also really good. I love having the guys actually fire guns and fidget and all that when you move them.
I also like unique civs. Everybody bashed this idea before the game was released, but they all seem to like it now. UUs are great fun, and add another element of strategy. Traits also add strategy to the game.
I have mixed feelings about the resource trade system. It is good, but the civII style caravans and freight should have stayed, complimenting the resource trade system. I also think you should be able to build expensive versions of units that require resources if you don't have the resource.
The worst parts are obvious to me:
Culture flipping. Need I say more? If two civs have equal culture, then it takes 2 units to balance out one resister in the culture flip formula. All right, so if there are 22 MAs in a city with 12 people, all resisters, there is a chance of a flip, apparently because they can overpower the MAs. Now suppose they were drafted instead. They would become 12 conscript mech infantry. 22 MAs (probably vet) can beat 12 conscript mech infantry easily. So are we saying that a resisting civilian is stronger than a drafted mech infantry?

Pollution: It is incredibly annoying, and the orange goo graphic really bugs me. Everyone has enough workers to clean it by the time they're polluting, but you have to move around the workers anyway. It is a waste of time. I would prefer some way of just spending gold to not produce it in the first place (we maintain city improvements, why not pollution cleaning projects?.)
Corruption: Sorry, but it is completely overboard. If the US owned Tokyo, Tokyo would still be more productive than Des Moines, Iowa. Corruption should be about 60-75% of what it is now. Also I don't know what's with this "optimal number of cities." I don't know where they got this idea. Fortunately we can mod this, but the original game should be this way too.