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Editor corruption option: minimal?

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  • Editor corruption option: minimal?

    I have read lots of posts about corruption, but do no remember this item being discussed before.

    As most of you know, the key variables for corruption are:

    1. Optimal Number of Cities {OCN}
    2. police stations
    3. courthouses
    4. distance from capital,
    5. the percentage of corruption set in editor.

    Now, also in the editor you have the option of checking "reduces corruption" to any city improvement.

    I had assumed any improvement checked to reduce corruption would be about as effective as courthouse/police. However, that is not the case. I set a 3rd improvement, cathedral, to also reduce corruption.

    I had two 35-30 shield generating cities each producing 9 red shields after courthouse and police. I added cathedrals in both. One city reduced corruption by 1 shield. The other by 0 shieleds.

    Conclusion: setting another improvement to "reduce corruption" will have such a minimal effect you may want to forgo that option.

    Has anyone seen a stronger effect of adding "reduce corruption" to a city improvement?

    -- PF

  • #2
    I have modified a scenario so that most buildings reduce corruption and it does work pretty well. Did you start a new game with your edited rules ? If the game is already started, the edited rules don't apply, just the original rules.
    Over, under, around, or through


    • #3
      Actually, yes, setting "reduce corruption" makes it equivalent to courthouse or police station. The problem is that it's a diminishing returns affair; as I understand it, the first "reduce corruption" improvement a city has will cut the corruption in half. The second one will cut the (total) corruption by two-thirds, the third will cut the total corruption by three-fourths, and so on.


      • #4
        You forgot 6: Forbidden Palace (don’t give that attribute to more than one building – you won’t be able to build either.)
        You are better off raising the optimal number of cities or reducing the corruption slider. I haven’t had any better luck than you with the reduce corruption attribute.


        • #5
          If ya don't like corruption just turn the slider down...


          • #6
            Originally posted by Random Passerby
            Actually, yes, setting "reduce corruption" makes it equivalent to courthouse or police station. The problem is that it's a diminishing returns affair; as I understand it, the first "reduce corruption" improvement a city has will cut the corruption in half. The second one will cut the (total) corruption by two-thirds, the third will cut the total corruption by three-fourths, and so on.

            1. I thought Soren said the effect of both Police and Courthouse was equal.

            2. I expected this:
            Reduce Corruption Improvements Corruption
            1 {courthouse } C/2
            2 {+police} C/3
            3 {+cathedral} C/4

            So if corruption is 30, then and initial corruption is 28

            Improvement reduce_by change total_corruption_reduced
            1 14.00 14.00
            2 9.33 4.67 18.67
            3 7.00 2.33 21.00
            4 5.60 1.40 22.40

            Yes, this is the effect after starting a new game. I wonder if the effect is effected by distance from the capital. FP is on other continent and Palace was just relocated to larger continent.

            and 7. we love ya babe day.

            Goal is not to reduce corruption but rather to understand the effect of checking "reduce corruption" in the editor on game play.

            Sounds like no one really knows for sure. Looks like we will have to collect some more data on further games.



            • #7
              Another corruption thread! I've got to post here!
              So here we go:

              The "reduces corruption" flag does two things:
              1) It cuts distance corruption in half
              2) It increases the OCN by 25%.

              So if you have two such buildings in a city, you will have one fourth of the distance corruption and a 50% greater OCN for that city.

              If you have three such buidings, you will get one eighth of the distance corruption and 75% greater OCN.

              And so on...
              Last edited by alexman; October 14, 2002, 18:11.


              • #8

                Ok that makes sense. Much more than guessing at how it works.

                I wonder if anyone has, just for the heck of it, played a game with corruption at 200%.

                Anyway, thanks. But I am not sure about your examples. It seems like it works more like:
                initial ending
                OCN OCN
                0 20 25
                1 25 31.25
                2 31 38.75
                3 38 47.5

                I'll bite, how did you get 4 flags in your avatar?



                • #9
                  Originally posted by planetfall
                  I'll bite, how did you get 4 flags in your avatar?
                  It's just a custom avatar. I got kinda used to my old non-custom one, so I just added the flags.

