I have read lots of posts about corruption, but do no remember this item being discussed before.
As most of you know, the key variables for corruption are:
1. Optimal Number of Cities {OCN}
2. police stations
3. courthouses
4. distance from capital,
5. the percentage of corruption set in editor.
Now, also in the editor you have the option of checking "reduces corruption" to any city improvement.
I had assumed any improvement checked to reduce corruption would be about as effective as courthouse/police. However, that is not the case. I set a 3rd improvement, cathedral, to also reduce corruption.
I had two 35-30 shield generating cities each producing 9 red shields after courthouse and police. I added cathedrals in both. One city reduced corruption by 1 shield. The other by 0 shieleds.
Conclusion: setting another improvement to "reduce corruption" will have such a minimal effect you may want to forgo that option.
Has anyone seen a stronger effect of adding "reduce corruption" to a city improvement?
-- PF
As most of you know, the key variables for corruption are:
1. Optimal Number of Cities {OCN}
2. police stations
3. courthouses
4. distance from capital,
5. the percentage of corruption set in editor.
Now, also in the editor you have the option of checking "reduces corruption" to any city improvement.
I had assumed any improvement checked to reduce corruption would be about as effective as courthouse/police. However, that is not the case. I set a 3rd improvement, cathedral, to also reduce corruption.
I had two 35-30 shield generating cities each producing 9 red shields after courthouse and police. I added cathedrals in both. One city reduced corruption by 1 shield. The other by 0 shieleds.
Conclusion: setting another improvement to "reduce corruption" will have such a minimal effect you may want to forgo that option.
Has anyone seen a stronger effect of adding "reduce corruption" to a city improvement?
-- PF