There have been countless threads about combat and whether it is broken or not.
I realized something reading another thread on this subject, and thought I would share it with you.
I believe the combat situation, the way it is, helps the human player more than the AI.
The most common complaint:
"spearmen shouldn't beat tanks"
But think this way for a moment, every thread that I have seen by people who play emperor and Diety level games are always behind in tech.
Now if combat wasn't decided the way it is, there would be NO WAY for humans to beat the upper difficulties.
Because on the upper difficulties you have to attack with inferior tech very often in the beginning.
I f a spearman could never beat cavalry or cavalry couldn't beat MI, there is no way to get even with the AI.
Just my 2 cents.
I realized something reading another thread on this subject, and thought I would share it with you.
I believe the combat situation, the way it is, helps the human player more than the AI.
The most common complaint:
"spearmen shouldn't beat tanks"
But think this way for a moment, every thread that I have seen by people who play emperor and Diety level games are always behind in tech.
Now if combat wasn't decided the way it is, there would be NO WAY for humans to beat the upper difficulties.
Because on the upper difficulties you have to attack with inferior tech very often in the beginning.
I f a spearman could never beat cavalry or cavalry couldn't beat MI, there is no way to get even with the AI.
Just my 2 cents.