I do not say Culture Flipping is a bad idea infact it makes War a bit more scary, however the effects and the implementation are just too harsh.
I had my half samurai army (about 12-14 units and except for 2 all were elite) placed in the enemys just conquered capital city. 2 Turns later or was it the next turn I dont know the city flipped and as the rule currently is, ALL my units were GONE!!! A WHOLE DOZENS OF MY FINEST SAMURAIs LOST TO A BUNCH OF MOBBING CIVILIANS!!!! (size 11 city)
This is completely unacceptable for anyone. I guess noboy would play on if such things happen. What a lousy death for my fine samurai army. Now I have to try and trick the random seed to avoid the situation (I always play with fixed random seed).
Firaxis do something about it. It cant be that I am losing all my units. The Egyptians did good to protect their city but it fell and they did not take steps to recapture it. But in one single turn the whole war is lengthend to about 50-75 turns (till I have the other half that is spread all around my homeland assembled and move it against the eqyptians and rebuild defense and strengthen offense *uaaahh zzzzZZZZzzzzzZZZZzz*).
Leave Cultureflipping for God's Sake, but tweak it so that it produces an acceptable situation for the player to go on with. Losing all my offensive units in the area is not acceptable.
Besides, there should be a Minimumnumber x of Units that I have to place in city y with size z so that there can be no flipping! If the whole US army would move in Bagdad would it flip and destroy all units? certainly not.
I had my half samurai army (about 12-14 units and except for 2 all were elite) placed in the enemys just conquered capital city. 2 Turns later or was it the next turn I dont know the city flipped and as the rule currently is, ALL my units were GONE!!! A WHOLE DOZENS OF MY FINEST SAMURAIs LOST TO A BUNCH OF MOBBING CIVILIANS!!!! (size 11 city)
This is completely unacceptable for anyone. I guess noboy would play on if such things happen. What a lousy death for my fine samurai army. Now I have to try and trick the random seed to avoid the situation (I always play with fixed random seed).
Firaxis do something about it. It cant be that I am losing all my units. The Egyptians did good to protect their city but it fell and they did not take steps to recapture it. But in one single turn the whole war is lengthend to about 50-75 turns (till I have the other half that is spread all around my homeland assembled and move it against the eqyptians and rebuild defense and strengthen offense *uaaahh zzzzZZZZzzzzzZZZZzz*).
Leave Cultureflipping for God's Sake, but tweak it so that it produces an acceptable situation for the player to go on with. Losing all my offensive units in the area is not acceptable.
Besides, there should be a Minimumnumber x of Units that I have to place in city y with size z so that there can be no flipping! If the whole US army would move in Bagdad would it flip and destroy all units? certainly not.