Originally posted by Blue Moose
I think I've just been insulted...I believe my arguements have been better than that.

What I meant by saying "they just repeat this spearmen can't beat tanks argument" was that the only real argument against the current combat system is that it does not realistically enough model the real world combat. However, Civ3 does not realistically model the real world... generally! Some time ago, I wrote a long, sarcastic post on why Civ3 "was" a fantasy game for me. Some people liked it, if you feel like reading it, it is here.
Look, Civ3 is a game. A game resembling the real world. RESEMBLING the real world. A game can't do more than that. You play with units you know or think you know from the real world. But it's just a game, it is not a real world simulation. The combat system is not broken, as it does not detract from the gameplay (at least most people do not complain of being detracted...) - the principle (a unit is either a good attacker/bad defender, a good defender/bad attacker, or an average universal unit) is common to large number of computer games. Your RPS combat model is not very far from what Civ3 uses right now (basically AD - one variable less), just a bit different.
Civ3 is not primarily a warfare game. Warfare is a very important part of it, but it isn't a warfare simulator. Civ3 is about building a civilization, peacefully or forcefully, as needed. The problem is that many people focus ONLY on the conquest part (I admit that the higher difficulty levels somewhat force players go that way). They play Civ3 the warmongering way and thus give the combat too much credit/importance.
For me, a Civ3 game is about epic story telling. If I feel like playing/watching the real world, I shut down my computer... Civ3 is meant to entertain, not to create a great real world simulator. Thus the arguments about
Civ3 is FULL of things that are completely unrealistic. Actually, I can't think of ONE SINGLE thing that would perfectly reflect the real world. EVERY SINGLE aspect of the game is simplified or twisted in order to make the game fun to play. Asking for a realistic combat model simply makes no sense to me... why should we bother to have a realistic combat model in an unrealistic game?
If the current combat system forced us to do things that would be boring, annoying, and generally not fun, then it would be appropriate to change it. But - at least, IMHO - it works fine, AS FAR AS YOU DON'T WANT TO FEEL LIKE WATCHING CNN. Occasionally, there is an event that makes me shout "wow, what fantastic, brave, godly guys!" (when it is my unit that surprisingly wins) or scream "wtf, the AI must be cheating!" (when it is just the contrary). But these events are too rare to make any difference in terms of the whole game. I sometimes unexpectedly lose a battle, but I never lose a war I am supposed to win.
I can definitely imagine a combat system that would be closer (not close!) to reality. But you would have to redesign the whole game, adjusting other aspects to match the change done to the combat system. Why? The game is not broken, so why would you like to fix it? The lack of realism is a reason too weak, as the game lack realism generally... or do you really believe that the Great Pyramids should give you a free granary in every city on the same continent?
