Originally posted by Zachriel
Henry V is not fictional, nor was Ben Franklin's story, nor was Hanssen's betrayal.
Betrayal, friendly fire, incompetence, bad decisions, poor morale, weather, local terrain, typhoons, and so on. Many factors, not just betrayal, affect tactical combat. America is just one nation and 200 years is a short period of time in the Annals of Civilization.
Only imagination is required. Fun is the point, I believe.
There are a thousand ways the game can be improved. However, the original thread did start as an admitted gripe.
Henry V is not fictional, nor was Ben Franklin's story, nor was Hanssen's betrayal.
Betrayal, friendly fire, incompetence, bad decisions, poor morale, weather, local terrain, typhoons, and so on. Many factors, not just betrayal, affect tactical combat. America is just one nation and 200 years is a short period of time in the Annals of Civilization.
Only imagination is required. Fun is the point, I believe.
There are a thousand ways the game can be improved. However, the original thread did start as an admitted gripe.
There is still the issue that this is sort of things is very, very, very rare. True, there are other random factors besides betrayals and the like, but the randomness rules out things like local terrain and even morale. Morale is not a very random issue. If your troops are doing well and have been winning battles (and the war effort in general has gone the same), they'll have good morale. This doesn't change the random element though. For this reason I don't consider morale an issue that has been implemented in the game in any sense. The only thing left really is weather and dumb luck..and especially with modern units, I don't think this comes close to accounting for the variability. I meant to imply that such variability is fine with some, but for me and others it robs the game of fun. And since fun is one of the prime points of the game, this is a big problem.
As you say, there are many ways the game can be improved. It seems pertinent to the thread to suggest ways to improve the combat system.