Tiberius, maybe your example is valid, but I think it is already complicated enough... it's okay like it is calculated now. Plus don't forget that even if you count every foreign citizen as half a citizen of another nation, you increase the flipping chances a lot: in a game with 16 tribes, whenever a citizen has a foreign member, it could flip not to one, but to 15 other nations... a bit too much if you ask me.
To Nikolai: you do not always see what is happening, which means sometimes you don't understand it either... something that the AIs do quite regularly is to add slave workers to cities. If you do that, you gain a foreign city in the middle of your territory, which can cause problems of course. I lost a city like that once too: I created a wonder building city from my second city, and added a bunch of captured workers to it to get it quickly to a decent size. After my first wonder was build, it flipped on me
From now on, I only add workers to my capital, as it can't flip (or at least I have never heared of a capital flipping). Other workers added are always my own, or slaves from a tribe that has been exterminated. And yes, I do use it a lot to buy workers from a tribe, and add these instantly to my capital: those 30 gold a worker costs is no comparison to the added advantage for you, and the disadvantage to the other in the beginning of the game. Just remember that having slaves running around will deteriorate your relations with their home country...
To Nikolai: you do not always see what is happening, which means sometimes you don't understand it either... something that the AIs do quite regularly is to add slave workers to cities. If you do that, you gain a foreign city in the middle of your territory, which can cause problems of course. I lost a city like that once too: I created a wonder building city from my second city, and added a bunch of captured workers to it to get it quickly to a decent size. After my first wonder was build, it flipped on me

From now on, I only add workers to my capital, as it can't flip (or at least I have never heared of a capital flipping). Other workers added are always my own, or slaves from a tribe that has been exterminated. And yes, I do use it a lot to buy workers from a tribe, and add these instantly to my capital: those 30 gold a worker costs is no comparison to the added advantage for you, and the disadvantage to the other in the beginning of the game. Just remember that having slaves running around will deteriorate your relations with their home country...