Originally posted by DeepO
Kampus, I never disband slaves, that is a waste. Indeed, they trouble your relations with the original civ, but who cares? If you want to get rid of them, there are a couple of possibilities:
- you can disband them (baddest solution)
- you can add them to one of your own cities (look out if you have cultural problems for flipping)
- you can destroy the other civ (free slaves!)
- you can sell them back to the same civ, which will improve your relation with him. However, it will also give him an advantage
- you can sell them to another civ, thus making his relation with the original civ worse
- personally, if I want to stop the slavery, I add it to a city which is at the point of building a settler. With a bit of luck, the settler will take 2 pop points: one of your own, and the slave. If you later build a city with that settler, it will be your own nationality.
You could of course also do this with a settler with multiple foreign citizens, but if you take 2 foreigners of the same kind, the settler will be of that nationality. If you later build a city with it, it will start with a foreigner as pop.
How to keep up with tech on Emperor: trade techs (researching yourself the techs the AIs won't research first), or extort them through war. Or, if you see someone gains an important tech, buy it from him (will be very expensive if you're the second to get it), and sell it to everyone else to recuperate the cost. In the right situation, being a tech broker will even profit you.
Further, look out for the 2 tech wonders: in Emperor it is possible to get the great library first without a leader (on deity it is not), through this wonder you will be able to set research to 0% and still be up to date. Use that money to build either research infrastructure, or wage war.
The ToE is, in my mind, the best on Emperor: if you bee-line towards it, and gain atomic theory and electronics through it, you can sell atomic theory to everyone else for all the techs you might have missed, plus most of the times all the money the world is rich. This will keep you one tech in front, and is most of the time the turning point in a game that wasn't superb to start with.
Kampus, I never disband slaves, that is a waste. Indeed, they trouble your relations with the original civ, but who cares? If you want to get rid of them, there are a couple of possibilities:
- you can disband them (baddest solution)
- you can add them to one of your own cities (look out if you have cultural problems for flipping)
- you can destroy the other civ (free slaves!)
- you can sell them back to the same civ, which will improve your relation with him. However, it will also give him an advantage
- you can sell them to another civ, thus making his relation with the original civ worse
- personally, if I want to stop the slavery, I add it to a city which is at the point of building a settler. With a bit of luck, the settler will take 2 pop points: one of your own, and the slave. If you later build a city with that settler, it will be your own nationality.
You could of course also do this with a settler with multiple foreign citizens, but if you take 2 foreigners of the same kind, the settler will be of that nationality. If you later build a city with it, it will start with a foreigner as pop.
How to keep up with tech on Emperor: trade techs (researching yourself the techs the AIs won't research first), or extort them through war. Or, if you see someone gains an important tech, buy it from him (will be very expensive if you're the second to get it), and sell it to everyone else to recuperate the cost. In the right situation, being a tech broker will even profit you.
Further, look out for the 2 tech wonders: in Emperor it is possible to get the great library first without a leader (on deity it is not), through this wonder you will be able to set research to 0% and still be up to date. Use that money to build either research infrastructure, or wage war.
The ToE is, in my mind, the best on Emperor: if you bee-line towards it, and gain atomic theory and electronics through it, you can sell atomic theory to everyone else for all the techs you might have missed, plus most of the times all the money the world is rich. This will keep you one tech in front, and is most of the time the turning point in a game that wasn't superb to start with.
If I go for the GL, I allways end up with a lot of production in a city, while someone else builds the GL first and all other wonders are gone too!

The ToE is never within reach...

I already try to trade tech as much as possible, but my economy is not good enough to buy tech I'm afraid....
In my latest game however I am doing okay. I am behind, but I am closing in. Hopefully in time to battle the Babs, the big superpower which at the moment is destroying the other big superpower, the Aztecs. When they are finished they will meet me, the third big superpower. But before that I think I will conquer the English, a small island country, but also ahead in tech...
Thanks for the advice!