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Militaristic, Industrious, Religious are so far ahead of the other traits

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Tuberski
    Militaristic is over-rated. More great leaders doesn't always work. It's still a hit or miss proposition.
    Technically, it's a "numbers game," that is, a matter of constantly rolling the die to achieve results. The chance of getting at least one Great Leader with a given number of trials:

    16 - 64.4%
    32 - 87.3%
    48 - 95.5%
    64 - 98.4%

    What this means is that to generate Great Leaders just keep fighting and winning Elite combats. The more you fight and win, the more Great Leaders you will get.


    • #47
      True nothing always works, even shooting someone in the head at point blank range does not always work, some survive. but do you like their chances?


      • #48
        I understand what you are saying, but, it is the same with militaristic as it is with expansionist- depends on the roll of the dice.

        Bad rolls= useless trait.
        Good rolls=Great trait.

        sorry for the ryhyme.

        Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


        • #49
          Well maybe I need to give expansion another shoot. It may not be the case, but it sure seems like the higher the levels the huts are leaner and leaner. Doing a deity game now and all I see are barbs, maps, deserted.


          • #50
            Playing on Emperor or Deity, I've come to value industrious and religious traits because they work best to help you survive, sometimes, and come from behind. You can't afford to build lots of workers, for example, and those you've got need to work fast. The AI won't let you get ahead and will nag at you with wars in the modern era, hoping to force you out of democracy. Religious is a must trait for close, hard-fought end games where you can't afford to fall behind on research but have to combat war weariness as well at higher levels.
            Illegitimi Non Carborundum


            • #51
              I find these 3 traits to be invaluable on diety level (which I play exclusively now). Maybe expansionistic is cool on low levels but at high levels a combo of these 3 traits are a must for a good shot at a win.

              I find religious especially valuable with the happiness probelms on diety. To think expansionistic is better in this case is just silly.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Artifex
                I find these 3 traits to be invaluable on diety level (which I play exclusively now). Maybe expansionistic is cool on low levels but at high levels a combo of these 3 traits are a must for a good shot at a win.

                I find religious especially valuable with the happiness probelms on diety. To think expansionistic is better in this case is just silly.
                Why so patronizing, Artifex? Don't have any other arguments?

                Have you even tried expansionist on deity?


                • #53
                  OK, I give up what three traits? Religous I guess is one, is Industrous another?


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by vmxa1
                    OK, I give up what three traits? Religous I guess is one, is Industrous another?

                    I think by "combo of these 3 traits", he means that he modded a civ to be religious, industrial, and militaristic. If so, I agree, that would be a pretty potent civ.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by asleepathewheel I think by "combo of these 3 traits", he means that he modded a civ to be religious, industrial, and militaristic. If so, I agree, that would be a pretty potent civ.
                      Nah, I think what he meant by "a combo of these 3 traits" was that you would choose a Civ that's either:

                      A) Mil., Rel.;
                      B) Mil., Ind.; or
                      C) Ind., Rel.

