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Uranium? On the map? Natural Resource? No...

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  • #31
    A little bit of knowledge can be so harmful.

    Fusion and fission both work and are BOTH theoreticaly possible. Fussion produces energy energy because the resulting atom has less mass than the sum of the masses of the original particles. It ONLY produces energy up to iron. To make an element heavier than iron requires extra energy because after that the resulting atom contains MORE mass than the original atoms.

    Fission produces energy because the two or more resulting fragments have less mass than the original atom. This works until you get down to iron. The energy in uranium that is released in fission came from when it was formed in the massive fusion reaction that is a super nova. Huge amounts of energy are released and that is when every atom that is heavier than iron is created. All atoms heavier than iron came from super novas.

    So you can't fuse your way to uranium releasing energy all the way and then fission your way back releasing energy all the way. You can only release energy as you move towards iron. Moving away requires an energy input.


    • #32
      Fusion has actually been done in a controlled enviroment - but the particles involved were so hot that the scientists had to use electromagnetic fields to keep them away from the sides of the container!
      Up the Irons!
      Rogue CivIII FAQ!
      Odysseus and the March of Time
      I think holding hands can be more erotic than 'slamming it in the ass' - Pekka, thinking that he's messed up


      • #33
        Please forgive me for getting back on topic here but in Civ3 there are no "Natural" Resources, we have "Strategic," "Luxury," and "Bonus" Resources. Although I wonder what a Tritium resource icon would look like... :


        • #34
          Originally posted by Zachriel


          Atomic Bomb is a weapon, gunpowder is not; so the comparison is faulty.

          Uranium is to Atomic Bombs as
          Saltpeter is to ... Guns.

          Uranium is to Fissial Material as
          Saltpeter is to Gunpowder.

          I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


          • #35
            Originally posted by WarpStorm
            Zachriel obviously did better on his SATs [than Thrawn05 -jd]
            i havent even taken them yet


            • #36
              Originally posted by zulu9812
              Fusion has actually been done in a controlled enviroment - but the particles involved were so hot that the scientists had to use electromagnetic fields to keep them away from the sides of the container!
              The Problem is to reach the Breakeven (i.e. the poiint where you gain more energy than you invest to keep the Plasma hot enough and contained into the magnetc field) and hold it for a longer time.
              It has already been reached for a very short time at the Experimental Fusion Reactor Jet in Culham, GB.

              There are larger models planned (Iter for example), where the scientists want to test the Problems which occur with long term use of Fusion Reactors (one of the Problems is for example, that the Walls of the Reactor get radioactive during prolonged use because of the ionizing Radiation which is emitted from the Plasma).

              It is much easier to create an uncontrolled Fusion Reaction (such as in H-Bombs) than to create a controlled one
              Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
              Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


              • #37
                Thrawn---Thanks for the info. I thought I heard somewhere that some island was vaporized by an H-Bomb...Maybe I'm thinking of the fake city the RUssians built to test their nuclear weapons...I always thought that was sick.

                About your pic, Mystery Science Theatre 3000, right? I think I saw that episode this morning! Who would've thought old sci-fi movies could be that funny...

                Edit: Typo
                "Nos moritori te salutamus!"---Gladiator Phrase

                Mystery Science Theatre 3000 Forever!


                • #38
                  Originally posted by cgannon64
                  About your pic, Mystery Science Theatre 3000, right? I think I saw that episode this morning! Who would've thought old sci-fi movies could be that funny...
                  Yes... same here. Goto the Fav. Mod poll in the Community forums to get the joke behind this.

                  And yes, that was very sick what Russia did. But then, the US sprayed gas over some of our major cities (it was disclosed).
                  I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


                  • #39
                    "I got a date with Woody Allen last night."

                    Sorry, don't mean to jack this thread. I always wondered, were those buildings solidly built, or were they just cheap wooden things. Because it they were cheap wooden things, it seems to be a huge waste of money.

                    Why did they need those anyway? Couldn't they see what happened to Hiroshima?
                    "Nos moritori te salutamus!"---Gladiator Phrase

                    Mystery Science Theatre 3000 Forever!

