Originally posted by Jawa Jocky
Plutonium exist naturally too (in extremely small amounts). One of the Uranium isotopes will double decay into Plutonium naturally.
Plutonium exist naturally too (in extremely small amounts). One of the Uranium isotopes will double decay into Plutonium naturally.
This is correct, Plutonium does exist in nature but is not a stable element, ones that are include helium, argon, xenon, etc., with this it is when found in nature usually bonded with another element to cause it to be stable, or even more common the istopes (determined by # of neutrons) will have been decayed into another element, plutonium, with this and the rare amounts of uranium known, this causes it to be easiler man made. along with other elements such as americum, estienum, they all are physically possible because the number of protons they have can be neutralled out by the amount of electrons which are negative in the orbitals around the neclus,
along with the i saw someone mentioned and i think another person ansered the H-bomb question what it is is the use of hydrogen atoms to cause another nuclear reaction only far more stronger (i'm 95% positive its fission power with along with bits of fusion), fission is the physic(ally) possible way to created power, fusion isn't therotically possible altough we do have it, due to the law of conservation of energy/mass, although we do have it, a flaw of modern science

Hope this helps

EDIT: Forgot to discuss aluminum
this is pretty much covered, aluminum is an element, as well as iron, an example of something that isn't an element is steel (mix of iron and carbon).