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f-15 golden era

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  • f-15 golden era

    im playing as the americans, and i havent had my golden era yet.

    im aiming for a diplomacy win, mostly because its one of the only victories i have yet to achieve (i go crazy militarily too often).

    I want to build the UN, but threw some careful spying, i know Persia will beat me by 2 turns or so to building it.

    now... i have some F-15's, but i dont know exactly how to triger a golden age. What is to my advantage are some Iroquois to the north that are a backwards people that no one likes (they attacked me previously, with which i responded by signing MPP's with ALL the nations of the world. everyone is polite or better with me, while they are despized)

    so, i see 2 options
    1: build tuns of units to disband for shields, trying to make up that turn difference
    2: trigger my golden age

    but the question is, HOW do i trigger a golden age with F-15's? will succesful bombing do it, or do i need to shoot something down?

    other tips on how to make up the time will be helpful. planting a spy for sabotage isnt an option.
    Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.

  • #2
    1) You CANNOT do a rush-job on any wonder of the world in Civ3 like you could in Civ2.
    2) I have no idea

    Other: My only suggestion is to use Gramphos' Civ3MultiTool v95whatever-its-at-now. Use the Savegame modifyer to monkey with the offending AI's city that's building the United Nations. Yes, this consitutes blatant cheating, so do so only if you're comfortable with cheating from time-to-time against AI players.
    The cake is NOT a lie. It's so delicious and moist.

    The Weighted Companion Cube is cheating on you, that slut.


    • #3

      I know i cant rush it. but a golden age WILL increase my shield count. what i want to know is.

      What is the Requirement for an F-15 to produce a golden age?
      Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


      • #4
        im 2 turns away from completion.
        im starving Washington to death(turning all irrigated tiles into mined tiles, have lost 7 taxmen)... but it appears i have a one turn lead on Persia.

        and Persia just declared war on the Zulu (they are the two biggest powers of the game, with me tailing just behind).
        this could work to my advantage....
        Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


        • #5
          i built it! Persia and i were going to finish on the same turn, but i suppose i got the doors open first.

          And now, all of the big nations are fighting each other on the other continent.

          seems good ole USA is the only nation everyone loves. Now just to get my diplomacy win...
          Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


          • #6
            I "think" the F-15 would have to destroy another aircraft.
            Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


            • #7
              well, i won, without having to do any extra gift giving.

              had the elections right away, and i defeated Xerxes by a vote of 4-3. the Iroquois abstained.

              never had to use the F-15's on the Iroquois. wouldnt have done much good, they were backwards and didnt even know flight yet.

              I only went to war once, and that was out of self defense.
              and signing MPP's ensured id win the diplo game no matter what. Well, that and constantly sharing techs and anything else i had... the entire game (Persia was always three techs ahead of me, i spent EVERYTHING to get fusion to start the UN)
              Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Ninot
                im 2 turns away from completion.
                im starving Washington to death(turning all irrigated tiles into mined tiles, have lost 7 taxmen)... but it appears i have a one turn lead on Persia.
                What a waste. Not the loss of the taxmen. That is good. The food wasted on them prior to that.

                If you have an important production city you should ONLY have as much irrigation as you absolutely must to work all the hill and mountains tiles. To get that the maximum production out of a city the pop should be topped out at 20. The only way I ever have more is if the city has a lot food bonuses or flood plains and occasionally a city will be helped by some entertainers to keep it in WLTKD to lower corruption. The last is not needed for core cities so I see no reason for doing so in a city that is strong enough for wonder building.

                My bet is that you have automated your workers. That would also explain the difficulty you are having geting a win. Completly automated workers IRITATE to many grassland tiles. All those extra people are only good for getting a higher score and if you lose who cares what score you got.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Ninot
                  well, i won, without having to do any extra gift giving.

                  I don't have any diplomatic wins. One loss that way. I don't want to win that way. I like space race or just getting it done fast by domination.

                  I really like the Space Race video. Maybe if the other victories had a video I would be a bit more willing to go for them.


                  • #10
                    well, im playing games and seeing how they go, but every time i win by a certain kind of victory, i take that one out of the rules for the next game

                    now that i kicked off diplomacy, im going to be playing a game with only conquest and winning at 2050 by score.
                    Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


                    • #11
                      I think the main problem in conquest games is hunting down the last city on islands or that were just created by a settler.

                      The other problem is that unless you DO limit the uncheck the domination victory you are likely to win accidently that way first. Half my domination victories have taken place while I working on or about to start working on the Space Ship.

                      Well that and the actual difficulty of getting a good enough start to conquer everyone. That depends on the level you are playing. I have found that warmongering is easier than being a builder. Sure has been easier on Monarch. I think it will be easier on Emperor as well.

                      Though the first game I played on Emperor, that was prior to the 1.29f patch, I would have lost as a warmonger as well. Its really hard to do well on a island just big enough for 10 cities and mostly plains on top of it. I was way behind when I got off that bloody island and there simply was no place I could even land and execute an invasion. I lost when Ghandi launched. I sabotaged his Space Ship once but failed to get it again.


                      • #12
                        my BEST game so far...

                        i won a culture victory with Rome

                        a few key culture cities... and a huge army to make sure no one kept pace.
                        Truly, it was a war mongering game where culture got out of hand.

                        btw, i made an error before. i HAVE won a conquest victory (as persia)... i havent won by domination. (i could have, but i figured whiping out a few island cities was easier than waiting 10 turns for my culture borders to take over the continent.
                        Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


                        • #13
                          To answer your initial question regarding the GA trigger for the Americans. Your F-15 must shoot down an enemy aircraft. Either being on an air-superiority mission, successfully intercepting an enemy bomber, or being on a bombing mission, successfully fending off an interception by an enemy fighter.


                          • #14
                            To answer the original question, I don't think F-15s (or artillery, for that matter) can generate a Golden Age. I remember someone asking Firaxis at E3 how the Koreans could generate a Golden Age - their UU is an artillery piece. Firaxis replied "The same way the Americans do - by building Wonders". I don't think this is satisfactory - the Americans' Golden Age should come late in the game, not when they build the Pyramids!
                            Up the Irons!
                            Rogue CivIII FAQ!
                            Odysseus and the March of Time
                            I think holding hands can be more erotic than 'slamming it in the ass' - Pekka, thinking that he's messed up


                            • #15
                              I think vondrack has it right.
                              (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

