Two things - the absolute maximum city size the game can handle should be large 1024 or 4096 or something. But built into the rules file should be a line that caps it at say, 256 or 768. This way people with good computers will be able to enjoy a huge game, while people like me (P166
) will be able have a decent game without the computer auto building heaps of cities and slowing the game heaps.
In relation to the name thing this thread was originally about: how about the ability to have very long name for anything (eg 256 chars), but the game will also auto-truncate. However, the game will also give the player the option of specifying a shortened version of the name for display, or for the computer to use when they want to insult you. This way the computer'll know to truncate "The great socialist people's Libyan arab jamahiriya" to "Libya" and not "The gr...iriya"!
No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards...

In relation to the name thing this thread was originally about: how about the ability to have very long name for anything (eg 256 chars), but the game will also auto-truncate. However, the game will also give the player the option of specifying a shortened version of the name for display, or for the computer to use when they want to insult you. This way the computer'll know to truncate "The great socialist people's Libyan arab jamahiriya" to "Libya" and not "The gr...iriya"!
No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards...