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Column #124; By Tim Bromige

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  • Column #124; By Tim Bromige

    Tim Bromige gets right to his point: what was wrong in CivII can be fixed in CivIII, in his debut article entitled "Civilization III".

    Comments/questions welcomed here.

    Dan; Apolyton CS

  • #2


    • #3
      Spods and Geeks hmm that's nice

      Actually there's a rule, well not a rule but you can see it happen, in the 3rd game you have to change it or it fails, be it reviews or sales most 3rd generation incarnations can't copy the 2nd or they fail somehow. You'll notice that many games are changing a lot but are going to be the same but the same at heart.

      And most of the ideas here are just suggestions Firaxis can take them and change them so they can make Civ3 like Civ2 but better.

      I'm still wondering why everyone gets so uppidy about this place I mean, don't you think Firaxis has a brain and will only use suggestions that don't **** up the Civ formula or make the game suck!??!??! Geez these guys, well what's left of 'em, made the last 2 games don't you trust them to use our ideas wisely in the 3rd. And we don't even know if they will use any of these ideas, well they probably will but hey you never know .

      Bottom line, if I want to play Civ2, I'll play Civ2, I don't wanna spend 50 bucks to play Civ2 with some new graphics and AI, still the build a trillion cities and maul the guy tactics. I would rather go out and buy a better game, maybe MOO3 or Wolf3d 2 or WC3.

      King Par4!!

      There is no spoon
      -The Matrix
      Let's kick it up a notch!!
      -Emeril Lagasse
      Fresh Soy makes Tofu so silky
      -Ming Tsai
      [This message has been edited by Par4 (edited July 16, 2000).]


      • #4

        The "quality" of articles of this nature is completely subjective. What you see written are the author's opinions and feelings, and save spelling and grammatical corrections, we do not modify anything in the articles submitted to us in any fashion. Such actions would be inappropriate.

        Dan; Apolyton CS

        P.S. Shortly after the article in question was posted, we received another article submission which will go online next weekend.

        That said, we are in need of more articles to post in the following weeks. Please see the Article Submission page for more information on how you can contribute to this feature.


        • #5

          It's not totally subjective. When you allow people to start calling poster here names --posters who at least have a passion for thinking about new possibilities -- then you create a hostile environment. I daresay that such an "opinion" stated this way under my moderation would have been locked or at least the poster would have been asked nicely to refrain from the names and make an intelligent argument.

          But this was posted as an article!

          It's one thing to state an opinion. Another to make witless attacks. Clearly there was a lack of any decent article, so you went with this one. Personally, I'd rather stare at a blank page then read a silly, half-page slur against some of the best people on this site. Even an article on how to clean stains out of the carpet would have done Apolyton more justice...

          However, you are normally much better about things like this, so I'll just consider it a bad day.
          I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

          "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


          • #6
            Funny how lot of Civ game players look every game at Civilopedia, discovery tree and the like, still they don't look as they can't really see anything.

            I mean, science and technology often slowly evolve from a step to the next. Often, that's the word.

            Sometimes they simply leap lot higher.

            Orville and Wilbur Wright, just for example.

            I don't mean that they, as an Hollywood movie, did a magic work from nothing. Of course they studied, looked around carefully, tried and tested.

            Tim Bromige has an idea of minor step evolution.
            Some of us, with lot of silly and unrealistic proposal, studied, looked around, openly debate and propose to Firaxis a leap.

            We don't care if you disagree with us. There are still planes on the sky.

            Not a lot of hot ballons, anymore.

            Admiral Naismith AKA mcostant
            [This message has been edited by Adm.Naismith (edited July 16, 2000).]
            "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
            - Admiral Naismith


            • #7
              well, this time the related thread got a few more replies than the usual and quickly yin


              • #8
                Oh, I didn't realize that was all that mattered. Well, in that case, I take back my objections.
                I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                • #9
                  I still think there still could be major changes to the game that would not automatically make it a no-Civ game.

                  For example a higher number of civs. If done right an increased number would add more depth and variety to the game.

                  But all changes that are far-reaching still could be done wrong. It all matters on the effort and time given to the developement of the game.

                  I am the Roman Emperor, and am above grammar.
                  -Emperor Sigismund
                  "Truth against the world" - Eire


                  • #10

                    Why then, do the various spods and geeks who infest sites like this, seem to think that the same can't be done with Civ3? Are they so dense that they cannot see that major surgery of the sort they are discussing (e.g. no micro-management, no cities, spherical worlds) will mean that the game is not Civ3, but Something Else 1?

                    Hopefully this is some kind of inside joke, or I'm left to assume we don't care about the quality of articles anymore?
                    I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                    "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                    • #11
                      of course that's not all that matters... please give your objections again


                      • #12
                        Well, since you ARE Markos after all, you can have my objections back.
                        I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                        "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                        • #13

                          Originally posted by yin26 on 07-16-2000 12:50 PM
                          Hopefully this is some kind of inside joke, or I'm left to assume we don't care about the quality of articles anymore?

                          Yeah, I agree. I'm not sure who exactly he was referring to there, but I found it offensive anyway. And yes, Civ does have to change. Live with it, and get over it.

                          - MKL

                          - mkl


                          • #14
                            Why don't you realize that NOTHING will meet your unrealistic expectations? I am a spod or a geek just like the rest of you and if you find that truth objectionable, so be it. Firaxis will develop Civ3 to be a successor to Civ2, for the sole purpose of selling 500,000+ copies. They will not be developing a game just to satisfy us spods and geeks. Live with that and get over it. (how was that for a Monday morning rant?)


                            • #15
                              I can just imagine the news headline, on page 15

                              "Famous video game designer, Sid Meier, and his studio design teams were killed today in a firebomb terrorist attack. Firaxis was located in Maryland(I think), and had just finished completing a game expected to sell over a million copies."

                              Seriously I don't expect any of the stuff I post to get in the game and I'm fine with that and I hope everyone else is too.

                              King Par4!!


                              There is no spoon
                              -The Matrix
                              Let's kick it up a notch!!
                              -Emeril Lagasse
                              Fresh Soy makes Tofu so silky
                              -Ming Tsai
                              [This message has been edited by Par4 (edited July 17, 2000).]

