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3-D, Will it Ruin Civ3?

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  • #31
    Urban Ranger, I've already explained how the engine works, I'm not gonna do it again, all I seem to be doing is repeating myself again and again. I'm not giving up, but I'm going to leave THIS community, because it just doesn't seem productive and positive enough.

    I'll only come here for the info now.

    Orange, not much makes me angry. I don't do anything crazy, but a lot of you people with your tiny brains or limited imaginations piss me off. I have no idea why I am trying to even bother explaining it to any of you. I can only hope that Firaxis, or ANY game designer (BHG seem to understand), makes a game as big and good as I have been arguing about.
    [This message has been edited by L o k i (edited June 14, 2000).]


    • #32
      I agree with Loki, I think that Civ3 should take a large leap and recreate an entire planet in 3D which you can zoom into as far as you want. But definatly not 3-D isometrics ala SMAC, Transport Tycoon and such.

      However, I think that if you are going to do it then you better do it right and make sure that the UI isnt diminished. I dont believe that Firaxis will be able to pull it off and maybe should stick to what they can achieve.

      Though Loki I share your dream.
      "Through the eyes of perfection evolution dies slowly."


      • #33

        Originally posted by L o k i on 06-14-2000 04:19 AM

        but I'm going to leave THIS community
        [This message has been edited by L o k i (edited June 14, 2000).]

        uuuuu now that made me shake .....

        btw all you other guys : you are completely right . civ isn't about fancy grafix . its about the... well I even cant explain it . that CIV feeling... it is so much fun . even when you lose. it's fun . just the proccess. that's all .

        P.S. and what's wrong with chess ? 3 billion ppl ( who know the basic rules )around the world cant go wrong.

        Prepare to Land !


        • #34
          Eat ****! Fifty billion flies can't be wrong!

          Ceterum censeo Romanem esse delendam.
          Hasdrubal's Home.
          Ceterum censeo Romam esse delendam.


          • #35
            I wouldn't mind a closer view, where you could see designs of cities maybe, like cities span out along rivers, the little cities that dot the land are concentrated near lakes and stuff. But have zoom levels too. Just an idea.

            I use this email
            (stupid cant use hotmail)
            Don't ask for golf tips
            Your game will get worse
            There is no spoon,
            But there is a knife


            • #36

              Eat ****!


              Why can't you dumbasses pick it out?

              When I joined up I thought the faq or something said that there was an auto filter at this forum?


              I'm not giving up, but I'm going to leave THIS community, because it just doesn't seem productive and positive enough.

              Now all that's left is us people who wants to play civ for the gameplay as well, not purely graphics. After all, if you want eye candy - go to a pron site (or go play B&W on that p200 with 32mb RAM like you claimed you could)!

              No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards...
              [This message has been edited by UltraSonix (edited June 15, 2000).]
              No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards... Despite any stupid advertisments you may see to the contrary... (And no, koalas don't usually speak!)


              • #37
                Okay, I swear it, this is the last time, I swear it.

                I've only been saying this for the past what, MONTH? for the total reason for GAMEPLAY.

                Haven't you played any games like Ground Control or Earth 2150, Ultra? I highly suggest you do, just so you can get a 'taste' of the 'gameplay'.

                I can play Earth 2150, and say to myself, god damn I wish this game was civilization, I'd be having so much more to think about and do, realisticaly in a civilization fashion.


                • #38

                  Originally posted by L o k i on 06-15-2000 03:55 AM
                  Okay, I swear it, this is the last time, I swear it.

                  Swear? No, I can't believe you'd be swearing, Loki.

                  - MKL
                  - mkl


                  • #39
                    I think some type of 3-d land would help the game so long as it did not like SMAC, the screen was one color, over crowded and not enough color. But if done right could help the game
                    I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.


                    • #40

                      Eat ****! Fifty billion flies can't be wrong!

                      Elvis Presley once released a greatest hits album, called 'Fifty million Elvis fans can't be wrong!'. Shortly after that, some punk band named their album 'Eat ****! Fifty billion flies can't be wrong!'. It's just a hilarious counter to the argument that something must necessarilly be true if only enough people think it is.

                      Ceterum censeo Romanem esse delendam.
                      Hasdrubal's Home.
                      Ceterum censeo Romam esse delendam.


                      • #41
                        Of all the threads I've ever read, on this forum, this is the only one I've seen that could use moderation. Too bad I'm not a moderator any more.

                        Loki, if you can't handle other people's opinions, perhaps leaving is a good idea. Whether or not you've described your ideas before, you aren't impressing anyone here now (other than giving them a bad impression of you).

                        I stand behind my previous reasons, but if you want others, how about this:

                        Any time Firaxis devotes to making a 3-d map is time taken from developing other parts of the game. Players do want good graphics, but not needless detail. The rest should go to developing a great AI and interesting new features.
                        Okay by you?
                        I'm consitently stupid- Japher
                        I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


                        • #42
                          Moderating in the Civ3 general, why I've never heard of such a thing!

                          I use this email
                          (stupid cant use hotmail)
                          Don't ask for golf tips
                          Your game will get worse
                          There is no spoon,
                          But there is a knife


                          • #43

                            I don't get it. It seems to me that you aren't responding to others' sensible critiques. You are just repeating yourself over and over again. That don't work.

                            I know how the engine works. I know you can zoom into the map to look at the finer details. I looked at your URL. It's a fantastic piece of work.

                            So what?

                            Have you played Risk 2? During the battles you get to see litte soldiers shooting each other and falling down dead. It is all great fun for the first two or three times, then you'll want to find a way to turn that off.

                            If you can explain how a 3-D interface on the main screen adds to gameplay, be my guest.

                            [This message has been edited by Urban Ranger (edited June 15, 2000).]
                            (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                            (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                            (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                            • #44
                              Loki: 3D is cool, I give you that. It's just that 3D is a pain in the ass if it's used in the wrong environment, which it seems to be the case recently. Your monitor displays in 2D, and attempts to emulate 3D.

                              I'm beta testing Dark Reign II right now, which is more like Starcraft than Civilization II, but it's still a strategy game in 3D. My initial response was: "Wow, this is so cool!". 360 degree camera movement in every direction, awesome graphics, everything...except for depth. It seems the designers spent so much time doing the 3D graphics that gameplay elements take a back seat. Frankly, I'm too bored of the game (after 1 week only!) now.

                              Not only did gameplay begin to lack, but the 3D became very annoying quite quickly. I try to move units to counter-attack, but the hills are blocking my view, so I must scroll 1/2 way up the screen to select those units, scroll back down, and then attack.

                              All I want is a game with excellent strategy and decent graphics. Gameplay over graphics. This has been the key factor in making Civilization I/II the best games ever, and I'd hate to see it go down the drain because a few people think 3D is cooler than it actually is.

                              And don't get me wrong, 3D is cool, but only when used right! Quake 3 wouldn't work in 2D. Civilization III would work in 2D.

                              What I'm looking for is not completely 3D graphics, but "2.5D" graphics, similar to what SMAC had. Rolling hills and the like, but nothing so extreme it blocks your view and hoggs the CPU.

                              And Loki, just a suggestion: If you wish for people to see your views, perhaps it would be better not to bite their head off for having a different opinion. Spazing out at people is definately not a good debate technique.
                              "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                              Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                              • #45
                                You are stuuuupeed, you are stuuuupeed, and dont ferget, you are stuuuupeed.
                                Angel left wing right wing broken wing

