Ok as some of you may know I am pushing for the wonder system to stay where it is as far as number of wonders. But it is clear that not a lot of people are happy with the current system of what a WoW does for your civ. So I decided to start a new thread.
First I decided to label each wonder with a category that represents what it should deal with in Civ 3 (all of these are open for comment and are in no way final).
Categories -
(Religious)Happiness, Political, Economic, Environment, Diplomatic, Units, Trade, Scientific, City
Pyramids - Happiness(Religion)
Colossus - Trade, Happiness(Religion)
Hanging Gardens - Happiness, City
Oracle - Political, Scientific
Great Library - Science(City)
Lighthouse - Naval
Great Wall - Units
Marco Polo's Embassy - Diplomatic, Science
Copernicus' Obeervatory - Science, Naval
Sun Tzu's War Academy - Units, City
Shakesphere's Theatre - Happiness
Magellan's Expedition - Naval
King Richard's Crusade - Units
Michelangelo's Chapel - Happiness
Leonardo's Workshop - Units, City
Eiffel Tower - Trade, Political
Adam Smith's Trading Company - Economic, Trade
Statue of Liberty - Happiness, Political
JS Bach's Cathedral - Happiness
Darwin's Voyage - Science
Issac Newton's College - Science
Women's Sufferage - Happiness, Political
United Nations - Political, Diplomatic
Apollo Program - Science
SETI Program - Science
Cure for Cancer - Science, Happiness
Manhattan Project - City, Units
Hoover Dam - Environmental, City
Pyramids - Doubles effect of all temples
Colossus - Adds one trade arrow to every square in city radius, increases happiness by 1 per 5 citizens (+ 20% happiness in city)
Hanging Gardens - Makes all citizens content in city, counts as Granary in every city.
Oracle - Increases science rate by 25%. Civs you are currently in contact with increase 25pts (if using pt scale) happiness with your civ
Great Library - Counts as a library in all cities.
Lighthouse - Sea Units can not be lost at sea (I don't think Trieme's should be able to move off shore at all, but other units should have a chance of being lost at sea before Lighthouse), increase movement by 1.
Great Wall - Barbarians can not enter your borders. Double defense for units stationed in Fortresses.
Marco Polo's Embassy - Gives an embassy with two random Civs. You recieve any knowledge possessed by these two civs.
Copernicus' Observatory - Doubles science output of city. Added movement for ships.
Sun Tzu's War Academy - All new units recieves veteran status (all units win battle recieve vet status) Free support for a unit?
Michelangelo's Chapel - Counts as cathedral in all cities
Shakesphere's Theatre - No unrest in city.
Magellan's Expedition - All ships with an explorer recieve +4 movement rate. Explorers recieve +1 walking (+3 because treats all squares as road)
King Richard's Crusade - Free support for Crusaders. Crusaders recieve +50% attack/defense
Leonardo's Workshop - Creates a city improvement in all cities which upgrades units (e.g. dragoons to Calvary).
Eiffel Tower - One extra trade arrow in city. Other Civ's Citizens that are below a certain happiness with your civ are shifted to an above average likeness towards your civ.
Adam Smith's Trading Company (Wall St. instead? ~ Christantine) - Pays for all improvements that cost 1 gold (or unit) +50% luxury output. +1 Trade arrow in city.
Statue of Liberty - Under a Democracy/Republic + 1 happiness in every city. Allows switching of governments without unrest.
J.S. Bach's Cathedral - +2 happy people on every city within certain area of city.
Darwin's Voyage - Triples Science output of city. (IMHO the extra 2 advances made this WoW to powerful)
Issac Newton's College - Counts as University in all cities
Women's Sufferage - Counts as 2 extra happy person in every city. Other Civ's people shift view of you to "cordial" or Civ 3 equivalent
United Nations - Embassy with every Civ. Able to declare war as democracy at any time if Allied wtih a nation. Other Civs view of you increases
*Apollo Program - View of entire map. Counts as a research lab in every city. (No spaceship, we built Apollo in 60s and still no talk of spaceship. I felt this was inaccurate in civ2)
SETI Program - Triple's Science output of city (for all of you Area 51 supporters)
*Cure for Cancer - Double Science output of city, +1 happy citizen in every city.
Hoover Dam - Decreases pollution caused by factories and population by 50% in all cities.
Manhattan Project - counts as Nuke missle factory in every city (if that is in Civ 3). Gives you knowledge of Nuclear Warfare, gives other civs the right to research Nuclear Warfare. (someone suggested this, I'm not taking credit for it)
NORAD - Allows vision of all air units
Human Genome Project - 0% Disease, 50% boost in city's science production
Space Elevator - Decrease in cost of Spaceship parts/or/increase in Spaceship speed.
Damn that was a lot of writing. Ok I'm dying to make changes to this and I'm sure you all have some. I just wanted to combine all of our ideas into one big thread. I'll check back and update tomorrow if any changes are suggested...
* Can be placed in the "future" epoch.
(5/22 - I updated this to show the suggestions for future epoch wonders...)
(Updated 5/23 to include space elevator)
~~~I am who I am, who I am - but who am I?~~~
[This message has been edited by OrangeSfwr (edited May 22, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by OrangeSfwr (edited May 23, 2000).]
First I decided to label each wonder with a category that represents what it should deal with in Civ 3 (all of these are open for comment and are in no way final).
Categories -
(Religious)Happiness, Political, Economic, Environment, Diplomatic, Units, Trade, Scientific, City
Pyramids - Happiness(Religion)
Colossus - Trade, Happiness(Religion)
Hanging Gardens - Happiness, City
Oracle - Political, Scientific
Great Library - Science(City)
Lighthouse - Naval
Great Wall - Units
Marco Polo's Embassy - Diplomatic, Science
Copernicus' Obeervatory - Science, Naval
Sun Tzu's War Academy - Units, City
Shakesphere's Theatre - Happiness
Magellan's Expedition - Naval
King Richard's Crusade - Units
Michelangelo's Chapel - Happiness
Leonardo's Workshop - Units, City
Eiffel Tower - Trade, Political
Adam Smith's Trading Company - Economic, Trade
Statue of Liberty - Happiness, Political
JS Bach's Cathedral - Happiness
Darwin's Voyage - Science
Issac Newton's College - Science
Women's Sufferage - Happiness, Political
United Nations - Political, Diplomatic
Apollo Program - Science
SETI Program - Science
Cure for Cancer - Science, Happiness
Manhattan Project - City, Units
Hoover Dam - Environmental, City
Pyramids - Doubles effect of all temples
Colossus - Adds one trade arrow to every square in city radius, increases happiness by 1 per 5 citizens (+ 20% happiness in city)
Hanging Gardens - Makes all citizens content in city, counts as Granary in every city.
Oracle - Increases science rate by 25%. Civs you are currently in contact with increase 25pts (if using pt scale) happiness with your civ
Great Library - Counts as a library in all cities.
Lighthouse - Sea Units can not be lost at sea (I don't think Trieme's should be able to move off shore at all, but other units should have a chance of being lost at sea before Lighthouse), increase movement by 1.
Great Wall - Barbarians can not enter your borders. Double defense for units stationed in Fortresses.
Marco Polo's Embassy - Gives an embassy with two random Civs. You recieve any knowledge possessed by these two civs.
Copernicus' Observatory - Doubles science output of city. Added movement for ships.
Sun Tzu's War Academy - All new units recieves veteran status (all units win battle recieve vet status) Free support for a unit?
Michelangelo's Chapel - Counts as cathedral in all cities
Shakesphere's Theatre - No unrest in city.
Magellan's Expedition - All ships with an explorer recieve +4 movement rate. Explorers recieve +1 walking (+3 because treats all squares as road)
King Richard's Crusade - Free support for Crusaders. Crusaders recieve +50% attack/defense
Leonardo's Workshop - Creates a city improvement in all cities which upgrades units (e.g. dragoons to Calvary).
Eiffel Tower - One extra trade arrow in city. Other Civ's Citizens that are below a certain happiness with your civ are shifted to an above average likeness towards your civ.
Adam Smith's Trading Company (Wall St. instead? ~ Christantine) - Pays for all improvements that cost 1 gold (or unit) +50% luxury output. +1 Trade arrow in city.
Statue of Liberty - Under a Democracy/Republic + 1 happiness in every city. Allows switching of governments without unrest.
J.S. Bach's Cathedral - +2 happy people on every city within certain area of city.
Darwin's Voyage - Triples Science output of city. (IMHO the extra 2 advances made this WoW to powerful)
Issac Newton's College - Counts as University in all cities
Women's Sufferage - Counts as 2 extra happy person in every city. Other Civ's people shift view of you to "cordial" or Civ 3 equivalent
United Nations - Embassy with every Civ. Able to declare war as democracy at any time if Allied wtih a nation. Other Civs view of you increases
*Apollo Program - View of entire map. Counts as a research lab in every city. (No spaceship, we built Apollo in 60s and still no talk of spaceship. I felt this was inaccurate in civ2)
SETI Program - Triple's Science output of city (for all of you Area 51 supporters)
*Cure for Cancer - Double Science output of city, +1 happy citizen in every city.
Hoover Dam - Decreases pollution caused by factories and population by 50% in all cities.
Manhattan Project - counts as Nuke missle factory in every city (if that is in Civ 3). Gives you knowledge of Nuclear Warfare, gives other civs the right to research Nuclear Warfare. (someone suggested this, I'm not taking credit for it)
NORAD - Allows vision of all air units
Human Genome Project - 0% Disease, 50% boost in city's science production
Space Elevator - Decrease in cost of Spaceship parts/or/increase in Spaceship speed.
Damn that was a lot of writing. Ok I'm dying to make changes to this and I'm sure you all have some. I just wanted to combine all of our ideas into one big thread. I'll check back and update tomorrow if any changes are suggested...
* Can be placed in the "future" epoch.
(5/22 - I updated this to show the suggestions for future epoch wonders...)
(Updated 5/23 to include space elevator)
~~~I am who I am, who I am - but who am I?~~~
[This message has been edited by OrangeSfwr (edited May 22, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by OrangeSfwr (edited May 23, 2000).]