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AI Cheating !!

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  • #16
    The Greeks dont need magnetism/navigation, AFAIK the rule applies to everyone once anyone has those techs. Personally, I think its a crock for galleys to cross ocean squares but the firaxians seem to disagree.
    We need seperate human-only games for MP/PBEM that dont include the over-simplifications required to have a good AI
    If any man be thirsty, let him come unto me and drink. Vampire 7:37
    Just one old soldiers opinion. E Tenebris Lux. Pax quaeritur bello.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Coracle
      This is just another sneaky way the AI cheats.

      First of all, no galley should ever survive in the middle of an ocean with or without any tech or Wonder. Hell, their crews would never sail that far from land anyway, and if they did they'd have run out of food and water quickly.
      So it is unrealistic nonsense, like so much in Civ 3.

      BUT, I was once playing on the famous "Marla Map" of the world. I had realistic starting locations and was China; I had just reached caravels and was sending them up north along the coast and had reached the Bering Straight near Alaska.

      LO AND BEHOLD! I ran right into a GERMAN GALLEY in an ocean tile. They did not have the Lighthouse (as if that should matter). I immediately obtained the German world map. . . and there was about five thousand miles of black space between where the galley was and the nearest other German- discovered area (near Iceland in the Atlantic Ocean). So the German galley simply TELEPORTED itself over thousands of miles of land and ice onto the northern Pacific - where there are often waves fifty feet high.

      It's a cheat. And it sucks.

      Firaxis has been told about this since December and they refuse to fix it.

      Just another reason why I play Civ 3 less and less.

      For someone so bent upon proclaiming the AI cheats, you would substantially help your cause by posting evidence stronger than the anecdotal rememberance. You obviously have some feelings about some specific cheats (if these are cheats, then apparently they aren't sneaky enough to escape your notice), so you should have some good thoughts as to how to find these cheats. Or are you too convinced in your beliefs to subject them to any sort of meaningful scrutiny?
      If you're wondering why I'm not posting at CivFanatics, I received a 3 day ban on September 10th.


      • #18
        This point about the galleys in oceans after magnetism/navigation has come up before at least once before (in my thread ). Its not a well known change to the game from civ2 and the fact that its not in the civilopedia or well advertised means this topic will come up again and again.

        EDIT: sorry it wasnt my thread see Catts link below
        Last edited by SpencerH; August 22, 2002, 12:23.
        We need seperate human-only games for MP/PBEM that dont include the over-simplifications required to have a good AI
        If any man be thirsty, let him come unto me and drink. Vampire 7:37
        Just one old soldiers opinion. E Tenebris Lux. Pax quaeritur bello.


        • #19
          The Polynesians sailed all over the south pacific and then up to Hawaii on what were basically rafts - there's some pretty rough seas down there. And there is a limited, but controversial, amount of historical evidence that the Egyptians may have sailed across the atlantic to South America in the something close to galleys (can't remember what they were called). Not to mention the Vikings in their longboats...

          Galleys in ocean tiles is fairly realistic IMO ... if you're willing to take the risk why not? I've had a couple of games where I managed to circle a standard sized map using a galley ... all in ocean tiles. But then I've also had games where I've lost a galley only a couple of tiles out from the coast.

          Don't like the AI's ship being in the middle of the ocean? Sink it.


          • #20
            The viking ships were not galleys, but the points about Thor Heyerdals hypotheses of the Polynesian and Egyptian reed galleys are well taken.
            We need seperate human-only games for MP/PBEM that dont include the over-simplifications required to have a good AI
            If any man be thirsty, let him come unto me and drink. Vampire 7:37
            Just one old soldiers opinion. E Tenebris Lux. Pax quaeritur bello.


            • #21
              The AI folows the rules (if you give automate to all units you can see it), The only cheats have to do with difficulty level (which are in the rules) and how the AI gets information, as the computer has to have all information and the AI is the computer so they have to set what the AI knows.
              The AI can't see the map so it has to Know the map, the AI can't guess what you will accept so it has to Know what you can, the AI can't rember what you did last turn and it can't plan a sratagy so it has to know where your units are and where you are weakest, There are more like this I can't think of right now.
              The AI also knows everything it can do and does it (pop rush when you start a war, how to trade tech, etc.) and it doesn't mis anything (can't forget to wake a unit, can't press space at the wrong time, etc.).

              It could be that because the can't pick the best place to risk a ship crossing the ocean it knows the random seed, but I don't think so.

              So to make the AI smarter it has to know less and make more mistakes.
              Last edited by Level; August 22, 2002, 12:01.
              Was gone for two years, I'm back now.
              in a 3D world is there a difference between these: b d q p | / - \
              3D Unit tutorial
              My units: MechWalker,Rocket soldier,Hover Tank,Crawler,Hover Copter


              • #22
                Originally posted by Krakatoa

                a turn, yes, its possible but not adviseable...

                the wierd is i found one galley about 3 or 4 turns away on the deep ocean, I never could do that, why they can? Most likely, in the first turn on ocean my galley sink... I will build 10 galleys and try it
                Krakatoa - can you post a saved game?

                Either you're misremembering or there is a bug in your game. See Soren Johnson's (lead AI programmer for Civ 3) comments regarding this topic in this thread.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by SpencerH
                  The Greeks dont need magnetism/navigation, AFAIK the rule applies to everyone once anyone has those techs. Personally, I think its a crock for galleys to cross ocean squares but the firaxians seem to disagree.
                  Yes! This is what I've always thought... but I have seen the other way (a civ needs the tech to have its vessels influenced) mentioned in the forums so often that I've begun hesitating... AFAIK, it is much like with the Education. As soon as anyone invents it, it affects everyone (cancels the effect of GL, lets galleys cross sea/ocean tiles).

                  I also agree that Galleys should never be able to cross ocean, no matter what tech you have. Upgrade to Caravel first, then go out exploring the high seas...


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Catt

                    Krakatoa - can you post a saved game?
                    Sorry, I din't save it
                    When I found the galley, I killed him and keep playing... only few moments later I realize the metter.

                    I will save when occurs again.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Krakatoa

                      I will save when occurs again.
                      May I also suggest that you reconsider ever starting threads concerning AI "cheating" unless you have a saved game to share for analysis by others (and particularly avoid starting threads with titles containg "CHEATING" or "Cheat !!!"). I have yet to see a saved game of alleged cheating that didn't eventually have a rational, understandable, within-game-rules explanation (there have been a couple of "bugs" which players mught consider cheats - the AI trading techs during a player's turn in v1.16 being the prime example, the so-called "Scared to Death Bug" discovered by cracker that some seem to consider an AI cheat being another).

                      Yelling "Cheat!" in a thread does a number of things, none of them good, some of which are: (1) makes the poster seem a bit hysterical and silly when the cheat is easily explained away; (2) contributes to the "urban myth" status of certain "known cheats" - AI galleys in oceans being a prime example; (3) sows general confusion about the game mechanics; (4) incites flame wars in the forum; and (5) invites the trolls to come out and play.



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Catt

                        Yelling "Cheat!" in a thread does a number of things, none of them good, some of which are: (1) makes the poster seem a bit hysterical and silly when the cheat is easily explained away; (2) contributes to the "urban myth" status of certain "known cheats" - AI galleys in oceans being a prime example; (3) sows general confusion about the game mechanics; (4) incites flame wars in the forum; and (5) invites the trolls to come out and play.

                        6) Brings Coracle at a fast gallop.
                        If you're wondering why I'm not posting at CivFanatics, I received a 3 day ban on September 10th.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Gastric ReFlux

                          6) Brings Coracle at a fast gallop.
                          I (diplomatically) listed that as point (5).


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Catt

                            I (diplomatically) listed that as point (5).

                            Point taken. Aiming for the UN victory?
                            If you're wondering why I'm not posting at CivFanatics, I received a 3 day ban on September 10th.


                            • #29
                              Hmmm, in my very first game I happened to be a separated
                              island civ (very separated), so had no choice, but to build swarms of galleys, and send them on the suicide missions in all directions. A few of them actually crossed about 10 tiles of ocean without sinking. That lead to massive consequences - my Great Library actually started working, and me quickly getting into the winning position. I don`t say I cheated, no

