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AI Cheating !!

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  • AI Cheating !!

    I was navigating with one of mine ships exploring the world, then, to my stuned surprise, I saw one greek GALLEY in the middle of the OCEAN, pretty far away from the coast

    Why AI can do that, if when I go with my galley to ocean square, it sink ?? It is so unfair ! and stinks.....


  • #2
    Sorry to disappoint you, but the AI doesn't cheat here. If the Greeks have the Great Lighthouse, there is a 50% chance of their galleys surviving in an ocean square. I have done the same thing with my galley, too.

    Read Civilopedia first before whining about AI "cheating".


    • #3
      My dear lord, off course I know about Great Lighthouse... and I HAVE this Wonder !!!

      So, any other idea ??


      • #4
        I think that it's been said before that this is one of the AI's 'cheats'.
        Making the Civ-world a better place (and working up to King) one post at a time....


        • #5
          This is just another sneaky way the AI cheats.

          First of all, no galley should ever survive in the middle of an ocean with or without any tech or Wonder. Hell, their crews would never sail that far from land anyway, and if they did they'd have run out of food and water quickly.
          So it is unrealistic nonsense, like so much in Civ 3.

          BUT, I was once playing on the famous "Marla Map" of the world. I had realistic starting locations and was China; I had just reached caravels and was sending them up north along the coast and had reached the Bering Straight near Alaska.

          LO AND BEHOLD! I ran right into a GERMAN GALLEY in an ocean tile. They did not have the Lighthouse (as if that should matter). I immediately obtained the German world map. . . and there was about five thousand miles of black space between where the galley was and the nearest other German- discovered area (near Iceland in the Atlantic Ocean). So the German galley simply TELEPORTED itself over thousands of miles of land and ice onto the northern Pacific - where there are often waves fifty feet high.

          It's a cheat. And it sucks.

          Firaxis has been told about this since December and they refuse to fix it.

          Just another reason why I play Civ 3 less and less.


          • #6
            Ok, you got me on that one. It's an AI cheat then.


            • #7
              pfff, not this again !!!

              AFAIK the AI is NOT cheating in this case. (same rules apply to both AI & humans )

              Could you post a save-game?
              Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
              Then why call him God? - Epicurus


              • #8
                * Sigh Again *

                I was really hoping this was going to be a sarcastic thread . . .

                Where were the Greeks in the tech tree? After Astronomy (or is it Magnetism?) everyone's galleys may safely travel in the ocean (though this fact is not stated in the Civilopedia).

                This is one of those "AI Cheats!" that never dies, no matter that no one can post a saved game showing proof of the "cheat," and no matter that the lead programmer publicly stated that: (1) the AI doesn't cheat; and (2) if anything, the risky sea and ocean passages are actually a "cheat" in favor of the human because the AI will never cause its galley to end its turn in a sea or ocean square so long as the risk of sinking may occur, whereas the human player may elect to take the risk and dare to cross the seas, sometimes thereby reaping the reward.

                Proclaiming an "AI Cheat" especially if yelling ("AI CHEATING" or "AI Cheat !!") generaly makes one look awfully foolish in the end -- a much better approach might be to share the puzzling information in a less hysterical manner ("AI Galley in Ocean?" sounds like a nice thread title). Just food for thought.



                • #9
                  Right On, Catt

                  And as I have stated before, in more than one thread, the AI never cheats, though they do play by some different rules than humans do. Humans have the ultimate cheat - they can think and they can learn!


                  • #10
                    If the civ knows:

                    Astronomy: ANY ship may travel safely over sea tiles.

                    Magnetism OR Navigation: ANY ship may travel safely over ocean tiles.

                    The type of ship has NOTHING to do with probability of sinking.


                    • #11
                      Re: AI Cheating !!

                      Originally posted by Krakatoa
                      Why AI can do that, if when I go with my galley to ocean square, it sink ?? It is so unfair ! and stinks.....
                      So, Krakatoa, what techs did the "cheating" AI have? Is this just another case of Krakatoa blowing up for no good reason
                      Do not be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed...


                      • #12

                        the greeks does not have magnetism, maybe they have navigation.

                        So, greek galley cannot go to ocean, or can go and will risk to sink. When I dare go to ocean, I almost all the time and sinking, rarely dont. How can AI stay about 2 or 3+ turns on ocean without sink ?? Are greek more brave or what ??

                        But this is not so important, my strong navy will destroy every greek boat


                        • #13
                          I am not sure if the AI is cheating since the all gamerules apply to all. I am of one thing certain though, that I once tried to cross deep water with my galley and I did. I don't remember having the Lighthouse and although I highly doubt it since it's one of the wonders that I am not that fond of. I had the impression that there always was a possibility that a galley can survive a turn in the deep water! Am I wrong?

                          So long...
                          Excellence can be attained if you Care more than other think is wise, Risk more than others think is safe, Dream more than others think is practical and Expect more than others think is possible.
                          Ask a Question and you're a fool for 3 minutes; don't ask a question and you're a fool for the rest of your life! Chinese Proverb
                          Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. Warren Buffet


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by The Pioneer
                            I am not sure if the AI is cheating since the all gamerules apply to all. I am of one thing certain though, that I once tried to cross deep water with my galley and I did. I don't remember having the Lighthouse and although I highly doubt it since it's one of the wonders that I am not that fond of. I had the impression that there always was a possibility that a galley can survive a turn in the deep water! Am I wrong?

                            So long...
                            a turn, yes, its possible but not adviseable...

                            the wierd is i found one galley about 3 or 4 turns away on the deep ocean, I never could do that, why they can? Most likely, in the first turn on ocean my galley sink... I will build 10 galleys and try it


                            • #15
                              On my games I've never found any gallery's in the middle of the ocean. I fact in my games they never seem to find the little islands
                              I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.

