It always amazes me that people can take a game so seriously that they'll accuse others of being lame or cheating for not playing it "fair". For instance, I saw someone accuse another of cheating because they restarted the game for having a bad starting position.
Surely, if individual A has bought the game then that individual has every right to do what they want with the game as long as no-one else if affected? For multi-player, a fair playing field must be maintained I agree but why does individual B feel (s/)he has the right to criticise another for playing/altering the game they want to ensure they have the most fun possible?
I've had this same discussion with people over other games, for instance Half-Life - peeps have had the audacity to accuse me of cheating for using the quick-save functionality to avoid playing through the entire level again when I die.
Just wanted to see if others agree or if not, why?
Surely, if individual A has bought the game then that individual has every right to do what they want with the game as long as no-one else if affected? For multi-player, a fair playing field must be maintained I agree but why does individual B feel (s/)he has the right to criticise another for playing/altering the game they want to ensure they have the most fun possible?
I've had this same discussion with people over other games, for instance Half-Life - peeps have had the audacity to accuse me of cheating for using the quick-save functionality to avoid playing through the entire level again when I die.
Just wanted to see if others agree or if not, why?