Hello! 8)
I haven't played Civ2 yet, but I have been a very big fan of Civilization One for a while now. After experience with its Communism model of government, I was hoping that in new versions, there could be some more realistic additions to it. Communism works better, as Marx himself said, in a nation that is already industrial and with enough money to support the change to it.
What I was thinking is that the Communism model in the game could require a high number of shields (made possible by factories and manufacturing plants) in all cities of a nation that have a population number over five. Communism could still be selected, but for every city or number of shields that is not up to par, a relative amount of money could be lost to the nation, eventually leading to a large drain on funds, sending cities into disrepair (unable to support walls, granary, barracks, etc.) and causing the disbanding of military units. I think that this should all happen relatively quickly (over a period of not more than 10-20 years/turns), and the numbers involved for both requirements and 'punishments' should be high. However, I feel that there should be more positive additions to the model, also.
If there are enough factories and enough shields and enough money, then I believe that the goal of Communism should be reached by the nation-- near-Utopian levels of corruption, production, food, peace, and population. Seeing as Communism is the last of the government models to be learned by a civilization, and the effects of not being able to support Communism being considered, I think these privelages are justified. I feel that this is a more realistic way to program the Communism model. It goes along better with the theories and goals behind Communism, and with world history and practice of Communism in nations that were unable to support it.
Thank you!
I am sorry if this isn't where you're supposed to send ideas, but I couldn't find any e-mail to send to. 8)
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I haven't played Civ2 yet, but I have been a very big fan of Civilization One for a while now. After experience with its Communism model of government, I was hoping that in new versions, there could be some more realistic additions to it. Communism works better, as Marx himself said, in a nation that is already industrial and with enough money to support the change to it.
What I was thinking is that the Communism model in the game could require a high number of shields (made possible by factories and manufacturing plants) in all cities of a nation that have a population number over five. Communism could still be selected, but for every city or number of shields that is not up to par, a relative amount of money could be lost to the nation, eventually leading to a large drain on funds, sending cities into disrepair (unable to support walls, granary, barracks, etc.) and causing the disbanding of military units. I think that this should all happen relatively quickly (over a period of not more than 10-20 years/turns), and the numbers involved for both requirements and 'punishments' should be high. However, I feel that there should be more positive additions to the model, also.
If there are enough factories and enough shields and enough money, then I believe that the goal of Communism should be reached by the nation-- near-Utopian levels of corruption, production, food, peace, and population. Seeing as Communism is the last of the government models to be learned by a civilization, and the effects of not being able to support Communism being considered, I think these privelages are justified. I feel that this is a more realistic way to program the Communism model. It goes along better with the theories and goals behind Communism, and with world history and practice of Communism in nations that were unable to support it.
Thank you!
I am sorry if this isn't where you're supposed to send ideas, but I couldn't find any e-mail to send to. 8)
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