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What resources do you think should be added to the game

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  • What resources do you think should be added to the game

    What resources do you think we add to the game using the editor or what rources have you added
    I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.

  • #2
    Re: What resources do you think should be added to the game

    Originally posted by Deathwalker
    What resources do you think we add to the game using the editor or what rources have you added
    Timber - forest - Strategic - necesarry for the great sailing ships

    Jade & Silver as bonus resources

    Pearls and Salt as luxury resources (set pearls to luxury to control their appearance rate)
    The true nature of a man is shown by what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.


    • #3
      I've added Nickel with Metallurgy, which I need for Cannons and more advanced guns than Muskets. I've also added Copper and Tin in Bronze working. Also several types of stone for buildings, like Granite and Paper for Libraries, Courthouses etc. And of course Timber.

      It's been great since Firaxis tripled the appearance numbers. Now you can have a strategic resource that's almost as common as a bonus.

      PS Oh yeah, also Titanium for spaceship parts and satellites etc.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Willem
        I've added Nickel with Metallurgy, which I need for Cannons and more advanced guns than Muskets. I've also added Copper and Tin in Bronze working. Also several types of stone for buildings, like Granite and Paper for Libraries, Courthouses etc. And of course Timber.

        It's been great since Firaxis tripled the appearance numbers. Now you can have a strategic resource that's almost as common as a bonus.

        PS Oh yeah, also Titanium for spaceship parts and satellites etc.
        Nickel's a good one - vital for jet engines and nuclear containment vessels.

        For steel you need limestone also.

        Critical ones for jet engines: chromium and vanadium, molybdemum(sp?).

        Another one that's essential for many modern alloys is cobalt.

        To do resources right would be a good idea to increase the number of requireds to more than 3 as it is now in the editor - jets would need something like 6-8 or more.


        • #5
          Originally posted by candidgamera

          To do resources right would be a good idea to increase the number of requireds to more than 3 as it is now in the editor - jets would need something like 6-8 or more.
          With the last patch, the number of a particular resource has been increased to a total of 90 each, a threefold increase. However, it seems that there's an absolute limit. The more strategic recources I add, the less bonus ones I end up with. So there's room for much more complexity as to requirements, but only so much. I'm finding it best to keep it to basics.

          I've added Limestone as a building requirement, it's an important ingredient for concrete. I hadn't considered it for Steel though, I should keep that in mind for my Battleships etc. Though I suspect that I have all my resource slots for that unit filled up by now.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Willem
            With the last patch, the number of a particular resource has been increased to a total of 90 each, a threefold increase. However, it seems that there's an absolute limit. The more strategic recources I add, the less bonus ones I end up with. So there's room for much more complexity as to requirements, but only so much. I'm finding it best to keep it to basics.
            Almost like bonus resources should have an independent appearance rate maybe. Have to confess haven't played much yet with adding resources, units, ect. - just working basic system.

            Originally posted by Willem
            I've added Limestone as a building requirement, it's an important ingredient for concrete. I hadn't considered it for Steel though, I should keep that in mind for my Battleships etc. Though I suspect that I have all my resource slots for that unit filled up by now.
            Was my problem in a hurry for things that need steel (coal & iron in game as is) and oil and say rubber (seals, gaskets, ect.) - like tanks - kind of had to compromise.

            Another few thought of:
            diamonds - very important for modern industry - am to understand WWII in Europe would have ended 1-2 years early if they'd not gotten diamonds smuggled out through Vichy-occupied Africa from southern Africa.

            zinc - for brass, all kinds of stuff
            magnesium - important for aluminum alloys

            rare earth magnetic material like neodynium & samarium

            for the ancients - spearmen/hoplite could require tin & copper
            seems like copper would be good anyway - have to have for electricity.

            Liked the one above on timber for ships.

            Gold might be better as strategic too rather than an all to common extra.

            Some common important alloys, what's in them, uses:
            Hastelloys - Nickel/Chrome/Iron/Moly/sometimes cobalt - piping and other stuff to deal with high temp and corrosive chemicals.

            Inconels - Nickel/Iron/Chrome/sometimes cobalt - nuclear reactors, jet engines - high temp, strength, corrosion applications.

            Stainless Steel - Nickel/Chrome/Iron/Moly


            • #7
              Originally posted by candidgamera
              Almost like bonus resources should have an independent appearance rate maybe. Have to confess haven't played much yet with adding resources, units, ect. - just working basic system.
              for the ancients - spearmen/hoplite could require tin & copper
              seems like copper would be good anyway - have to have for electricity.
              I've added both to my game. The tin only has a limited use, mainly early in the game, but the copper is used for a number of things later, e.g. power stations, Hoover Dam, spaceship parts etc

              Liked the one above on timber for ships..
              That seemed rather obvious to me, I don't know why Firaxis didn't include it themselves.

              Gold might be better as strategic too rather than an all to common extra.
              Yes, it didn't make sense to me that Gold was more common in the game than Iron was. I've made it a requirement for Banks, and some gov specific versions of Wall Street I've created.

              Some common important alloys, what's in them, uses:
              Hastelloys - Nickel/Chrome/Iron/Moly/sometimes cobalt - piping and other stuff to deal with high temp and corrosive chemicals..

              Inconels - Nickel/Iron/Chrome/sometimes cobalt - nuclear reactors, jet engines - high temp, strength, corrosion applications.

              Stainless Steel - Nickel/Chrome/Iron/Moly
              Yes well, there are limits, so it's best not to get to carried away.

              I've also been adding some invisible resources, to represent the creativity of the people themselves. One is Artistry, another is Discovery, then finally Revelation, or Rapture as I'm calling it. I don't think Revelation will fit in the right-click graphic window. These three will represent the creative, scientific, and religious inspirations of my civilization.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Willem
                Yes, it didn't make sense to me that Gold was more common in the game than Iron was. I've made it a requirement for Banks, and some gov specific versions of Wall Street I've created.
                Am to assume you changed it to a Strategic from a bonus then?
                sidebar: made my Wall Street (and Pentagon) require Corporation.

                Originally posted by Willem
                Yes well, there are limits, so it's best not to get to carried away.
                Of course, these are made anyway, but just intended to show importance of chrome, your nickel, moly, and cobalt.

                Originally posted by Willem
                I've also been adding some invisible resources, to represent the creativity of the people themselves. One is Artistry, another is Discovery, then finally Revelation, or Rapture as I'm calling it. I don't think Revelation will fit in the right-click graphic window. These three will represent the creative, scientific, and religious inspirations of my civilization.
                So in game terms how do you find these, or do you start with them, and what do they do?

                On copper, make your own graphic then?


                • #9
                  Tin and Zinc. Vital for alloys of copper.

                  Maybe gold should be a resource unlike what it is now.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by candidgamera

                    Am to assume you changed it to a Strategic from a bonus then?
                    sidebar: made my Wall Street (and Pentagon) require Corporation.
                    Yes, as it should be. The quest for gold has begun many a war throughout history.

                    So in game terms how do you find these, or do you start with them, and what do they do?
                    I'm still playing with them. I've created 3 "inspiration" resources, Artistry, Discovery, which represents science, and Revelation, for religion. Each gives a 1/1/1 bonus to a square, but is also needed for various buildings. Revelation for Temple and Cathedral, Discovery for Library etc. I have a thread about it going on here:

                    Invisible Resource

                    As for finding them I don't really, they're just supposed to happen. But they do show up as extra food etc. in the city view, and I can find them by right clicking on the terrain, if I suspect they're there.

                    And no, my coppper icon is borrowed, I've just been using other peoples stuff. If it looks good I'll try to come up with a resource for it.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Coracle
                      Tin and Zinc. Vital for alloys of copper.

                      Maybe gold should be a resource unlike what it is now.

                      Tin for Bronze

                      Zinc for Brass

                      Willem: found and responded over on the other thread - nice, elegant idea, could build some pyramids of needs using this idea - good tool for complexity of modern mass culture stuff - fashions, trends, ect.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by candidgamera

                        Willem: found and responded over on the other thread - nice, elegant idea, could build some pyramids of needs using this idea - good tool for complexity of modern mass culture stuff - fashions, trends, ect.
                        Yes, interesting approach, regarding the mass culture idea! I hadn't thought about it along those lines. It would be especially interesting using concepts like that for Luxuries. The moods of your citizens could be quite fluid that way in modern times. I'll have to keep that in mind.

                        The evolution of this approach has been rather interesting. It started out with someone wanting an earthquake resource, and the idea keeps getting fed along the way.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by candidgamera

                          So in game terms how do you find these, or do you start with them, and what do they do?
                          Of course!

                          I don't have to find them my automated workers will, if they're building a road network.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Willem

                            Yes, interesting approach, regarding the mass culture idea! I hadn't thought about it along those lines. It would be especially interesting using concepts like that for Luxuries. The moods of your citizens could be quite fluid that way in modern times. I'll have to keep that in mind.

                            The evolution of this approach has been rather interesting. It started out with someone wanting an earthquake resource, and the idea keeps getting fed along the way.
                            Was thinking some more about this: you could use this to emulate political trends, public opinion, ect. - what's PC for a society at the moment. We all know from experience that a civ in real life doesn't get to do "what's" best - like solar plants verses nuke ones or vice versa depending on your opinion - unless there's constituency and support for it. In Civ you get to do what you want without much interference - acting more like Stalin all the time - than "Mr. President". Europeans will put up with high taxes and will support subsidized railroads - Americans always want a tax break. Detroit labor sides with Bush on ANWR drilling, and so on.

                            Would work like real life on another level: Switzerland and Germany are small land mass democracies that behave/ can do things more cohesively than say the US which is huge and regionalized much more - this resource idea would mimic that I think a little. Big reason BTW why US has a hard time I think doing "Europe" solutions - many more powerful competing points of view. Of course Canada is more politically cohesive and big in land area , but has small population - fewer cities, less territory in civ terms maybe is the way to think it. Would think there'd be more of this for democracies - making them more messy - like they really are:

                            So here's some example resources plus and minus each other, so the game plays you as much as you play it:
                            *Social Democracy
                            *Public Works


                            • #15
                              I wouldn't add anything but bonus resources since they aren't that important for gameplay.

                              In order to reflect what modern military units actually need, we would have to add bunches of resources.

                              Timber I think is somewhat dubious. True, all trees aren't suitable, but most will suffice. As far as gameplay, it isn't very necessary. Although a civ without forests probably shouldn't be able to build wooden ships, that occurance is pretty rare. Perhaps another way to do it would be to eliminate a forest tile within your empire after every X number of "wood requiring" units built. That way, you would have to replenish your forests or run out of wood.

                              I think you should be able to trade bonus resources. This could be like the caravans of old. Take a caravan full of cattle to another civ and get gold. Even to another one of your cities. The receiving city gets a "bonus" equal to the resource benefit for 10 turns or so and then disappears.

