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Winning Early: What do YOU do?

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  • Re: Re: Winning Early: What do YOU do?

    Originally posted by DeepO
    Be careful though, as soon as the AI gets ships it will start circumventing the chokepoints, so you still have to hurry to build there. But it will give you some more time...In the same spirit: try to settle coastal areas first, as it will prevent the AI to land settler teams on your side of the continent.
    In addition, if the ai still manages to settle a city in between your coastal cities (like in that one square which isn't under your coastal influence. IF you don't want to attack them as they are like a kickass powerful neighbour then your best bet is to either link up with city and get some trade routes going. OR if you just DON'T want them there(which is me as I always love having a continent to myself) then build additional cities in that area, boost up all the surrounding cities culture, build wonders, improvements etc and wait until the enemy cities people revolt as they 'yearn to be with you'.


    • I used culture to flip a city in my current game. There was a city belonging to the Carths on my border that had saltpeter next to it. Well I was in no position to go to war against the Carths for this one city. I do however, have high culture. So I plopped down a city. Rush built temple, cathedral, library, university and waited a little while. Poof...Now I have saltpeter. And what did I learn from all this? I need a bigger military
      Holy Cow!!! BigDork's Back!

      BigDork's Poll of the Day over at MZO. What Spam Will It Be Today?


      • hrm i just tried to delete this and it didnt allow me to. Evryone just disregard this.
        Use no way as way, have no limitation as limitation


        • These r sum great strageties... I'll most definatly be using them in my next game... Good stuff


          • You are welcome.

            They probably need some updating and cleaning up... 3-tile spacing as the easiest / most effective city spacing methodology, for instance.
            The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

            Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


            • Originally posted by Theseus
              You are welcome.

              They probably need some updating and cleaning up... 3-tile spacing as the easiest / most effective city spacing methodology, for instance.
              hi ,

              , yes and now , depends under the circumstances , ......

              have a nice day
              - LEGIO PATRIA NOSTRA - one shot , one kill - freedom exists only in a book - everything you always wanted to know about special forces - everything you always wanted to know about Israel - what Dabur does in his free time , ... - in french - “Become an anti-Semitic teacher for 5 Euro only.”
              WHY DOES ISRAEL NEED A SECURITY FENCE --- join in an exceptional demo game > join here forum is now open ! - the new civ Conquest screenshots > go see them UPDATED 07.11.2003 ISRAEL > crisis or challenge ?


              • Add me to the list of people delighted with this thread. I'm a pretty experienced player, but I always had trouble on Monarch. Just by fixing all the bad habits that I'd developed in the early game, I was able to amass an insurmountable lead in my current Monarch game by 800BC.


                • Early game tips

                  1) Ctrl+Shift+Q. This will save you MUCH frustration. Sometimes you start in the Gobi Desert. Given the fact that a full game of Civ III can take all day to play, do yourself a favor and get a start that interests you. This is NOT cheating, it is wasting your time more wisely.

                  2)Choose your civ wisely! Before you start the game, think not of whether you will win (hey, you read my post didn't you, you're golden!) but instead think of HOW you will win. If you want to be the Dark Lord, Chinese are the best bet (IMHO) followed closely by the Japanese. If you want to spread peace and prosperity, I would recommend the Babylonians as you can still win that often-crucial early-game war with the Bowman Rush (you will get an early GA, deal with it). If you're not sure, the Egyptians are a good bet as they have the versatility to do most anything.

                  3)Play with a bit of personality. This can be of help in winning, but mainly it just makes it more interesting. Click on the text below the picture of the civ leader when you are choosing your civ. You can change your name, your civ name, your title, the whole nine yards.

                  4)ONLY ONE WARNING. Doesn't matter how nice you want to be. If someone pisses you off twice, you may as well accept that they will keep doing it, NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOU KICK THEM AROUND.

                  5)KNOW YOUR ENEMY! If you have 2 neighbors in 3000BC, and one of them is the Indians, and the other is the Germans, wipe out those Germans ASAP. You can destroy the Indians almost anytime (I bet the real Ghandi got to run away a lot) but once those warmongering Germans get Panzers they can put a WORLD of hurt on you.

                  6)In times of war, prepare for peace. In times of peace, prepare for war. Always remember that the ultimate object of war is peace.

                  7)Exception to #6 - if you are playing as the Dark Lord, then read the above as following:
                  In times of war, prepare for more war. In times of peace, prepare for war. Always remember that the ultimate object of war is more war.

                  ...and I'm spent.


                  • Originally posted by Lawrence of Arabia

                    In fact, this IS EXACTLY HOW THE ROMAN FORMATIONS WERE BUILt! They had the most inexperienced units attack first, then the second rows were more experienced units. The elites only had to fight when the battle was going badly.
                    It's funny but it does make sense if you think about what warfare was like until the modern age. Prior to the use of heavy machinery like tanks men used to simply rush one another weilding bladed weapons or shooting guns. Surviving probably depended as much on luck as skill so why waste your better warriors/soldiers on those initial onslaughts. Strategically it made sense to have your masses take out as many of them as possible while hopefully at least wounding the most skilled and then your better warriors could handle those if need be.

                    Also - we need to keep in mind that an elite warrior in CIV is one who has already been tested in battle so in a real-world scenario this would translate into a warrior who's been part of those mass initial clashes in various battles and survived so Brutus would not have spent his whole life laying back, relaxing and just killing those infirmed



                    • I am a civ Veteran, mostly from Vel, Aeson, Theseus, and co.

                      Here are some of my tips:

                      1. Distroy of weaken an agressive civ early on, especially Persia, Immortals are always a mojor pain in the ass. One of my favorite tricks is to kill thier first worker, that REALLY slows them down if you kill the unit early enough. If you have a very nearby civ, rush them to make room for your expansion.

                      2. Befriend peaceful civs like France or Greece, they make good trading partners. Remember what a neighbor starts out with on the techs, so you can trade for thier techs instead of researching it yourself.

                      3. The Pyramids and Great Library are extremely important. At higher levels they are a nessecity.


                      • Originally posted by Odin
                        I am a civ Veteran, mostly from Vel, Aeson, Theseus, and co.

                        Here are some of my tips:

                        1. Distroy of weaken an agressive civ early on, especially Persia, Immortals are always a mojor pain in the ass. One of my favorite tricks is to kill thier first worker, that REALLY slows them down if you kill the unit early enough. If you have a very nearby civ, rush them to make room for your expansion.

                        2. Befriend peaceful civs like France or Greece, they make good trading partners. Remember what a neighbor starts out with on the techs, so you can trade for thier techs instead of researching it yourself.

                        3. The Pyramids and Great Library are extremely important. At higher levels they are a nessecity.
                        hi ,

                        trade techs , no way , just renogiate peace and get the tech they have for free , ........ it does not work allways with the ottomans , ......

                        have a nice day
                        - LEGIO PATRIA NOSTRA - one shot , one kill - freedom exists only in a book - everything you always wanted to know about special forces - everything you always wanted to know about Israel - what Dabur does in his free time , ... - in french - “Become an anti-Semitic teacher for 5 Euro only.”
                        WHY DOES ISRAEL NEED A SECURITY FENCE --- join in an exceptional demo game > join here forum is now open ! - the new civ Conquest screenshots > go see them UPDATED 07.11.2003 ISRAEL > crisis or challenge ?


                        • Winning Early: What do YOU do?
                          I don't.
                          No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


                          • 3. The Pyramids and Great Library are extremely important. At higher levels they are a nessecity.
                            I have to disagree about the Great Library. I have heard it called the "loser's wonder", because it doesn't get you techs until two other civs get them, which is too late to be of outstanding value. I find that aggressively trading techs can keep me in the same position, without having to spend all those shields on the great library.


                            • Originally posted by panag

                              hi ,

                              trade techs , no way , just renogiate peace and get the tech they have for free , ........ it does not work allways with the ottomans , ......

                              have a nice day
                              You must make sure that you are militarily stronger than the target civ for this to work.

                              Side note re: Great Library. Has anyone gifted the city with the GL away just before Education and then conquer the city back after education. Supposedly I read at CFC that you can benefit from the GL a second time all the way to the beginning of the industrial age!
                              signature not visible until patch comes out.

